For those who have not yet understood how to find the results on the official site of the Pan Am games, here is the few things to do when you are on the homepage 'Portada' :
1) Go in the middle of the page at the Medallero yellow frame
2) Then click on medallero, puntuacion, resultados ..... just at the foot of this frame
3) On the new window opened go to Results just after participants by country and participants by sport. Click on Results.
4) All the sports logos appear. Click on the one you want.
5) The days you can click on are a bit more yellow. Click on the day you want ...
AND YOU CAN HAVE A SMILE. You've got them.
1) Go in the middle of the page at the Medallero yellow frame
2) Then click on medallero, puntuacion, resultados ..... just at the foot of this frame
3) On the new window opened go to Results just after participants by country and participants by sport. Click on Results.
4) All the sports logos appear. Click on the one you want.
5) The days you can click on are a bit more yellow. Click on the day you want ...
AND YOU CAN HAVE A SMILE. You've got them.