sticky situation

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Apr 3, 2011
oh, please....enough with the Lifetime "Movie of the Month" crap.
-I am a woman
-I am a single mother
So I have room to talk......

Go with the majority. Take care of your child, screw her.
99.9% of Campesinas get knocked up by extranjeros because they are taught from an early age that that is the ticket. Then some dumb a$$ expats knocked up some campesinas and moved 'em to the good part of town and now they're all on some Annie/Daddy Warbucks trip.
Support your child, not her......and making her life better will not necessarily make your child's life better because I've seen a lot of kids in the campo running around with mismatched shoes on and later that night their mom is at the Antony Santos concert with fresh nails, fresh hair, and new outfits.
I get child support for my kids. Is it anywhere near what it costs to maintain them???? Nope! Not even 10%, but all my kids were wanted because I know what the hell it takes to get pregnant.
Having a child is not the cure for poverty, and these Dominicanas need to learn that. Just cause Jay knocks you up doesn't make you Beyonce.


I think I love you for your brains. And your biscuits.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I think we all agree that when sending her money %50 of the time it will be legitimate and the other %50 it will be made up. The %50 of the time you do send her money for legitimate reasons some of that will still be spent on her nails, weave, presidentes, and pica pollo.

Everyone also agrees that he should take care of the kid. but how?

how do you provide for your child long distance? and not blindly send money via western union?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
I wish he would off discovered DR1 before all this. We could have save him the trouble even though a baby is not trouble at all but I am sure he was not ready for it.

I have two handsome boys. One is 20 and on his 3 year of college pre-med at Trinity in Hartford CT.

The other boy is 14 and is entering a very exclusive high school this September.

I am very proud of them and I was NOT ready when I had my first. Luckily, my ex-wife and I surpassed extreme obstacles in the beginning. We are still the best of friends to this day.

I wish him the best!!!!!:cheeky:


Mar 24, 2011
I wish he would off discovered DR1 before all this. We could have save him the trouble even though a baby is not trouble at all but I am sure he was not ready for it.

I have two handsome boys. One is 20 and on his 3 year of college pre-med at Trinity in Hartford CT.

The other boy is 14 and is entering a very exclusive high school this September.

I am very proud of them and I was NOT ready when I had my first. Luckily, my ex-wife and I surpassed extreme obstacles in the beginning. We are still the best of friends to this day.

I wish him the best!!!!!:cheeky:

~What most are not stating or realizing is that a "Child" is a true blessing, and I know having been blessed with three children.....I hope Gempull finds what he is looking for and from what I am reading is that he can have an active roll in his childs life...he just needs to figure a means and a way to do it....

My best regards


Nov 22, 2007
I think we all agree that when sending her money %50 of the time it will be legitimate and the other %50 it will be made up. The %50 of the time you do send her money for legitimate reasons some of that will still be spent on her nails, weave, presidentes, and pica pollo.

Everyone also agrees that he should take care of the kid. but how?

how do you provide for your child long distance? and not blindly send money via western union?

He should search the old thread titled Child support standards in the DR and read my post #5



Jan 3, 2007
~What most are not stating or realizing is that a "Child" is a true blessing, and I know having been blessed with three children.....I hope Gempull finds what he is looking for and from what I am reading is that he can have an active roll in his childs life...he just needs to figure a means and a way to do it....

My best regards


...only LOUDER, please.

After the paternity test comes up positive the OP should (legally in the D.R.) agree to a reasonable amount of support in return for a reasonable amount of visitation (unsupervised). I would submit the birth certificate and the agreement to the consulate to pave the way for the Child's entitlement as a US Citizen. When the Child is of school age there's no reason why he/ she shouldn't be allowed into the country to meet and spend time with paternal relatives.

Make it all about the kid.

If the paternity test comes up negative.....nevermind.


Nov 22, 2007

...only LOUDER, please.

After the paternity test comes up positive the OP should (legally in the D.R.) agree to a reasonable amount of support in return for a reasonable amount of visitation (unsupervised). I would submit the birth certificate and the agreement to the consulate to pave the way for the Child's entitlement as a US Citizen. When the Child is of school age there's no reason why he/ she shouldn't be allowed into the country to meet and spend time with paternal relatives.

Make it all about the kid.

If the paternity test comes up negative.....nevermind.

Yes, this would work for a woman thinking about the child. I do not know this woman personally but it is usually about them when we talk about children of campesinas/expats.
This will not work for her as she cannot flaunt her new found riches to el pueblo. To her, if only the child benefits, she has lost



New member
Mar 9, 2009
Then, help her with the visa...what is the problem? a better life for her is a better life for your child... that is my point.

