Shipping EVs - Uncontrollable Fire


Nov 9, 2019
I cannot possibly see a work around for the thousands of people that would eventually own EVs with their cars parked on the streets of Santo Domingo and Santiago. Just imagine that scenario when the DR requires everyone to have an EV...
Do you think the DR gov is going to require EV adoption? I expect it will be more of a free market issue driving demand.


Jul 10, 2004
Do you think the DR gov is going to require EV adoption? I expect it will be more of a free market issue driving demand.
Nope, I don't ever expect that. Nor do I expect to see thousands of extension chords across the sidewalks in Santo Domingo or Santiago any time soon, as in that will happen when no gas (oline) guzzlers are left to buy.

I can see the DR importing fossil fuel cars from other countries where they are no longer allowed.. Places like Greenstan and Liberalstan.
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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Solid state batteries might be less flammable than lithium.

But off-roading with EVs because of weight reasons will not work nor strikes underneath from rocks.

Yes it is near impossible to see a plug location every night in Santo Domingo or Santiago and the grid can not support it.

I would be curious to hear how and where EVs are loaded and shipped into DR.

One question for all of you who see yourselves in an EV - would you consider a used 4-year old EV?


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Am I wrong, but didn't Playacaribe do this (ship EV to DR)?

ese tipo

Apr 12, 2019
You would be more effective in presenting your sermon IFyou didn't put your audience down in your first paragraph. You would also might be less arrogant if you didn't assume what side of the polictical aisle members of this board sit on on since you are a newbie and it takes time to listen to others and their point of vie, since they live here. "Your scare tactics" that you think would be a bother,...don't worry, I can't think of but 1-2 people reading post are going to lose any sleep tonight. They might lose sleep bc of the flow rate of power! Power to light the house. Power to run the water pump. Power for communication to family. Power to run a mom and pap biz after sunset.

I don't suspect you live here full time dealing with the challenges since your remedies sound so ...hmmm, first world. ie;an extension cord into the drive way to charge your car. How clever. The f ing cord would be stolen as soon as your $100,000 car is charged and then they would come back later o steal the car.

PLease excuse my anger this morning. I went down to my mini farm this morning and someone emptied my 55 gal blue tank and stole the tank. Seriously.
Perhaps in your morning rage you may have missed where I stressed that there are other priorities for the citizens of the are correct you also missed where I mentioned that I'm state side.So,yes, I don't feel the burn of scarcity when it comes to utilities.But as I have mentioned before, i have family there which perhaps makes it even more relevant than other posters here.Which in a nutshell makes me an interested party at best and a pained participant at worst.

As far as making assumptions about peoples politics, it really only takes a 3rd or 4th grade reading comprehension to know certain individuals leanings.It's not that difficult.I really do wish you the best as it seems you have been dealt a less than inviting morning and or existence ( judging solely by what you wrote ) I hope you can be accepting of this olive branch, hopefully that didn't come across as arrogant.


Jul 10, 2004
What about your neighbor unplugging your EV from your charger to charge his - that would be the Dominican way
You beat me to that one! This is the way.



Jul 10, 2004
Having just brought in to the DR another batch of EV's, let me address a few points.

EV's in the DR are here to stay. There are currently thousands of all makes and models circulating in the DR.
No doubt. If you have a garage and make short trips, it can work well.
Generally speaking, they all have their upsides and their downsides.......much like ice engine vehicles.

Suffice to say, they will likely never totally dominate any auto sales market except for possibly a handful of countries i.e., perhaps Norway as an example.
Agreed on the Norway comment.
Despite the future ban on sales of ICE engine vehicles in both the US/EU and elsewhere, those bans will likely be rescinded. The US/EU and other countries that have banned the sale of ice engine vehicles in the next decade are not yet ready, nor will they be ready in that time frame...........Period. The technology is still not ready for prime time.
Agreed. Overreach by governments will have to be called back.
Better range, better infrastructure, and better batteries are all still obstacles..................but they are all being addressed. What the future holds for EV's is anyone's guess, but from where I sit, they are viable and getting more viable everyday. But its going to be a lot of days before mass adoption can be achieved.

True. Still don't see one in my future at the prices they will be in the DR.

What vehicles did you import and what is the total cost someone would have to pay to own one?

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Having just brought in to the DR another batch of EV's, let me address a few points.

Better range, better infrastructure, and better batteries are all still obstacles..................but they are all being addressed. What the future holds for EV's is anyone's guess, but from where I sit, they are viable and getting more viable everyday. But its going to be a lot of days before mass adoption can be achieved.

Have you had to do a road rescue (towing or hauling a generator with charging plug) for dead EV battery issues ?


Oct 29, 2010
The best bet for the time being seems to be a hybrid car, and wait a while for the EV and charging technology to improve.

ese tipo

Apr 12, 2019
The best bet for the time being seems to be a hybrid car, and wait a while for the EV and charging technology to improve.
Yes! very good option,plug in hybrid even better.Smaller battery with avg electric range at 30 to 50 miles.stress free driving.
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Jan 9, 2004
No doubt. If you have a garage and make short trips, it can work well.

Agreed on the Norway comment.

Agreed. Overreach by governments will have to be called back.

True. Still don't see one in my future at the prices they will be in the DR.

What vehicles did you import and what is the total cost someone would have to pay to own one?
Nissan Leaf. Average price for this shipment was $16,750 including reduced first placa. The client has taken advantage of tax credits on both sides of the transaction. $4000.00 used credit in the US per vehicle and a 50% reduction in import fees for being an EV and a further credit to $0 fees owed because it is part of a tourist project.

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Jan 9, 2004
Have you had to do a road rescue (towing or hauling a generator with charging plug) for dead EV battery issues ?
The client has had no issues with dead batteries or charging. The vehicles average 30-40 miles travel distance per day, well within the battery range specs. They are then put on Level 2 chargers overnight,

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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Nissan Leaf. Average price for this shipment was $16,750 including reduced first placa. The client has taken advantage of tax credits on both sides of the transaction. $4000.00 used credit in the US per vehicle and a 50% reduction in import fees for being an EV and a further credit to $0 fees owed because it is part of a tourist project.

What did you pay for a used Leaf

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
This is a good place for EV's..... right distances....... hardly ever use the full charge

No......... I don't want one

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
There were 8 this shipment with varying years/models (between 2017-2018), but the average price was somewhere in the $13,500.00 range.

What is the driving range on a 5 year old Leaf?

You are able to import one older than 5 years ?