The Blame Game


Jul 9, 2010
DR Gov officials are blaming Haitian officials for not following through on promises to assist in getting their ex-patriated citizens the proper documentation so they can apply for DR residency. WHAT A SURPRISE!!!! The DR residency plan for Haitian immigrants is contingent based on the home country assisting???This plan was doomed to fail. You are dealing with the Haitian gov who really doesn't want to have anything to do with the DR plan. Come mon DR Gov geat real. You really thought you would get cooperation from the Haitian Gov??? REALLY, Really???
Get your head out of your ass. You need to go to PLAN B or maybe C and D. This will be done by the middle of June? What year? 2025? That would be more realistic. It isn't going to happen anytime during this DR Administration. Maybe Fernandez will have a better plan. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Someone has been dippin' in the Chivas a little too much.


Apr 29, 2014
Not withstanding how much the DR Govt really wants to be accommodating to Haitians in granting legal residency here, the fundamental principle of an applicant being able to prove who they really are is not that surprising as a first step in any immigration process.

The inability or reluctance of the Haitian Govt to provide the most basic of identity papers to their citizens is a travesty and a deal breaker in any country in the world that a Haitian without such documents may want to go. Regardless of whether the DR Govt is banking on most Haitians not being able to qualify, the fact remains that without identity papers, anyone would be screwed except when claiming refugee status and most countries accept very few of these on a yearly basis.

The blame for the failure of the DR Haitian legalization plan first rests with Haiti and then subsequent commentary can be made about how practical the DR plan is.
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Apr 29, 2014
If after the earthquake, the Haitian Govt is finding it difficult to verify citizens, then they need to declare an amnesty and issue documents to every "Haitian looking" person who is in the country on a given date and who can provide signed letters from 2-4 accredited citizens that they are who they say and they where born there. Far from perfect but at some point enough is enough and you have to start compiling the citizenship list again.

I seriously doubt that there would be lineups of people wanting to claim Haitian citizenship fraudulently.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
DR Gov officials are blaming Haitian officials for not following through on promises to assist in getting their ex-patriated citizens the proper documentation so they can apply for DR residency. WHAT A SURPRISE!!!! The DR residency plan for Haitian immigrants is contingent based on the home country assisting???This plan was doomed to fail. You are dealing with the Haitian gov who really doesn't want to have anything to do with the DR plan. Come mon DR Gov geat real. You really thought you would get cooperation from the Haitian Gov??? REALLY, Really???
Get your head out of your ass. You need to go to PLAN B or maybe C and D. This will be done by the middle of June? What year? 2025? That would be more realistic. It isn't going to happen anytime during this DR Administration. Maybe Fernandez will have a better plan. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Someone has been dippin' in the Chivas a little too much.

Really, LTSteve, the issue really is the Haitian government not living up to what they said they would do. Perhaps the whiners in the international community could assist them in get their people the necessary paperwork.


Nov 25, 2012
The real problem as I see it, is the DR retroactively stripped Dominican citizenship from Dominicans of Haitian descent from 1929 forward.
"He was born, lived and worked here for 70 years, but his parents were illegal Haitians.....aaah to hell with em."
Imagine living with government issued documents, working and paying taxes into a system that subsequently refuses to recognize you,
and decides to possibly give you the boot, forcing you to return to a country you have never known. This is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
My Haitian maid has just given up!!!!!
She registered here in the DR to begin the process.
She made two trips to Haiti to get her needed paperwork, which the gov. there could not, or would not, provide , and wanted money to do so.
Several thousand DR pesos according to her.
She had no problems re entering the DR each time.
She paid the "Bribe", on BOTH sides of the border,and come in.
I plan a trip to Boston later this year.
I have been here for almost 3 years this stay.
Let's see what happens when I return, or Don't Return!!!!
In over 30 years I have had no"Papers"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
LT Steve according to this not just the DR gov.

NGOs in Haiti blame Martelly for holding back legalization plan

14 non-governmental organizations meeting in Port-au-Prince last week have blamed the Haitian authorities under President Michel Martelly and Prime Minister Evans Paul for the problems that Haitians have encountered when applying to regularize their status in the Dominican Republic in the framework of the National Foreigner Legalization Plan that expires on 15 June 2015. They also acknowledged that the Dominican government is in its full right to bring order to the migration in the country.

In a written statement, the NGOs say that the Haitian government had committed to opening five offices in the DR to issue documents to 300,000 Haitians, but so far there is only one office in Santo Domingo, which has handled 40,000 cases. Only 800 of them have been able to complete the process.