Do what ever you think is good for you and you baby..but remember dont be selfish.

You are joking about him getting her a visa and bringing her to the States right ???

If she is giving him problems now what do you think will happen when she is here ??

If he does this I can predict everything:
-Family Court
-Domestic Violence Arrest (for him)
-Felony record
-Outrageous child support for the next 18-21 years

Under no circumstances should he bring her here. Self-preservation is not being selfish. Its the first law of nature.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
already help finish purchasing her house for her. So rent is not an issue. she is like how massielg mentioned earlier, she does not trust anyone and I am fed up about that. I have sacrificed alot for her to live better than she formerly has. And for her to still act like she can not trust me is crazy.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I'd rather have two or three chicas and live la vida loca then have to put up with any bull**** from her, ever. I have done too much already to deserve that.


Nov 22, 2009
I think we all agree that when sending her money %50 of the time it will be legitimate and the other %50 it will be made up. The %50 of the time you do send her money for legitimate reasons some of that will still be spent on her nails, weave, presidentes, and pica pollo.

Everyone also agrees that he should take care of the kid. but how?

how do you provide for your child long distance? and not blindly send money via western union?

What do you mean how? The child is due in a month. AND why couldnt he just get himself a tank fill it up with stuff from Toys R Us(yes they do sell baby formula and diapers and the etceteras) OR Walmart OR Target OR KMART(my favorite for household items)? Put the stuff in the tank and send it off. It will arrive in about 3-4 weeks. He can do this ad infinitum. In that tanker there can be 120 lbs of Similac and size 0-1 diapers for the first 3 months. In 6 weeks he can send another tank. Everything in this tank is solely for the baby. There is no consideration for what the mom wants. We already know, she will only want useless consumerist stuff. Now he has removed the major financial burden by sending diapers and formula and clothes. All she has to do is feed the child and take him to the doctor when needed. Now, the things she doesnt use she can sell. If the boy moves up to size 2 diapers, she can sell the leftover size 1s. Whatever formula you get you she can sell the unused remainder to another pregnant friend when he moves onto solids. You dont have to give her any money for anything ever. They wouldnt do it. If you want things done in this country you have to do them yourself or be prepared to hear limitless excuses. A 55 gallon drum holds a lot of powdered food and diapers.

The rest you can bring in your luggage when you visit. You dont need to bring much for yourself. 3 changes of clothes should be good enough for you and the rest of your space is packed with clothes and whatnot for the baby. Am I simplifying it too much? Could this not be done with ease.

She wants a visa? So what. I want to win the Powerball.


Nov 22, 2007
Another malagradecida.......

And will continue to be because you are not helping them they deserve everything that you give them. This is the thinking, where it comes from I have no idea



Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Interesting about the visa comment. Family member did this. He had a child with some chica and figured to make her happy he will get her a visa and maybe it would be easier for him to see his child in the US. WRONG...Oh she goes to the US, New York, Miami etc, BUT without the child. Even though the child has a US passport everytime this chica comes to the US her excuse " la nina esta mala con gripe" or some other excuse. Because the child is only 2 years old she can not travel yet by herself. Moral of the story, no visa....I really do not believe the "happy mother, happy child" thing. Support your child financially to the best of your ability. That is really your only "obligation" as I see it.


Nov 22, 2009
Yes, this would work for a woman thinking about the child. I do not know this woman personally but it is usually about them when we talk about children of campesinas/expats.
This will not work for her as she cannot flaunt her new found riches to el pueblo. To her, if only the child benefits, she has lost


You re right. This is not about the blessings of children and how special it is you continue your legacy. It is about reducing the quantity of stress you will encounter when you discover an irascible woman is bearing your child.


Nov 22, 2009
Another malagradecida.......

And will continue to be because you are not helping them they deserve everything that you give them. This is the thinking, where it comes from I have no idea


This is why I love you man, cut right thru the bs. But one error...the emphasis not only on deserve but also on EVERYTHING.

I also dont know where it comes from. I wish some one would explain it.


Mar 29, 2010
a thought just came to me. I'm sitting here discussing retirement finances with my (MUCH) better half, with this thread sitting in front of me. Our discussion of course led to the inevitable "what if's" about what if we had saved more money (that we didn't have anyway.... lol) earlier on... we would be on easy street. This led to a light going on over my head. Instead of sending the baby momma $$$, or even lots and lots of formula, Pampers, and one-sies -- which she just might sell off to the local colmado at wholesale price anyway ... how about THIS -- TRUST FUND!!! start packing that cash away right now... when college time rolls around he/she's set... or even later... Gempull Jr. will be in good shape financially to start a business, or eventually retire. Compounding interest is an AMAZING thing.
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