Regularization plan ????


Jul 10, 2004
You have a dominican girlfriend and child ?....... well if you really want to stay, just get married ( or prove you have been togother for 2+ years ).
You dont need anything to qualify....well apart from a passport, and no legal problems.
You dont need any proof of economical solvency, no dominican garantees, no job, no income, no titles or deeds, ........ nothing at all really.

What exactly will getting married to a Dominican woman (or proving they were together for at least 2 years) do for him? Perhaps being married will allow for residency to be applied for within the DR and without a need for a guarantor. That might be the case.

A girlfriend you lived with for more than 2 years does not ring a bell as counting for anything in this kind of situation.

I have been married for over 13 years, had residency starting in 2002, renewed at every renewal, and just recently was screwed by Migracion and am still going through my own special type of "regularization" based upon corruption, incompetence and/or they wanted more money from me at Migracion. I will only know in May, 2019 if all I submitted is good. Six months just to wait for them to print my residency card again. By the way, despite my marriage for many years to a Dominican woman, I still had to provide a proof of economic solvency to Migracion just to get back in the system (along with an apostilled/translated/notorized,etc,etc,... birth certificate and some other forms that needed filling.)


Apr 29, 2014
Getting married is no longer a quick way to citizenship (as I understand it). Those wishing to live in this country, all have to get residency. After that, if one wishes to apply for citizenship based on marriage to a Dominican or other available program, you can do so.

Citizenship = no renewal and no ongoing fees.
Residency = must be renewed on a schedule and the fees seem to increase with some regularity.

YC in your case, you will need to get residency. You may be able to find a way with the help of a knowledgeable person. So don't run out and get married thinking it will help with residency, it will not.


Jul 10, 2004
Getting married is no longer a quick way to citizenship (as I understand it). Those wishing to live in this country, all have to get residency. After that, if one wishes to apply for citizenship based on marriage to a Dominican or other available program, you can do so.

Citizenship = no renewal and no ongoing fees.
Residency = must be renewed on a schedule and the fees seem to increase with some regularity.

YC in your case, you will need to get residency. You may be able to find a way with the help of a knowledgeable person. So don't run out and get married thinking it will help with residency, it will not.

That is exactly what I was going to say, based upon my experience and why I suggested that marriage is not a way to proceed at this time. The requirements for residency don't appear to be met based upon the information we have from yachtchef.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
So i guess a lawyer is a wast of time and i am a louser at this. I well just give my car a d things to a good charity and call it a day. The DR just didn't work out for me. Unfortunately i have nothing in the usa no family no house no nothing. Homeless for real. I only had one besket to put my eggs and it is gone now. Thanks for the years of post DR1 and hope others have more luck here then me.

i do not want to hear any of this throwing in of the towel. step one...stop posting your problem on DR1, because every guy has different information, and you are going to get further distressed. go to the people who have the answers, for real. somebody must know what happened. i have a friend in POP who works with immigration, and who ushered my residency through. i will go see her next week, and pm you. there must be some way this can be resolved, if guys in your category received residency.


Jul 10, 2004
i do not want to hear any of this throwing in of the towel. step one...stop posting your problem on DR1, because every guy has different information, and you are going to get further distressed. go to the people who have the answers, for real. somebody must know what happened. i have a friend in POP who works with immigration, and who ushered my residency through. i will go see her next week, and pm you. there must be some way this can be resolved, if guys in your category received residency.

It will be most interesting to see what you discover.

One reason why everyone has different information is that because everyone you ask at Migracion provides a different response. The people in POP have been wrong as often as they have been right.


Jun 16, 2014
So i guess a lawyer is a wast of time and i am a louser at this. I well just give my car a d things to a good charity and call it a day. The DR just didn't work out for me. Unfortunately i have nothing in the usa no family no house no nothing. Homeless for real. I only had one besket to put my eggs and it is gone now. Thanks for the years of post DR1 and hope others have more luck here then me.

A good reputable lawyer like Guzman is not a waste of time, especially when it is a free consultation, and the fact that you have a child here is in your favor. DGM can make whatever exceptions they want - regardless of what the rules may say.

I say there is no way DGM would deport or bar entry to the father of a Dominican child. Absolutely no reason for you to not keep pressing on.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Gorgon is correct this is making me more scared and dipressed i put it on DR1 looking for ancers in a difficult time.


Jul 10, 2004
A good reputable lawyer like Guzman is not a waste of time, especially when it is a free consultation, and the fact that you have a child here is in your favor. DGM can make whatever exceptions they want - regardless of what the rules may say.

I say there is no way DGM would deport or bar entry to the father of a Dominican child. Absolutely no reason for you to not keep pressing on.

For my situation of "missing documents" at Migracion despite being able to renew residency for the past 15 years until now, Guzman quoted $1,500 US just to see if they could "argue my case" and shorten my wait time from 6 months until I get a new card. I did not take them up on it, since there was no guarantee that spending that money would do anything at all.

But, by all means, ask any questions you want and see what they say.


Jun 16, 2014
For my situation of "missing documents" at Migracion despite being able to renew residency for the past 15 years until now, Guzman quoted $1,500 US just to see if they could "argue my case" and shorten my wait time from 6 months until I get a new card. I did not take them up on it, since there was no guarantee that spending that money would do anything at all.

