Should US Citzens Protest the DR for How Haitians are Treated?

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Feb 16, 2016
Damn, dude, African Americans, learn your internet lingo.
So, you are singling me out❓
And I would looooooooooove it if aframs were to actually put their money where their mouth is and started visiting Haiti more, the country they are so busy virtue signaling for, instead of visiting evil bad DR and enduring our morenazi ways. A beautiful thing it is, when words finally match deeds, for once.
You take a post written to include everyone and decide to show your bias by singling a specific group that I did not mention at all in post #57
Why can't everyone go where they feel they are treated best no matter who they are❓
Who are you to direct where people should and should not go ❓ :rolleyes:

There is a place you need to go...not sure you would be treated best there...nor can I detail it here.

You need to need to learn internet decorum and I am not your "dude"

Mr. Vegas


Sep 2, 2008
So, you are singling me out❓

You take a post written to include everyone and decide to show your bias by singling a specific group that I did not mention at all in post #57
Why can't everyone go where they feel they are treated best no matter who they are❓
Who are you to direct where people should and should not go. :rolleyes:

There is a place you need to go...not sure you would be treated best there...nor can I detail it here.

You need to need to learn internet decorum and I am not your "dude"

Mr. Vegas
Not only you, but "larieau" as well, who seems to be one of your fellows, and that Canuck dude that professes to be our "fan", but seems to be everything but. Y'all tend to gang up on us over the Haitian matter, even when the latter's record as far as the relationship between both countries go has been less than sterling, and with abundant proof. But you are partially right, my criticism shouldn't be aimed solely at you, aframs, but also at your white Am. progressive enabling dudes, who behave in a similar way and seem to populate and dictate the idiotic and nosediving direction the USDOS has taken in the last half century as far as the affairs on this island go.

And as far as me having to learn decorum? Just ask mr. saunders or mrs. AlterEgo, or the rest of the fine folks here, if I have ever been given an infraction. You, on the other hand, seem not to be as lucky, as far as I have been able to see from my vantage point, and that's the last I will say about that.
Feb 16, 2016
Not only you, but "larieau" as well, who seems to be one of your fellows, and that Canuck dude that professes to be our "fan", but seems to be everything but. Y'all tend to gang up on us over the Haitian matter, even when the latter's record as far as the relationship between both countries go has been less than sterling, and with abundant proof. But you are partially right, my criticism shouldn't be aimed solely at you, aframs, but also at your white Am. progressive enabling dudes, who behave in a similar way and seem to populate and dictate the idiotic and nosediving direction the USDOS has taken in the last half century as far as the affairs on this island go.

And as far as me having to learn decorum? Just ask mr. saunders or mrs. AlterEgo, or the rest of the fine folks here, if I have ever been given an infraction. You, on the other hand, seem not to be as lucky, as far as I have been able to see from my vantage point, and that's the last I will say about that.
Well...thank you for your opinion.
You have shared yours.
I have shared mine.
Thank you for sharing.
That is how I learn. :rolleyes:

You feel better now that you got that off your chest❓

Mr. Vegas


Jul 27, 2011
The stories I have recently been reading on how the Dr government is treating Haitians is really sickening. I am hearing cases of children being deported without their parents knowledge, Haitian pregnant women being denied entry at hospitals and having to give birth outside. Also some cases of Haitians providing their proper legal paperwork to police and still being deported.

There are also more and more cases reported of African-Americans on vacation in the DR being detained based on their skin color.

The US State Department has posted a warning to US citizens that dark skin African Americans are being detained based on their skin color.

I think it's time that people of the world say we are not going to support a government that treats people this way and protest by VACATIONING ELSEWHERE!

Are you kidding? In the U.S. they even got commemorative coins made of CBP agents whipping and catching Haitians. I had never seen something like that before. I
Jan 9, 2004
View attachment 6656
Are you kidding? In the U.S. they even got commemorative coins made of CBP agents whipping and catching Haitians. I had never seen something like that before. I
Just to clarify;

1. These "coins" are not made by the US government;
2. They are however a form of protected speech;
3. Contrary to reports initially put out by news agencies and after a lengthy report on the matter, no "whipping" of migrants occurred.

Rhetorically speaking, I however find it interesting that the former illegal Dominican immigrant turned Congressman, Adriano Espaillat, who has advocated for a pathway to citizenship for illegals in the US, has stayed eerily silent on this issue affecting his home country.



