YES , you are "clueless" ( not literally , but compared to the Big Money people who actually make things happen and are very Educated )
.. people who think they understand the bigger picture, and who obviously have a more limited Education , are usually the most clueless of all .
This Beach cleansing WILL happen . and its the RIGHT thing for the people who actually OWN the Property and the bigger picture of the North Coast .
this is their Pay day ( property owners) ... and yes they have a right to Celebrate or be " Festive"
Your pretentiousness of looking out for the Little Guy falls way short .
The people who want to have JOBS will Look for a Job in the Newly built Beach Complex . thats on them
No job is OWED to anyone .
What some of you keep forgetting is that you are a GUEST in the DR , even if you have Family there ,you are still a guest if you dont live there 24/7 .. and your Opinion means LESS than Nothing .
So please stop trying to impress people with your Altruistic Double talk .
What you really want to go on forever is the Popping of Bottles in the Beach , pretending your $$ is keeping the Poor Girls Fed and clothed and supplying their Babies with Leche . I myself used to prescribe to that Philosophy ,, but the Times they are a changing ..Big Corporations are moving in .
so you better get on board or find a new Place on the Island where you are the Big Fish in the Little Pond..
The beach change will happen. I remember seeing plans back in 2002 when I first visited Sosua. There was a marina in those plans, Charamicos was also cleared. This is many decades in the works. It's not if, it's when. This does not mean we have to like it. For me it's not about being a big fish, it's about liking sleepy beach towns. I have already found a new one.