You’re right about campos not having meters, that’s not uncommon. Where we live no one does, including us. We get a fixed bill monthly based on the house size, etc. we pay the same whether we’re here or not.
About 5-6 years ago, Edesur caused a big stir by setting up meters for all the beach businesses on one kiosk. Then they started up the road to the houses. They installed a couple of meters that were promptly removed and that was the end of that. Most of the people here couldn’t afford even a few hundred pesos a month.
They can't afford even a few hundred pesos a month? Well they can't buy a Lexus either. Should someone give them a car?
Electricity is a product, a commodity. You want it or need it then you must pay - that's a worldwide phenomenon.
I suspect it costs even more to run lines long distances into the hills of the campo than in urbanizations close to the main grid.
I can empathize with poor people, and I help several monthly and significantly.
But everyone must pay, it's painful for me too to pay higher bills.
Should I be punished and made to pay more so others, whom I do not know, can have the same thing for free ?
But what really chafes me more is paying for water to Corraplata that never comes. Going on 4 months now but they still send the little guy around to read meters that don't spin, and throw a 700 pesos bill on my porch every month just to have a connection to an empty pipe.
Abinader fiddles while DR burns