Oct 29, 2010
Haitians have their own country and there are legal proccesses for entering a foreign country.
That is true, but as I have said elsewhere, when my Dominican friend was arrested and locked in a disgusting, packed cell, she was eventually released after a long wait. She saw several Haitians there who had legal visas, but they were not released with her but deported to Haiti with the illegals.
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Mar 31, 2015
Today I went to las pulgas in Puerto Plata, like a mini version of the Dajabon market ( on a side not, that's a must-do, see how the other half lives------ oooops, sorry that's the other 90% in the DR ).

Well as its full of haitians, vendors and clients alike. Probably 50-50 on the vendor side, 30% haitians, 70% dominicans on the client side.
No sign of civil unrest, whatsoever .... everyone gets along just fine.

Also no sign of migracion. A couple of PN, but nobody checking documents lol ......

And that is a big part of the problem of the DR as a whole, and how they are tackling the illegals more specifically.
Laws are applied randomly and irregularly, by less-than-capable law enforcement groups ( PN, DGM, etc .......).
If the 26 billion laws that we have here in the DR were actually enforced, it would be paradise on earth.
However said enforcement seems to depend what Fulano the PN had for breakfast this morning.

I also conducted my personal census on legal or not legal........ it seemed to make Haitians and Dominicans alike, laugh a lot....... enough said.
The so-called deportations are a ruse to make believe local dominicans that the guvernment is "tackling" the immigration issue with Haiti. In reality, the border is a revolving door. A haitian gets deported through it, buys a visa on the other side, and it gets righ-back into the DR, or just come across the border in some uncheck spot of the border and does it all over. The DR government gets to claim it is "deporting", the Hatian and DR governments gets to collect money for paper work to return back to DR, and the show goes on and on... until the day the dominicans, fed-up by their own poverty and corrutped goviernments get tired of it. Local and american politicians are playing with fire here. They are not paying attention to the explosive cultural clashes taking place in the impoverisedh "barrios" all around the country.


Jul 27, 2011
Just to clarify;

1. These "coins" are not made by the US government;
2. They are however a form of protected speech;
3. Contrary to reports initially put out by news agencies and after a lengthy report on the matter, no "whipping" of migrants occurred.

Rhetorically speaking, I however find it interesting that the former illegal Dominican immigrant turned Congressman, Adriano Espaillat, who has advocated for a pathway to citizenship for illegals in the US, has stayed eerily silent on this issue affecting his home country.

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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
There appears to be an organisation called SARR based in Haiti ,that tends to support what the original poster said as far as deportations are concerned. I do not travel much to the capital now, but when I did,I often went by bus and I saw on two occasions Haitians taken off the bus and put in trucks and then driven off. To where I do not know but I doubt to their home to collect their toothbrush . I do not believe for one moment that any woman would be required to give birth outside any hospital regardless of colour . I do not like the treatment of the Haitians in the cane fields of the East nor on construction sites who are here on deals done, by the previous administrations as well as the current one, with rich employers. But what can one do ?? I do not think that boycotting the DR would help.
There isn't enough information about the woman giving birth outside the hospital. Was she refused entry? Did she arrive at the last moment and go into labor before she went in? Was the hospital already full or overfull. Were there doctors available.... etc. Considering about 40% of babies born in Dominican hospitals are Haitian I find it hard to believe they would turn this woman away because she is Haitian. There must be facts we don't know.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Right because we all know the 🇺🇲 is deeply passionate about the people it put the warning out for. :rolleyes:
virtual signaling is A SPECIALTY of a certain political leaning. The lemmings believe whatever they say and protest accordingly. Most tourists with dark Skin that come to the DR know it's BS and will only get upset if their pay for play favorite is deported.
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Sep 2, 2008
No, but they don't want the Haitian problem. They want it confined to the DR.
As it has always been USDOS standard policy ever since Thomas Jefferson was president back in the early 1800's. The fact that more visas (either of a touristic nature or residency cards) are awarded to Domis than to Haitians should be enough to settle the discussion as to what ultimately is the American intention as far as the island's future is concerned.
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Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
It would be fantastic if the US build a bridge or a tunnel from Key West to Puerto Prince that way I wouldn't have to fly to go to DR, just an idea I don't like airplanes.

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Aug 13, 2015
That is true, but as I have said elsewhere, when my Dominican friend was arrested and locked in a disgusting, packed cell, she was eventually released after a long wait. She saw several Haitians there who had legal visas, but they were not released with her but deported to Haiti with the illegals.
This just reconfirms another point I made originally, at this point proof has been provided to backup every point I stated originally. The DR government may want to rethink their approach to how their handling people and this situation overall because they're taking a major PR hit on this matter by the hour.
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