That time again. Temporal Residency Renewal


Sep 7, 2012
I am not implying anthing other than you seem to spend quite a bit of time complaining about why you wont get a residency. You have a business in the DR. Being a resident usually makes having a business easier. The process to become a resident is neither complicated or expensive and overall not that time consuming.

Bob, I am not complaining about why I will or won't get residency. My complaint is that some people on this site act like the sky is falling and that people who overstay, like myself, are going to suffer being rejected. I see no proof of this as recent as just days ago when I returned to the country.

My business is a U.S. business so getting residency is no easier here for me than anyone else. I expect I will some day do so but lately I am traveling a lot and for a change have not even overstayed my last 2 times. I am however considering spending more time in Colombia (they are more strict about their 6 month per year cap and WILL reject you if you try to enter after you reach 6 months)
Anyway, I am going to get ready to leave for Sosua, hit Nicks for a good meal and maybe working on the beach tomorrow.

william webster

Rest In Peace WW
Jan 16, 2009
No the sky is not falling ....
but if you don't see clouds coming you'll never look for your umbrella.

Preparation is the suggestion here - and awareness

Then we all can pick our path


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Temporary residency renewal 2021.

Got the requisitos together:

- copies of passport, cedula and residency.

- certificado de no antecedes penal. ( Got it at the palacio de justicia of Santiago--- in and out in 5mn ).

- wedding certificate ( local official de estado civil, paid 300 pesos extra for someone from their office to go and get it legalisar at Mao or Santiago ).

- 2 ID pictures.

Then uploaded them on DGM site, 22 days prior to expiry of my residency. That was a bit hectic as for a couple of days impossible to upload onto their site. Just keep trying every so often.

I got my cita, I would say, 6 weeks later. So, yes my residency was already expired by that time.

Went to DGM SD. Had a 1300 cita time, but you can go anytime, they don't seem to care.

Deposited documents..... No wait I didn't.
All they asked for was a copy of my cedula, and expired residency card. Nothing else.

Paid on site at DGM ( 5000 pesos ).
Hang about.
Get picture taken. Fingerprints.
Hang about.
Get new residency card.
All in all about 1h30 from start to finish, maybe a bit less.

Went to JCE to renew cedula. Too many people. Waiting outside.

Returned the next morning, at opening
Paid 4000 pesos.
Picture, fingerprints, check personal information.
Wait a bit. Get cedula.

Easy peasy.

P.S. They now have a sign up that says :
- no open shoes
- no 👕
- no short sleeved shirts.
- no weapons.

But nobody cares, apparently. I had a short sleeved shirt on.
And a bunch of people had shorts and 👕.

As always they checked me--- and only me --- for weapons 🤔🤔 at DGM, at JCE and at palacio de justicia of Santiago.