Regularization Card.


Apr 29, 2014
I believe one of those places is the Dominican Foreign Affairs Dept. and the other is the Office of Migracion (Immigration). For my retiree/Investor process, I had to get approvals from the Foreign Affairs Dept. to give to Migracion along with all the other usual paperwork.


Dec 11, 2003
I was told that if I applied for residency through incoraperating my self or that I would not need to have the mounthly income. But I would still have to go through the Forigen office I think I do not know what is the Control of Migration is that only for the regulashion process or is that in the
Dominacan embise in Miami also. Guzman also told me about getting married as an opthion that would not require the 2000 mounthly but what
Office would give the visa for these two opthions?

ok The Foreign Office is just that Portal de Servicios Consulares see them listed under "external relations". They maintain all the consulates in various countries around the world. Under the old residency plan, everyone applied here so perhaps it was not clear that the process was being handled by two different departments.

then Immigration Direccion General de Migracion is listed under citizen services.. So -- foreign office when you are outside the country, immigration once you are inside.

You can see here Portal de Servicios Consulares de la Rep?blica Dominicana that the Foreign Office gives out all the visas.

This is not so odd.. there is the same split inside the US -- once one is inside the USA, matters are handled by INS - immigration and Naturalization -- or La Migra...

So it sounds as if there are indeed avenues open to you besides the PLAN. It is good that you have talked with Guzman et al.

Just listen to them.....