They urged the Haitian government to assume its responsibility.

the fundamental principle of an applicant being able to prove who they really are is not that surprising as a first step in any immigration process.
Unless your a central american that was previously deported from the US, now the US is paying to repatriate them to the US including benefits

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The real problem as I see it, is the DR retroactively stripped Dominican citizenship from Dominicans of Haitian descent from 1929 forward.
"He was born, lived and worked here for 70 years, but his parents were illegal Haitians.....aaah to hell with em."
Imagine living with government issued documents, working and paying taxes into a system that subsequently refuses to recognize you,
and decides to possibly give you the boot, forcing you to return to a country you have never known. This is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

You cant strip something from people that never had it. Under the plan those that can prove they were born in the DR and went to school, married, ,,,etc. are not being stripped of anything.


Dec 7, 2011
I told you guys as much a while back.

The haitian government does not see this as a Haitian problem and definitely not a priority.

DR has a Haitian problem and DR needs to solve it any way it wants.

Haiti has more important issues to tackle.

I fully support the haitian government on this one.

The ball is in DR's court.


Jul 9, 2010
Really, LTSteve, the issue really is the Haitian government not living up to what they said they would do. Perhaps the whiners in the international community could assist them in get their people the necessary paperwork.


What I am saying is that the DR Gov was very naive in thinking that they would get any real assistance from Haiti. To regularize the thousands of Haitians that currently reside in the DR will not happen any time soon. The bottom line is that either the DR gov will use Haiti's lack of documentation as an excuse to start deporting people or they will have to come up with a plan B. This plan was doomed to fail from the start. Maybe that was the DR Gov. thinking all along. There is certainly no love lost between the two Govs. and any help from Haiti is a longshot at best.


Jul 9, 2010
I told you guys as much a while back.

The haitian government does not see this as a Haitian problem and definitely not a priority.

DR has a Haitian problem and DR needs to solve it any way it wants.

Haiti has more important issues to tackle.

I fully support the haitian government on this one.

The ball is in DR's court.

I agree. The ball is in the DR Court and they just whiffed on the return. Literally. This is going to get ugly and the DR Gov is in a no win game. Guaranteed they will start to whine that they tried to fix the problem but the solution couldn't be obtained and now they are forced to deport those without documentation. That day is fast approaching and it will not be pretty.


Dec 11, 2003
Se encamina al fracaso el Plan de Regularizaci?n de Extranjeros

Diaz points out that while the PLAN states that applicants only need one type of official identity, the officials from La Migra are reuring all of the ones listed.. birth certificate and passport. They are requiring all the bills be notarized. Everything that can be done to make the process more difficult on this side, is being done. This helps to account for the success rate of .02% in the first 6 months.

Now, with this report, which I have yet to see in the Haitian press but is signed by very well respected groups, the Dominican government will be able to easily avoid any sort of scrutiny of the abuse of the legal process on their end and point to the incompetence of the Haitian government. No es mi culpa. The Plan, just by being in place, amd being "free:, is being hailed as a success by Dominicans. Las ONG viven del drama haitiano para justificar sus fondos‏ - Noticiario Barahona

Nevermind that there are very few people who will get any sort of legal document from it.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002

What I am saying is that the DR Gov was very naive in thinking that they would get any real assistance from Haiti. To regularize the thousands of Haitians that currently reside in the DR will not happen any time soon. The bottom line is that either the DR gov will use Haiti's lack of documentation as an excuse to start deporting people or they will have to come up with a plan B. This plan was doomed to fail from the start. Maybe that was the DR Gov. thinking all along. There is certainly no love lost between the two Govs. and any help from Haiti is a longshot at best.

The majority of Haitians in the DR have been here less than ten years, probably most less than 5.


Sep 2, 2008
The majority of Haitians in the DR have been here less than ten years, probably most less than 5.

A good chunk might have 11 years or so, though. Remember that the problem began to get out of hand once Leonel took power again in 2004, by playing the international whore as he always does, of course.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Town in DR just exiles 300 Haitians, threw their belongings into the street, and set up guards around the neighborhood to be sure they can't come back!!!!
A Haitian was "Suspected" of killing a Dominican, and stealing his "MOTOR"!!!



Jul 9, 2009
Town in DR just exiles 300 Haitians, threw their belongings into the street, and set up guards around the neighborhood to be sure they can't come back!!!!
A Haitian was "Suspected" of killing a Dominican, and stealing his "MOTOR"!!!


They might be all already on their way to Bavaro...