spiked/weird drinks


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
i think i will stick to beers from now on...

A couple of years back, it was a " drinking " day, we had spent the day drinking rum and playing dominoes.
We ended up at night in a " cabaret" ( understand , fishy whore house ) just next door to my place ( but we hardly ever go ).
My wife, who hardly ever drinks, orders a beer ( party time !! ), while we were all drinking rum. The waitress-cum-leisure-lady brings the presidente beer and hands it to my french friend, who was on holiday here, and I pas.s it over to my wife.
Waitress comes back and whispers something to my wife, who doesnt catch what is said, mainly because of the 63 000 decibels of music.
She only gathers it has to do with the beer, and decides to sit it under her chair.

We call it a night and all stagger home.
I pick up the untouched beer, and drink maybe a third of it, as we are all saying goodbyes.
Go to bed, sleep a couple of hours, maybe 3 or 4. Get up.
I feel weak, so weak..... and spent half the day retching, something bad.

Granted we had drunk a fair amount of booze, but
a) I am scottish, hence immune to booze. We get it in our bootles as babys, instead of milk.
b) I have worked in bars/restaurants my whole life, immunising .
c) I went to university, where the main course was getting wasted.

Well I had never experienced anything like that, never. I have been hungover before, i have been sick before, i have taking friends to hospital to get their stomach pumped due to overdose on booze, i have a friend who fell in a coma due to binge drinking ( can you believe ? )........
But this was on a diffrent level.

The best guess, was that the beer was spiked with something, or they tried to poison me ;).
Lesson learned, i dont drink in shady whore houses anymore, and if i did, i wouldnt drink anything that had been untapped/opened prior to its arrival at the table.


Sep 6, 2011
Of course, the other thing that no one thinks about is this: what's the motivation in drugging someone who is out with friends? It's one thing to drug someone one-on-one---when you have a chance of taking them home, or walking them home and robbing them on the way. But what's the point in drugging someone who is sitting with people? What's the point in drugging someone at your business? what's the point of drugging someone who you have no chance of getting alone?

I had only 3/4 of a Belgium beer (7%) yesterday and i was fcking flying! Flying i tell you. And i way 202lbs! What that tell you? Ok, other than i'm a sissy and a light weight? It tells you that when a drink is strong, it's going to knock you fcking socks off!!

It does, and i see it every night. But people still want to insist that they're being drugged!



Feb 10, 2005
I have the opposite problem in Costambar ,I find that everybody but Roberto are pouring 1 measured shot drinks ,A real drink is a shot and a half ,that's how I poured them.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Of course, the other thing that no one thinks about is this: what's the motivation in drugging someone who is out with friends? It's one thing to drug someone one-on-one---when you have a chance of taking them home, or walking them home and robbing them on the way. But what's the point in drugging someone who is sitting with people? What's the point in drugging someone at your business? what's the point of drugging someone who you have no chance of getting alone?

I had only 3/4 of a Belgium beer (7%) yesterday and i was fcking flying! Flying i tell you. And i way 202lbs! What that tell you? Ok, other than i'm a sissy and a light weight? It tells you that when a drink is strong, it's going to knock you fcking socks off!!

It does, and i see it every night. But people still want to insist that they're being drugged!


Come on Frank !!

I am from France, I drink homemade moonshine, ( pear, apricot, rasberry....), 70+ proof...... i have danced with the green fairy ( illegal absinthe ).....
No way I am going to pas.s out from a 4% presidente that tastes like horse urine.

What would be their motivation ?

-roll the drunk ?
-get a gringo to sleep with a toothless overweight morena whore ?


Sep 10, 2008
Shots inside drinks are not measured here except a very few, select places. Most people just "Free" pour. For example, when you go to Mojitos here in Cabarete, and you order a drink--i.E--Mojito, banana daiquiri, etc, watch them. I like sitting at the bar and watching them pour the shot. They actually measure the shot at Mojitos. But my god, the cup they are pouring the shot into is no less than 10cl. That's not a typing mistake. In Norway, bars are not allowed to make a drink with more than 4cl of alcohol. Mojitos is making middle of the road drink with 10cl of alcohol! That's 2.5 drinks in Norway...inside one drink here in the DR.

I can attest that the drinks at Mojitos are strong. Recently with friends we were stopping in for the mojito happy hour special, we would stay there for an hour or so, have 2 mojitos and some brushcetta. I always noticed one of my friends would get a little loud in the taxi on the way home. I told him he was getting hammered (not hammered yet but on the way) but he would say no way, it was only 2 drinks....


New member
Aug 3, 2014
While it is possible, I never believe the spiked drink thing either.

It doesn't make sense. Knock out drugs do just that. They knock you out. If you are at someone's house or alone with someone I could see it, but if bartender or fellow bar patron spikes your drink then they just have a knocked out person to deal with in a bar.

What does everyone do when there is a knocked out wasted person at the bar? They stare. They ask if they have friends around. They ask if they need to see a doctor. It isn't an ideal scenario for a thief or rapist.

If someone is spiking a drink with some weaker drug then I still don't get it. The person uses a presumably expensive drug to spike a drink to get a person more wasted because they think it's funny or something.

The weaker drug would give the intended victim the chance to register that something is amiss and leave. The perpetrator would probably have a better chance of pulling off their crime by just waiting until closing time and following whoever is the most wasted and alone.

In a nutshell, I just think the spiking drinks thing is unnecessary. If a person is looking to take advantage of drunk gringos, there are enough being irresponsible to point of not being able to defend against the crime without having to drug them.


Sep 27, 2006
i was also thinking of a possibility of having been served counterfeit alcohol containing methanol, rather than any drug as such...


New member
Aug 3, 2014
i was also thinking of a possibility of having been served counterfeit alcohol containing methanol, rather than any drug as such...

A bar unintentionally poisoning their patrons in an attempt to make a few more bucks is something that I can totally believe. There are places here that routinely busted and fined for watering their bottles. If you go in a bar here and off shift bartenders and servers aren't drinking there, you might as well leave because it is either short pours or overpriced.


Sep 27, 2006
not that even in my original post i expressed that i did not know what we drunk. i just know that i felt totally messed up. and honestly, not in a way of regular drunkenness - which i am very familiar with ;)

i think i am mostly this annoyed because it never happened to me, ever. and i even had cocktails with 151 before. i'm glad we had nothing pressing and could just walk home and safely go to sleep.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I know a local fellow who had a 'disagreement' one evening....

All appeared to be settled and the group sat down to have a few slugs - Dominican style .
You know little glasses of that white rum..... shots

Well............. it seems the little 'tiff' wasn't over.

The local fellow was fed a shot of pesticide or whatever.

He died 10 days later.
Never stopped vomiting and bleeding internally.

He was 28 yrs old.

you cannot be careful enough


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
I am not much of a drinker but I like to drink my rhum straight or on the rocks. That way I kind of know what I am drinking and how much, rather than having a mixed drink.
There is a Dominican bar where I used to go relatively often but lately every time I drink rhum there I get queasy and vomit. So I dont drink rhum there anymore, only beer that has been opened in front of me.
Someone told me that it is because rhum does not age well outside the casks and goes bad fast. I called hogwash. I am suspecting tempered bottle by the owner.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Great story!
Glad you survived.
Homemade brew/ alcohol can do some nasty things to a person. Sounds like you might have drank some. More likely
then you being drugged in broad daylight on the beach while having drinks with friends.


Sep 7, 2012
dv8 still not giving up the name of the establishment? How are you going to feel if another DR1 local up there, say Derfish, goes to this establishment gets drugged and a few of the bar girls have their way with him????