READ THIS if married or marrying a Dominicano national


Jul 25, 2007
I'll reiterate that my wife's family are a better class of persons than my own extended family in the States and my wife's family is poor to say the least and from the country in Moca.

You can't generalize a whole population based on your and a few others experiences. Americans or whoever don't have a lock on morality in this world.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2004
10 years isn't a hustle. People everywhere do spiteful things during a divorce. You married an individual not a nationality.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Hi, Paul!

Iam so sorry that something like that happened to you, but the only thing that I can tell you that good things and bad things can happen everywhere as other persons have told you. My advice is try to know very well a person before taking that decision to get marry.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
I don't know why some people need to speak bad about people from "barrios", let me tell you that you can find better people in this place than in Upper class, where people are really plastic and only want money, but anyway if you really want to realise this just try it.. bye and don't speak bad about girl from barrios.


Active member
Jul 29, 2009
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
own up to your mistake and move on with your life

I don't care what other Dominicans told you, you are completely out of order. The situation you found yourself in is terrible, but not an excuse to be painting ALL Dominicans with the same brush. I don't care how many examples of similar stories you find with other foreigners... I can show you tonnes more positive examples. You picked the wrong mate. You made a mistake. Now please own up to it and move on with your life. Stop trash-talking Dominicans.


Jun 3, 2006
Marriage is about family, attraction, commitment to each other and having kids. But for some people it is a way to please their friends, parents and families, find someone who will support you, or a way to make some extra cash. Immoral people exist everywhere, not just in the DR.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm still stumped by why on earth if everyone around you was telling you it was a bad idea to marry, why you still did.
People in every country will capitalise on opportunity, sometimes I am embarrassed to tell people where I have chosen to live because of the stigma that goes with this place as an easy lay, buy a bride, men who have emmotional incompetence of some kind can find love (?) here, it is embarrassing, it has the rep Thailand had 10-20 year since, and maybe still does. You can't escape it, just sitting down El Conde and you see men batting out if their league, way above average.
In my mind I think I know these guys know that this is not forever, but some how justify it being a temporary arrangement, marriage of not, for the sakes of a good few years having that trophy on his arm. It is the majority here and so I think I agree, it is normal for men to end up paying for thier temporary accompaniment. Also a pattern developes once you talk to a few of these kind of guys, married in cuba, or Thailand, before here, some other predictable country where nothing of this subject is out of the ordinary, but far from all.

So yes I think if you are going to go for the beauty of the bunch, when you're an over eating, beer swelling, poor excuse for a brad pit then look out, be careful because love is cheap, you should know you can't buy it, so play and expect to pay, highly if you gamble on the wrong girl.
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New member
Sep 15, 2010
Sounds like the problem is with the fiscalia,who gives these women the power and incentive to get away with it.Yes i agree with you "money has no friends"true everywhere in the world.In DR you have to use this to your advantage.People will do anything for a peso nowadays.your approaching the situation like a foreigner and that will never work in DR.Truth is dominican problems require dominican solutions.You may have to line some peoples pockets to get the required result. Best thing you can do is talk about it.Let others know of your situation without being stereotipical.You would be suprized at the power of gossip in DR.I know its hard right now... Ive seen this type of woman before, my mom refers to them as (fieras).Remember... hell has no rath like a woman scorned, Dominican or otherwise.Try to learn from your mistake and approach every relationship with common sense .In other countries where I?ve lived, including countries smaller than the DR so where I knew even more of the population, I never encountered even one such story!).You need to get out may not be talked about,but it happens all the time, two centavos anyways
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Jul 29, 2009
Oakville, Ontario, Canada

your approaching the situation like a foreigner and that will never work in DR.Truth is dominican problems require dominican solutions.You may have to line some peoples pockets to get the required result.

This is the truth. Any foreigners in the DR should pay very close attention to what DRdaddy said. Foreigners especially need to understand that there are TWO laws that govern the DR. I've said this before.

1. The legal system as defined by the government
2. The laws of the jungle

And whenever in doubt, refer to #2. The DR ain't Kansas, people.

