Although the sister thread (No blacks, no gays... Rua's Bar defends policy)was closed because it degenerated to nonsense, it is important to note that the bar's management has done an about face and now categorically denied that they discriminated against anyone.
There are only four rules for getting in: Be an adult, have a cedula, carry no guns, and be adequately dressed (no shorts, sneakers or T- shirts without arms or collar). Now I can live with that.
?Queremos desmentir categ?ricamente, la informaci?n que ha salido en algunos medios de comunicaci?n donde se acusa a Rua?s Bar de no permitir la entrada a homosexuales y a personas morenas o de color en el bar?, precisaron en otro documento, enviado este lunes a la Redacci?n de Clave Digital.
There are only four rules for getting in: Be an adult, have a cedula, carry no guns, and be adequately dressed (no shorts, sneakers or T- shirts without arms or collar). Now I can live with that.