you do business in the DR, have a nice apartment in santiago, and you can't get laid ? is there a medical problem you want to share with us ? i would suggest the Brugal factory tour :laugh:
You are really a sick man Kyle, unlike you and your Sosua frequent players club members friends, my life dont revolve around having sex with dirty hookers in the DR. Yea, any one can get laid, if they want to pay for it like you do, and have done for many years, and probably will have to do for the rest of your life.You are a disgusting individual that needs some mental help. This forum was not for guys like you to brag about your pay for sex excapades in the DR, the subject was where to meet nice girls, something you know nothing about.
So why dont you get back to work Kyle and wait for your next break so you can get on the computer and dream about your next vacation in the DR..
You are just a hater because i am living the life that you can only dream about..I am makeing money in paradise..think about it kyle, you save your money to come to Sosua to spend it on your hookers

and return to NY to brag about your conquest to all your pathetic listening

gre: friends at work,but me, i get paid to come here. I have a car, a business, a apartment, A non Sosua Kyle type puta girlfriend, what do you have here dude? A dirty Sosua hotel room, to go along with your even more dirty pay by the meter classico chicas.