Texas Gringo

New member
Feb 22, 2010
OP- I must say, you cannot continually judge an entire society against your experience with the few Domincans that were involved with this fiasco.

I mean, honestly- that sh1t happens here stateside too. and in every country of the world.

Should you be angry at what happened to you? sure...but take some advice from what a few have left here.

And remember, if you lay with dogs,,,you'll get fleas....


New member
Nov 29, 2007
Exactly, I married a Domincano... he turned out to be lazy and not like to take care of family or business.... but he was not a free loader or dishonest... he signed the divorce papers without asking for anything.... don't judge this race by a few.... they are a proud and wonderful culture.

OP- I must say, you cannot continually judge an entire society against your experience with the few Domincans that were involved with this fiasco.

I mean, honestly- that sh1t happens here stateside too. and in every country of the world.

Should you be angry at what happened to you? sure...but take some advice from what a few have left here.

And remember, if you lay with dogs,,,you'll get fleas....


New member
Aug 20, 2009
The ignorance of pauls' post is beyond belief! But it's already been said, stay out of the gutter no matter where you go. Do you know how many similar stories happen in the US? Why aren't all Americans at fault? Then why should all Dominicans be responsible for some low life that took advantage of you? Good luck and stay out of the barrios next time. There are a lot of professional, wonderful Dominican men and women out there. IN fact, those are the only ones I know.


Nov 19, 2008
The ignorance of pauls' post is beyond belief! But it's already been said, stay out of the gutter no matter where you go. Do you know how many similar stories happen in the US? Why aren't all Americans at fault? Then why should all Dominicans be responsible for some low life that took advantage of you? Good luck and stay out of the barrios next time. There are a lot of professional, wonderful Dominican men and women out there. IN fact, those are the only ones I know.

Believe me, Dominicans have their own stereotyping of us. :ermm:

Heidi C Perez

New member
Jul 2, 2011
And what about the men? The dominican men?? Im a gringa Ive been to the barrios and back many times. I think your comment is rude and this **** happens alot. It hurts like **** too, to laugh at someone elses pain.. Typical , I dont see Americans using Dominican men or woman for Visas? or stealing ****ing furniture for pesos no Jotha.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Funny how as I posted my story mostly everyone bashed the dude i had in DR (even tho he is a piece of work) and this guy posts his story and ppl are like oh wait not everyone is like this...2 faced??? Here is my take on it. ppl go to dr for vacation most not looking for attention and then DR guy or girl sees his bate so to speak and most tourist are unaware of how things work there. We don't usually get this fake type of love back home. so why would we think it is fake? they persuade u into a Pseudo-Relationship...and then you seem is up to you to re search and put two and two together if it is real or fake. I have alot of friends from DR and yea some good some bad like everywhere but this site is about DR so thats what ur going to get when ppl say it can happen anywhere. lol


May 12, 2002
Believe me, Dominicans have their own stereotyping of us. :ermm:

Yes, some poor Dominicans that would recieve some form of donations would say that Americans are rich, smart, kind and generous, they see Americans as gods. But the Dominicans that watch MTV would say that Americans belch, fart, are party animals, abnoxious, heavy drinkers and can't keep the clothes on when drinking tequila.

Then you have those Dominicans that watch the lifetime chanel and all the cold case files, that may think that Americans killl for money since most of the shows about murders are usually tied up to large and suspicious insurance policies.

But only ignorant dominicans would say that Americans are obnoxious, party animals, killers, smart, generous and sex addicts based on Cold Case Files, MTV, movies or personal experience.


New member
Nov 29, 2007
I have married and divorced a dominicano.... although lazy among other things... he signed the divorce and left only with his things and never tried to get anything from me..... they are not all thieves.....


New member
Mar 9, 2011
that i what i call real love!, people come for vacation they spend 2 weeks here and find the love of their life!!! really?? if you marry anyone from any nationality without knowing WELL that person all this Sh^% will happen to you, here in africa in India in USA... it's call THINK BETTER before you take this step in your life!!