What I really want is a private clinic that administers separate single vaccines for Measles, Mumps and Rubella for children located anywhere in the Dominican Republic.
What I really want is a private clinic that administers separate single vaccines for Measles, Mumps and Rubella for children located anywhere in the Dominican Republic.
It sounds like you would need quite a number of separate private clinics to cover the entire DR.
There are public clinics, such as the one in Puerto Plata that have vaccinations, but I have no idea about being "separate". I suspect you already know about the public clinics and dismissed them as being inadequate for your needs
There is a new movie called vaxxed everyong got unset thinking it was an anti-vaccine movie but it is not it addess one vaccine the MMR vaccine and the possible flaw in it and recommends that the vaccine be done at an older age.
There is a new movie called vaxxed everyong got unset thinking it was an anti-vaccine movie but it is not it addess one vaccine the MMR vaccine and the possible flaw in it and recommends that the vaccine be done at an older age.
I think the idea was not to give it to a child whose immune system is incapable of handling it.
Like they want to give vaccines to babies before they leave the hospitals like hepatitis B which is a sexually transmitted disease