Registering guns

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Misleading? :)

My post was #4, ID's first was #8 and I actually quoted "Joey (Bag'a) Doughnuts post in my post to avoid any identity crisis...

I realize your wording was likely "tongue-in-cheek", as are most of my posts, so I'll even buy the first round or 2, at Rocky's, when we meet up! :cheeky::bunny::bunny:
The only thing I was referring to was Apostropheman's insight.

I don't think anyone was calling IslandDreaming a troll, a sock puppet, or anything else. Perhaps the sequence of posts was misleading, but in my opinion, there was a simple misunderstanding, and nothing more.
...but sometimes it makes ya wonder.
"if the shoe fits"! ;)


Oct 26, 2004
I don't think anyone was calling IslandDreaming a troll, a sock puppet, or anything else. Perhaps the sequence of posts was misleading, but in my opinion, there was a simple misunderstanding, and nothing more.

That was precisely how I viewed it...but as they say.....

"If the cap fits, wear it"


Mar 4, 2004
I never think I'm important enough for someone to take a pop at, unless they name me.

If it was a misunderstanding, I expect ID will do the honorable thing & apologise & then anyone who wants to can get back to the OP's question.


Oct 26, 2004
If it was a misunderstanding, I expect ID will do the honorable thing & apologise & then anyone who wants to can get back to the OP's question.

Lambada, that is a VERY humble offer but why in the world would you apologize for being sincerely helpful and offering accurate advice as you always do?

It doesnt matter how many times I re-read your response, it would have been hard to misconstrue.

oops, I misread that...goes to show what too much work and lack of sleep can and will do!
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Mar 2, 2008
?There was no misunderstanding between Joey Dognuts and Lambada. That was an out and out insult to Lambada, and one that demonstrates Joey's basic character.

I was talking about the bruha with IslandDreaming. I think he made some incorrect assumptions about what SantigoDR posted.

With regard to Apostropheman's integrity, insight, and offer, I whole-heartedly approve and endorse all three.
May 5, 2007
My findings

From information I have received regarding the same basic inquiry:

if your Escort is a full bird or above you can possess those weapons until such time he is no longer serving

There seems to be much confusion as to what would happen if you used the weapon and were subject to Civilian Police scrutiny, but the answer I received from a General Officer was " No problem"

Try and get your friend to put something on letterhead

I have a taurus .45 mm. I heard its illegal to have a 44mm in DR.

I am thinking about bringing it with me in a lock box. Quite frankly I'd like to bring my 12 guage mossberg and maybe a a 9mm & .22.

Considering I won't have trouble to bring in the firearms in my luggage with an escort upon arrival.

What is the process to register firearms that quite frankly will not have any reciept from a Dominican Dealer?? or should I even bother if I have them in my possesion either way??


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006

Looks like I should have included:

"Read between the lines" (Special Words)

As the response sure did not relate back to actual "WORDS" that I said.

Perhaps I should list ALL those that I am not referring to,
.. evidently quoting someone and giving a response to THAT PERSON'S quote isn't good enough.

My original post was directed to the OP, specifically his rudeness to Lambada,
... NOT Island Dreaming or anyone else at that moment in time and space.

Island Dreaming, thanks for not wanting to meet me!
Saves me from finding an excuse to avoid you.

Interesting to note that the OP has been a member for nearly 3 years and just now posting.............

Murphy's Lesser Known law:
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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Jan 1, 2002

Joey Doughnuts

New member
Nov 26, 2006

I hope you guys enjoyed the smorgasboard on the salchichon, .

Wow, I stand in disbelief that 1 single post can be chopped up, cut down, processed & rehashed with all this MINDLESS DRAMA.

I really don't got the time to address specifically ANYONE. But as I started reading down and seeing post after post, and 3 pages on the bottom I noticed we brought in the jungle bunnies.

Well, I'm gonna make this to the point, fast & easy for you. I really can't zero in on names or quotes, just what I got from this post I will share.


SIMPLICITY : 1 question, 1 answer. NOT 1 question for endless debate & drama. I'm NOT YOUR G*D-DAMN LOVER and from what I see theres no pics here of your lover giving a new testament.

