I don't like Claro, mainly because they are incompetent and for some reason don't upgrade anything. Their internet service in the area of Sosúa where I live hasn't upgraded for the past 7-8 years, and I mean in that time there's been ALOT of progress in ANY tech field so WHY haven't they done anything? Fiber has been available with claro for the past 6-7 years but it seems they don't seem interested in extending their service outside city centers.
First of all, when I first came here 10 years ago, the seller told me that yeah it's fiber optic with a plan of 3/1 Mbit and still using the phone cables. So I argued a bit with him that it wasn't until I finally gave up as he wouldn't budge (I mean, perhaps there was fiber from one of their central to another, but NOT to the end customer).
But the worst part was when I moved from one area to another area close by. At that time I had 20/5 Mbit at my old place and it was working okay. So when I moved to another area, I wanted to continue. The technician said that it was fine. But it NEVER worked, it was online for like 5 minutes then it got disconnected and went up and down so for a while. I called like 20 times during a month until a technician came and then said that it wouldn't work with 20/5 but with 10/2 instead. So they "fixed" it, but still had the same issue, so once again I called like 20 more times before after 1 month a technician came, and that technician when I told him what the other technician had said he just shook his head and said, that max 5/1 would work for me at that location as it was too far away from the closest central. So after like 3 months, it started working, it wasn't great but it worked. So when a local ISP started offering fiber optics for real, I quickly shifted, and now I have 100/50 and during the past 3 years, I've been with them, in total I may have had like 72hours of down time which is like 99,83% uptime.
So unless I'm actually forced to I would never go back to Claro.