Sosua Resident Murdered and Chopped Into Pieces


Sep 27, 2006
Common Dominican method of corpse handling. Often its a plastic rice bag after the machete work. If these people were not so darn big there would be no need to cut them to fit. With the rice bag method its common to put the bag in an out of the way place so its not discovered quickly. Two of my inlaws (Doms) have found corpses in rice bags. Me, I never look in rice bags laying out in the woods!

i am sure there is no need to look inside that rice bag, the smell alone should be dead (har har) giveaway.


Nov 9, 2006
What are you talking about ctrob? I thought Sosua was the hot and happening place for tourist now with all the new painting of the streets and The closing of those hooker slave places like Passions..I know many travel agents that have Sosua as their number 1 Caribean Destination.:rolleyes: NOT!!!!

Rome was not built in a day


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Here's a photo of the property in question, for those who are having trouble picturing it.

The plastic container with the murdered man's remains were found on the second floor-


Unfortunately, you are giving out bad information. The policia removed the plastic container a few hours after the discovery. The policia are actually following up on leads with regards to this matter due to the manner and circumstances in which this person was killed.

Policia have visited the property several times since the discovery and today removed evidence.


Sep 27, 2006
berzin is repeating the info from the newspaper article, denny. no misinforming, just translating and pasting the picture. if you know more about the case please kindly post your sources, many folks are interested.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Another thing that I have learned is that most of the incidents regarding extreme violence happen to people whom know their assailants. It is very rare that someone is killed or robbed randomly. Most of the violent crimes that I have seen involved someone that the victim let into their world.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
No need for a source. I was there. I saw the plastic container with my own eyes and spoke with the policia at the scene.

I tried to convince the source of this thread to not expose this story, since it was developing but, my advice was not heeded. All I am doing is pointing out that there is mis-information being passed along and wanted people to know that there was not a dead rotting body in that building.

I am pretty shaken by this matter, not because this person was killed but, due to the manner in which the body was disposed of and my close proximity to this entire matter. I have seen people murdered before but, cutting the guy up and leaving him in a barrel was prtty much. Even for my standard.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Yes. There are Hell Angeles in Sosua. And yes, they are making money. There was a recent incident in Rumbas where I girl stole some money and the Hells Angeles guy ended up getting arrested for having a gun. They impounded his car and it was a big deal but, in typical Dominican fashion he was out in a few days.


New member
Mar 25, 2012
This is really very upsetting!! It seems as if every 2 weeks a gringo is killed somewhere in the D.R. I still cannot get the image of the Italian who was killed and dumped at the back seat of his suv in Gasper Hernandez a few months ago, off my memory. Then there was the woman ( can't remember her nationality ) beaten to death in her apartment last month or so, in Nagua. And now this? I am sure there are others that we are not aware of. Why is there so much violence against gringos in that country? I believe most mind their business and try not to offend anyone. You guys living in the D.R. how comfortable do you feel living there, knowing you could be gruesomely murdered anyday? Very sad indeed.


Sep 27, 2006
No need for a source. I was there. I saw the plastic container with my own eyes and spoke with the policia at the scene.
(...) wanted people to know that there was not a dead rotting body in that building.

then that's the source. remember, we usually report the crime and relate to the newspaper articles on the subject. where was the barrel, then?


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
then that's the source. remember, we usually report the crime and relate to the newspaper articles on the subject. where was the barrel, then?

I don't see anything wrong with the OP posting about this crime even if it is an on going
investigation. After all it's in the newspaper.:rolleyes: The news article said that the body
was found inside of a room in a building that he owned(lived) The body was in a state of

It would be good to know just where the body(barrel) was found if not as stated.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 12, 2011
then that's the source. remember, we usually report the crime and relate to the newspaper articles on the subject. where was the barrel, then?

The barrel was on the second floor of the building. When the policia entered the building they went to the top floor where he lived and found nothing. They were going to the roof then turn around and went to the second floor. Once they broke down the door they found the barrel and people started puking. Once they opened the barrel everyone in the area puked.

The murdered really seemed to have taken his time with this crime. There was a wall on the second floor side of the building which was open because they were working on it. The killer used blocks to seal up the side of the building to mask his crime.


Oct 16, 2012
Here's a photo of the property in question, for those who are having trouble picturing it.

The plastic container with the murdered man's remains were found on the second floor-

No need for a source. I was there. I saw the plastic container with my own eyes and spoke with the policia at the scene.

I tried to convince the source of this thread to not expose this story, since it was developing but, my advice was not heeded. All I am doing is pointing out that there is mis-information being passed along and wanted people to know that there was not a dead rotting body in that building.

I am pretty shaken by this matter, not because this person was killed but, due to the manner in which the body was disposed of and my close proximity to this entire matter. I have seen people murdered before but, cutting the guy up and leaving him in a barrel was prtty much. Even for my standard.

The barrel was on the second floor of the building. When the policia entered the building they went to the top floor where he lived and found nothing. They were going to the roof then turn around and went to the second floor. Once they broke down the door they found the barrel and people started puking. Once they opened the barrel everyone in the area puked.

The murdered really seemed to have taken his time with this crime. There was a wall on the second floor side of the building which was open because they were working on it. The killer used blocks to seal up the side of the building to mask his crime.

I'm confused.

DennyDee88, there was a body, there wasn't a body.
Please get your "No need for a source. I was there" story staright.....

Oh, I see, a dead rotting body in a barrel, in the building, is not the same as a dead rotting body in the building!!! Is that correct?

Are you "Dominican"?