Summer solstice: Everything you need to know about the longest day of the year — CNN
Do you yearn for long days and short nights? Then this could be the best day of the year for you and fellow sunlight seekers.
Puerto Plata town probably gets a little less than the 13 hrs. Oh sure, the sun is up for about the same amount of time as in the rest of the DR but unlike most places in the DR, Puerto Plata lies on the foot of Mt Isabel de Torres. The position of that mountain relative to the position of the town means that every afternoon the sun appears to go behind the mountain, at least from many areas of the town. Guess what that means? The mountain cast its shadow over much of the town, essentially making Puerto Plata reach a level of darkness (not complete, but it's noticeable) before most places in the DR within the same longitude, say Santiago which essentially is almost directly south of Puerto Plata. In essence, Santiago is still getting sunshine that much of Puerto Plata isn't due to the shadow of Mt Isabel de Torres. Heck, even Maimón with all the seafood restaurants for which is known is getting more sunshine at the time much of Puerto Plata town is under the shadow and these two places are essentially "right there."Being as south as we are, we get 13 hrs of sunshine...... check out the others
NYC gets an hour more
Look up the 24hr places...... Alaska for one, FairbanksThe northern most Canadian city had sunrise this morning at 3:39am and sunset at 23:39. 20 hours. It never really gets dark there this time of year.
Where I currently am we get 17 hours 3 minutes between sunrise and sunset.
If only we could get the DR temperature to go with it.
I spent some summers in Norway. We were skydiving at 11 PM.............Look up the 24hr places...... Alaska for one, Fairbanks