REALITY : I can know ANYONE in the world BUT THAT doesn't MEAN THEY WILL DO CRAP FOR ME UNTIL THEY DO. Most importantly before I ask ANYONE for a favor, I find out the ground, validity and proper reason before taking ANYONES time or even THINK ABOUT making a call.

p2, I don't know CRAP about guns. But besides what I have now I got a ( kg-9 (relic ), baretta 9mm, S&W 357 mag, of my late father) & a semi-auto AK, I'm not a criminal, and its been years since I fired any. Lately I have a fuzzy memory. I'm ontop of allot of things , I forget names, I have to look at this piece to say its infact a .45 ACP PT 145 Made in Brazil. Once thing you groundless *********are good for is to put somebody on the spot. KUDOS, but I'm more embarrased adults like you walk this planet

I don't know what guns go for in DR but to me its money down the drain if I allready have one. Guided from the crap people have wrote here I'm sure your the type that would buy a 3rd gun upon arrival to give 2 away to your bodyguards. Please, ***** ***. You'll especially be the one to announce it to all your dramaqueens on a forum post, PLEASE, u- seriously suck.

SOLUTION : I ask "can you get me the permit now @xyz for x gun before I go", instead of go on a limb with some STUPID SH*t on a mirage & multitude of assumptions & debate. UNTIL I GET IT, theres just as much a chance of no as there is yes. The idea of me comming back to mention a damn thing of how things went can only come from somebody that wants to REMOVED.

DRAMA : It takes a man and turns him into a NOTHING. The day you find it in youself to realize all the Sh*T slinging , uncalledfor questions,, malconstrued assumptions I'd say you neared your chances of not being a CLUELESS & LOATHESOME burden on society.

APOLOGY: Lambada, I don't have nothing against you. I still believe after I RE-combed the posts after your 1st post you could've said quite simply "x dep gives the permits & I consider it will be near impossible" because infact when I FOUND my answer, your name was all over the threads in my 2nd search attempt. Iinstead you decided to give me a ride. Its ok, I understand how people come around wanting others to do their homework for them. Trust me I wouldnt've even started this thread without doing a preliminary search.

LEARNING : Re-read DRAMA section. Whoever wrote out some Whacked out CRAP, seriously, savor your grand opportunity.

HUMILITY : If theres one thng I'm proud of as an adult & in my upbring we were tought about culture. My mother went to la UASD, studied public admin and many of her colleagues hold either public or military positions. PEOPLE FROM DR THAT KNOW BETTER DONT RUN AROUND THINKING THEIR HOT- SH*T BECAUSE OF ANYTHING AS MULTITUDE OF DIRTBAGS DO AND THE TRUTH IS MY MOTHER'S CIRCUMSTANCE IN MY HONEST OPINION IS MARGINALLY REPLICATED BY MANY OF HER COLLEAGUES WITH AN OUNCE OF PERSONALITY.
I'm distanced from DR life and am not the one thats quick to call and ask favors from NOBODY unless I see the need, its specific, I know what its worth, will pay, its properly directed and is reasonable. YET you dirtbags took this completely out of context and went on great lengths and tangents to show what an REMOVED. Thanks!! because if anything, people like you around are a sincere scratch on the ego of even someone as myself that otherwise NEVER cared to prove SH*T TO ANYONE.

HUMOR : You picked on Joey Doughnuts, I'll admit the name is halarious. But whats even more halrious is when the first time you hear the name's when your dad tells you of a friend that died after eating too much.
Luperon & bushbaby. Now that's quality humor. Ha. Ha.
DrlocA: this is for you LINK REMOVED

CONCLUSION : Now you take a douchebag foregner that can only talk bad about Dominicans OR just about nearly EVERYTHING & REMOVED about ANYthing their simple mind can pick on --OR-- Dominicans that let the platano residue block mental function AND you get the multitude of BS post that graced this page.
>>>> Become a part of the solution or YOU are the PROBLEM. Spread the word.

If you think I revisit this thread to waste my time on BS, you got something else comming to you.

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Mar 4, 2004
I hope you guys enjoyed the smorgasboard on the salchichon, .

Wow, I stand in disbelief that 1 single post can be chopped up, cut down, processed & rehashed with all this MINDLESS DRAMA.

I really don't got the time to address specifically ANYONE. But as I started reading down and seeing post after post, and 3 pages on the bottom I noticed we brought in the jungle bunnies.

Well, I'm gonna make this to the point, fast & easy for you. I really can't zero in on names or quotes, just what I got from this post I will share.


SIMPLICITY : 1 question, 1 answer. NOT 1 question for endless debate & drama. I'm NOT YOUR G*D-DAMN LOVER and from what I see theres no pics here of your lover giving a new testament.

