Surge Protector? Help!


Mar 20, 2003
Same here I was always told to treat fridge this way


You can haul a refrigerator in any position you like as long as you let it sit upright for a couple of hours before plugging it in and using it.
The freon in a refrigerator is partly fluid and partly gas. When you move the fridge around the fluid can move to the gas side of the compressor. When that happens and you start the refrigerator the compressor can be damaged, so you need to let everything equalise befor starting the compressor off. Tou also need to let the oil in the compressor settle as well.

Hope this helps.

Tropical Regards

This what I have been led to believe also


Dec 11, 2003
I was told to let it sit for ten hours.... So I let it sit for 20 just to be really really really sure.....

And about the surge protector... Bob Villa of This Old House says that really unless the fridge is one of the new ones with micro chips and all there is really no need for surge protectors...... it is the computers that need it. Since this fridge of mine was made in Costa Rica and has nothing micro processor about it, I am going to leave it unsurge protected.

Now I am off to actually cook some fresh food....

What I did learn from this is that

1. Do buy at Ferrerteria Americana
2. Do use the American Express Card
3. Be polite and sweet no matter what you are saying
4. Do not give ground -cry before you threaten
5. The first job of customer service here is to get you to go away Your job is to stay put.
6. The word Patience in Spanish means "the science of peace"
7. Remember the culture of bull fighting.... do not let the first pic get to you...........