The fees that you have already paid covered your sponsorship application and the processing of your husbands application.
The RPRF is not required in advance but it is reccommended in order to avoid delays.
In our case, we did not pay the RPRF in advance but we didn't wait to be asked for it either.
We had extra documents that we had to send in after our daughter was born so we knew we could wait and send a copy of the receipt along with that package.
If the situation had been different, we would have paid it all upfront as is reccommended.
Once you have paid, you need to send the receipt to CIC-Mississauga. They will update the system to show you have paid and forward an electronic copy to Haiti. We also sent a copy to Haiti for their records...just in case the message didn't get through quickly.
You may want to scan/email or mail your receipt to Haiti letting them know that you have paid.
Here is the specific address for RPRF payments:
RPRF Payments
CPC Mississauga
P.O. Box 6100, Station A
Mississauga, ON
L5A 4H4
The only other steps may be for your husband to sign the "I have no other children" form and to submit your original marriage certificate and your husbands original birth certificate.
If the medical is going to expire, Haiti will ask your husband to go the embassy to pick up new medical forms that are specific to him. Do not do the medicals until they have requested them. Going to the doctor with the forms already filled out speeds things up and the results are back at the embassy in about 3 days.
You could be looking at a few more months realistically because of BF dates, mailing time, visa issuance time etc.
The good news is that you are getting very close!