REALITY : I can know ANYONE in the world BUT THAT doesn't MEAN THEY WILL DO CRAP FOR ME UNTIL THEY DO. Most importantly before I ask ANYONE for a favor, I find out the ground, validity and proper reason before taking ANYONES time or even THINK ABOUT making a call.

p2, I don't know CRAP about guns. But besides what I have now I got a ( kg-9 (relic ), baretta 9mm, S&W 357 mag, of my late father) & a semi-auto AK, I'm not a criminal, and its been years since I fired any. Lately I have a fuzzy memory. I'm ontop of allot of things , I forget names, I have to look at this piece to say its infact a .45 ACP PT 145 Made in Brazil. Once thing you groundless *********are good for is to put somebody on the spot. KUDOS, but I'm more embarrased adults like you walk this planet

I don't know what guns go for in DR but to me its money down the drain if I allready have one. Guided from the crap people have wrote here I'm sure your the type that would buy a 3rd gun upon arrival to give 2 away to your bodyguards. Please, ***** ***. You'll especially be the one to announce it to all your dramaqueens on a forum post, PLEASE, u- seriously suck.

SOLUTION : I ask "can you get me the permit now @xyz for x gun before I go", instead of go on a limb with some STUPID SH*t on a mirage & multitude of assumptions & debate. UNTIL I GET IT, theres just as much a chance of no as there is yes. The idea of me comming back to mention a damn thing of how things went can only come from somebody that wants to REMOVED.

DRAMA : It takes a man and turns him into a NOTHING. The day you find it in youself to realize all the Sh*T slinging , uncalledfor questions,, malconstrued assumptions I'd say you neared your chances of not being a CLUELESS & LOATHESOME burden on society.

APOLOGY: Lambada, I don't have nothing against you. I still believe after I RE-combed the posts after your 1st post you could've said quite simply "x dep gives the permits & I consider it will be near impossible" because infact when I FOUND my answer, your name was all over the threads in my 2nd search attempt. Iinstead you decided to give me a ride. Its ok, I understand how people come around wanting others to do their homework for them. Trust me I wouldnt've even started this thread without doing a preliminary search.

LEARNING : Re-read DRAMA section. Whoever wrote out some Whacked out CRAP, seriously, savor your grand opportunity.

HUMILITY : If theres one thng I'm proud of as an adult & in my upbring we were tought about culture. My mother went to la UASD, studied public admin and many of her colleagues hold either public or military positions. PEOPLE FROM DR THAT KNOW BETTER DONT RUN AROUND THINKING THEIR HOT- SH*T BECAUSE OF ANYTHING AS MULTITUDE OF DIRTBAGS DO AND THE TRUTH IS MY MOTHER'S CIRCUMSTANCE IN MY HONEST OPINION IS MARGINALLY REPLICATED BY MANY OF HER COLLEAGUES WITH AN OUNCE OF PERSONALITY.
I'm distanced from DR life and am not the one thats quick to call and ask favors from NOBODY unless I see the need, its specific, I know what its worth, will pay, its properly directed and is reasonable. YET you dirtbags took this completely out of context and went on great lengths and tangents to show what an REMOVED. Thanks!! because if anything, people like you around are a sincere scratch on the ego of even someone as myself that otherwise NEVER cared to prove SH*T TO ANYONE.

HUMOR : You picked on Joey Doughnuts, I'll admit the name is halarious. But whats even more halrious is when the first time you hear the name's when your dad tells you of a friend that died after eating too much.
Luperon & bushbaby. Now that's quality humor. Ha. Ha.
DrlocA: this is for you LINK REMOVED

CONCLUSION : Now you take a douchebag foregner that can only talk bad about Dominicans OR just about nearly EVERYTHING & REMOVED about ANYthing their simple mind can pick on --OR-- Dominicans that let the platano residue block mental function AND you get the multitude of BS post that graced this page.
>>>> Become a part of the solution or YOU are the PROBLEM. Spread the word.

If you think I revisit this thread to waste my time on BS, you got something else comming to you.


:laugh::laugh: Would I be out of place in asking for a translation?
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Jan 1, 2002
:laugh::laugh: Would I be out of place in asking for a translation?
As Joey liked my style of humor earlier in this thread I am sure he won't mind me saying that I think this IS the translation Lambada. I don't know his original language but from the disjointed style of prose here he seems to have used 'BabbleFish' as the translation tool. ;)

Perhaps if he kept his 'Doughnuts' closer to his 'Joey' he might be able to converse without the threats ............ NOT appreciated on this set of Forums Old Chap - Don't yer Know??!! ~ Grahame.
Mar 2, 2008
I think the translation is that Dognuts, like most trolls, loves drama, and will go to great lengths to create it when none exists,

Dognuts is having his third or fourth incarnation on this forum, and we will more than likely be blessed with many more. It's best not to feed these trolls. If they receive even one handout you'll never get rid of them.
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