Reduced reduced CV19 Deaths

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It wasn't me

Jan 1, 2022
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Then you can take that opinion up with the researchers from Johns Hopkins who disagree with you that the results cannot be quantified.
They indeed quantified the results and found the benefit of lockdowns to be Zero Point 2 percent (0.2%). A way I would put that is the lockdowns had ZERO significant benefit and tremendous bad effects.

But that is just me.

You believe the Chinese> Really?
Not researcher Mike, economists whose "study" has been disputed for being inaccurate by Scientists and Medical Experts.
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It wasn't me

Jan 1, 2022
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The study Johns Hopkins study is published here with all the details:

Already proved that the economists that wrote is were wrong. Don't you have anything better Mike or are you just going to repeat yourself? The record's stuck I bet LOL
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It wasn't me

Jan 1, 2022
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I miss the lock down. My favorite restaurants were open just less crowded. There was less traffic, hotels were more than half off. Many businesses carried on as usual. My only concern was the businesses that did suffer. The lockdowns were nothing but political fodder.
You're not qualified to decide that the lockdowns were only political fodder, Mr. mining guy.

It wasn't me

Jan 1, 2022
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I personally do not care about the studies flaws. The conclusion of the original study is something I agree with.
I make my own decisions based upon this and how the world MUST move forward:

Masks are not effective at stopping the latest versions of CV19, like Omicron which is VERY contagious.
The vaccines do no kill CV19 of any type. People can still pass infections and some even become sick when vaccinated.
Hence, CV19 will continue to mutate , most likely becoming more virulent and perhaps less deadly.
Virtually everyone will become infected. Perhaps after infection treatments, like the new pills, will reduce the levels of sickness and deaths.

The lockdowns, wearing masks and the vaccines?
None of them stopped CV19. All of this means CV19 is not going anywhere and we must learn now to live with this.
Those who don't want a chance of getting CV19 will have to isolate themselves FOREVER.
That sums it up nicely. You don't care about facts and won't let then get in the way of your repetitious posting.

It wasn't me

Jan 1, 2022
location, location, location
At least you realize the vaccines don't stop the virus, So there is progress on that front. Get vaccinated every month, wear an N95 mask even to bed and never leaver your house is what I recommend for you.

No masks as they are worn by most people will stop the spread of Omicron. It is that contagious. What context did you miss?
The one where people properly wear a new N95 mask every day? Perhaps in hospitals and that is what YOU do? Virtually not anywhere else.

I am simply following the reality of the situation. Nothing more. Please respond point by point if you disagree instead of vague generalities. CV19 is here, there and everywhere to stay. It is time to move on.
Blah, Blah, Blah, more repetitious nonsense.


Jul 10, 2004
Has your life really been negatively affected? Except for not being able to gig, which is no loss and yes I've had the "pleasure" LOL . It's not that your group is not skilled but more like flat (not tonally) and soul-less if you'll pardon the critique
In a word yes. A big F**K YES regarding my life be affected. I was VERY cautious for over a year once the virus escaped from WIV and rapidly spread.
I got 4 experimental vaccine injections. What might they do to me? I have no idea. Now they are virtually useless after 7 months since the last one.
Will I get yet another injection? I doubt it.
Other than playing music for people? It is main hobby which has been curtailed quite a bit over the past two years.
We used to eat out at least twice a week and that went to zero for some time.
I have not travelled out of the DR in two years now.
Normally we do a couple of trips a year off the island. I still don't have a trip off island scheduled. Flying sucks and got even worse.

I studied the CV19 situation extensively since day and realize now that it is time to move on. Nothing is going to stop people from being infected, getting sick, dying, or having no symptoms at all. There are many people out there with completely wrong concepts on how this will continue on. And it will continue on.

As for Island Breeze: Don't shoot me, I am only the piano player.
It isn't "my" group, I simply play in it. It is Dick's group. He picks the songs. And I know you cannot please everyone.
Dick has been a professional with a degree in music and has played his entire life as a professional. I will relate your critique to him.
We generally play to a very good to excellent audience response despite your lack of enjoyment. It works for the group.
First gig of this season and in a long time is scheduled from 5 to 7 PM at El Choco restaurant Tuesday February 15.

chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
You've been proven wrong almost as often as you post. Give it up already.
You and Sky need to get together for a weekend of applying butt-hurt cream and telling each other Covid horror stories.
You are hanging on to this scary virus farce longer than Disco hung around.
I am sure you have bored all your friends and neighbors and now you're here trying to create more Coivd-chondriacs but guess what - it just isn't working.
Time to hang up your raccoon coat and megaphone and put the spats back in the closet. Some things just die of old age.
This virus and all the mandates are finished.

chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
I clarified his inane questions, at least twice, and answered. If that's not enough for you that's too bad, Bob
All you do is blather - you never have relevant points. There are some here on this forum who do read and research and are eloquent enough to impart some information.
But that certainly isn't you - by a long shot.
Time for you to get a hobby
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