Question for Guzman Ariza Law Firm on Residencia Temporal Renewal_2016?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
Background Info:

In May 2013 just before Residencia Visa requiments, I obtain Residencia Temporal(RT-9) with the help of Guzman Ariza Law Firm. All went fine and efficient. This is the Normal Residencia Temporal and not the Expedited-Investment Residency-Retiree program. Note that I was retired. I have renewed 3 times
since then with ease. (Photo copies, police paper and Proof of solvency (Local Bank letter minimum requirements 100,000.00 pesos).

Now since June 2016 to renew (from migracion web site):

1. Poliza de Garantia: This has been explain in another tread by LicelotteM, thank you LicelotteM.
Simply put it?s a bond that you purchase, in place of Guarantor.

2. I quote from migrationweb site:

?En caso de que el solicitante sea jubilado o pensionado, adem?s de la P?liza de Garant?a, deber? entregar una Certificaci?n Bancaria donde indique el monto que recibe del gobierno, organismo oficial o empresa privada de origen extranjero donde prestaba sus servicios, debidamente traducida al espa?ol por un int?rprete judicial. Dicha certificaci?n deber? contener los datos generales del solicitante, especialmente su n?mero de pasaporte y de documento nacional de identidad del pa?s de origen, tiempo que permaneci? en la empresa, cargo desempe?ado y el monto percibido como pensi?n o jubilaci?n, de la cual dispondr? para su manutenci?n en la Rep?blica Dominicana.?

Now my Question for Guzman Ariza Law Firm is: Does this Certificacion Bancaria apply to me?
I am retired but never held the Expedited-Investment Residency-Retiree, Residencia Temporal.
Again I have Residencia Temporal (RT-9), does this number identify different Residency?s?

Thanks, XTraveller


New member
Sep 8, 2014
Dear sir or madam:

Thank you for your message.

From your message I understand you should be able to renew with the policy; however,please email me directly at I will be happy to review your file and provide accurate information.

Best regards,

Licelotte M.