Truly happy for Keira, just wondering if these scholarships are reachable to lower income folks. Just wondering why there cannot be more Keiras or the Keira's whose parents couldn't afford college at all.
A youngster's dreams come true
Diario Libre reports on Keira Elizabeth Susana, who was able to see both of her dreams come true in just one day: to study at PUCMM and meeting the First Lady in person. On 24 August 2005, 13-year-old Keira - the country's youngest high school graduate - will become the youngest university student in the DR, after receiving a full scholarship from PUCMM. And yesterday, First Lady Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez received the young girl in her offices. After reading the story in yesterday's Diario Libre, the chancellor of PUCMM, Msgr. Agripino Nunez Collado, sent for Keira and her parents, Susana Sosa and Nelson Susana, to inform them that the university was awarding her a full scholarship. The university also assigned her a tutor, Dr. Amparo Fernandez, the academy's registrar, who will look after the teenager during her time at school. The good news led Keira to change her study course from information technology to architecture, which she had given up due to the lack of economic resources. Keira thanked Diario Libre for publishing her dreams and Msgr. Nunez Collado for making them come true.
A youngster's dreams come true
Diario Libre reports on Keira Elizabeth Susana, who was able to see both of her dreams come true in just one day: to study at PUCMM and meeting the First Lady in person. On 24 August 2005, 13-year-old Keira - the country's youngest high school graduate - will become the youngest university student in the DR, after receiving a full scholarship from PUCMM. And yesterday, First Lady Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez received the young girl in her offices. After reading the story in yesterday's Diario Libre, the chancellor of PUCMM, Msgr. Agripino Nunez Collado, sent for Keira and her parents, Susana Sosa and Nelson Susana, to inform them that the university was awarding her a full scholarship. The university also assigned her a tutor, Dr. Amparo Fernandez, the academy's registrar, who will look after the teenager during her time at school. The good news led Keira to change her study course from information technology to architecture, which she had given up due to the lack of economic resources. Keira thanked Diario Libre for publishing her dreams and Msgr. Nunez Collado for making them come true.