But, by all means, ask any questions you want and see what they say.

I'm not suggesting that yc plunk down any money at this point - just take advantage of the free consultation and get sound legal advice. What happens net will be for him to decide.

I missed applying for the PNRE and, technically, I had to go to the US to start my residency. I talked to Guzman and they thought they could get my residency through w/o me having to start it in the US. I decided it was worth the risk to try. They got me my residency w/o having to go back.

Big firms like Guzman, and some smaller ones, too(the trick is knowing which ones) have contacts high up within DGM where they can get answers otherwise not available to the average person and can sometimes get your case special attention.


Jul 10, 2004
I'm not suggesting that yc plunk down any money at this point - just take advantage of the free consultation and get sound legal advice. What happens net will be for him to decide.

I missed applying for the PNRE and, technically, I had to go to the US to start my residency. I talked to Guzman and they thought they could get my residency through w/o me having to start it in the US. I decided it was worth the risk to try. They got me my residency w/o having to go back.

Big firms like Guzman, and some smaller ones, too(the trick is knowing which ones) have contacts high up within DGM where they can get answers otherwise not available to the average person and can sometimes get your case special attention.

I understand the corruption and Migracion Mafia with lawyers very well after my recent situation and discussions with more than 4 different Dominican immigration lawyers.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
If i need to pay a lawyer i well and i well do what i have to but i should never gotten a work permit and i don't know why this happened this plan was my best shot and the marriage was a back up but now i don't know what to do i don't want to give up but i feel hopeless.


Jun 16, 2014
I understand the corruption and Migracion Mafia with lawyers very well after my recent situation and discussions with more than 4 different Dominican immigration lawyers.

A lot of lawyers here would have guaranteed you that they could solve your problem, then, when it didn't work out - good luck trying to get your money back.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
What exactly will getting married to a Dominican woman (or proving they were together for at least 2 years) do for him? Perhaps being married will allow for residency to be applied for within the DR and without a need for a guarantor. That might be the case.

A girlfriend you lived with for more than 2 years does not ring a bell as counting for anything in this kind of situation.

I have been married for over 13 years, had residency starting in 2002, renewed at every renewal, and just recently was screwed by Migracion and am still going through my own special type of "regularization" based upon corruption, incompetence and/or they wanted more money from me at Migracion. I will only know in May, 2019 if all I submitted is good. Six months just to wait for them to print my residency card again. By the way, despite my marriage for many years to a Dominican woman, I still had to provide a proof of economic solvency to Migracion just to get back in the system (along with an apostilled/translated/notorized,etc,etc,... birth certificate and some other forms that needed filling.)

Well, to my understanding, being married to a dominican citizen, knocks a whole lot of requirements off the residency list.
I have no garant, presented no proof of economic solvency, etc.......
So i fail to see what requirements yacht chief could " fail"....... go back for 2 weeks holiday to home country, get RS visa, a birth certificate, a police check, and he is good to go.

And yes, on the DGM form, you can tick soltero, casado or concubinage...... so i take that to mean it is recognised.


Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
Well, to my understanding, being married to a dominican citizen, knocks a whole lot of requirements off the residency list.
I have no garant, presented no proof of economic solvency, etc.......
So i fail to see what requirements yacht chief could " fail"....... go back for 2 weeks holiday to home country, get RS visa, a birth certificate, a police check, and he is good to go.
And yes, on the DGM form, you can tick soltero, casado or concubinage...... so i take that to mean it is recognised.

That use to be case no difference married or not..

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
It will be most interesting to see what you discover.

One reason why everyone has different information is that because everyone you ask at Migracion provides a different response. The people in POP have been wrong as often as they have been right.

i realize that, but i applied in POP, and i have my residency. all i can do is to talk to the people i know here, to see if there is anything i can find out which might help yacht chef.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Ship Shape

Listen to Goegon.... accept his offer...
Try this ....for free! With him.

If it fails.... we’ll regroup and start again

Worst case is you row your dinghy offshore and enter again....every 30 days or so.

I will ask my lawyer about you.... I have a meeting next week

Don’t jump overboard..... yet !!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Give the history ShipShape

When did you come here?
Do you fit into the Regularizion Program

Any outstanding fines or criminal issues?
I had to prove that myself this week.... 600 pesos


Jun 16, 2014
It will be most interesting to see what you discover.

One reason why everyone has different information is that because everyone you ask at Migracion provides a different response. The people in POP have been wrong as often as they have been right.

If it were something really important, unusual, and/or somewhat complicated like yc's case is, I wouldn't believe anything they told me in POP. They're just junior paper pushers there. I'd have to hear it from someone somewhat higher up at DGM in SD.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Give the history ShipShape

When did you come here?
Do you fit into the Regularizion Program

Any outstanding fines or criminal issues?
I had to prove that myself this week.... 600 pesos

I had the police report ie good conduct, letters from 4 bissnes the ID's from 9 domicans, light bills apartment letter say how long i had been here bank statment from over 14 years, recits showing how much i had spent in the DR well over the required amount. I thought i had it all covered.