I have ZERO rage in this matter. You also have some limited reading skills , it would appear. Why would I care to go there? I don't tell you what to do, so don't tell me.Why the continuous rage and disrespect for the chicas and their situation. What have they done to you? What have the gentleman done to you? Have they affected your property value, pickpocketed you? You say you live in Cab are you equally as angry at the many chicas in the bars there plying their trade. You claim to have all this knowledge about this massive transformation coming to Sosua . Go up there and walk around on a Friday or Sat night and report back. P.S you might not want to call the girls "whores " I doubt you are physically equipped to defend yourself against a group insulted working girls.
I have read about the government's intent for years regarding Sosua. It has been in the news. The government's distaste for the reputation it gives the DR is what is causing this to happen. That is how the government sees prostitution as a problem. NOT ME. I really don't care one way or the other.
It is the DR government that want the whores and whoremongers out of sight so they are also out of mind. Get it yet? Understand the point? Perhaps not..
Take up those rage issues with the government in Santo Domingo. As I said, whoremongers must have reading comprehension issues.