The DR's hoteliers and tourism oriented industry is by far the most profitable for the host country than any other part of the Caribbean and many LA countries as well!!!
DR's resorts consume about 90% of the local goods at the hour of meals and drinks; add to that the fact that 99% of all inclusive use 95% native goods for their extensive offerings from foods to entertainment, rides, etc...
The fact that stillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll escapes YOU, the foreigner, is that most big bucks biz in the DR are mostly comprised of Dominican shareholders...
Forget all you heard, but what you haven't. It's like comparing to know seawater in a puddle to having seen the 7 seas in all their extensions...
Again... Most top Dominican investors don't want the press that comes with the investment a la Donald Trump, they rather be incognito and free to move about in their own country with all freedom; unlike the Donald or many tycoons that must carry an entourage to move from point A to point B...
Just like the old Ochoa, who died long ago and still they haven't been able to tally the last dollar he owned... Do some math and calculate that you see people eating rice and beans in the DR every day of the week, year, decade, life... Now take under consideration that from the tomato to the can of the tomato paste used to cook those nice beans is made 100% in the DR by the Victorinas, them grow some freaking multitude of fingers to count with...
The same repeats with Rum, sugar, rice, clothing, shoes, etc...
And for some of you that still "hmmm" about "if" there is indeed an upper class that you don't know in the DR, let me be a little historic here:
Upper class Dominicans seldom if ever traveled to the USA as it was considered unrefined and the Moda too tacky. These Dominicans made regular travel to Paris, Madrid, Rome and every other city of stature in Europe at the time.
European mode was as casual as Yaniqueques in the streets of the DR, both in the Capital and Santiago. Most kids never felt American leather on their feet, but fine Italian skin since they could use them.
The travel for vacations was to the same places and on rare occasions to Disney (a must for the young); it was in fact so required by the US gov to appeal to the upper and middle class of the DR, that consulates were opened in both cities.
You were INVITED to visit the US by local officials like confetti going around in a party.
Most of the ones that got to visit the consulates came from the farms and towns in the city skirts. Most middle class and upper class families were provided films about the US and life there, as well as many were given residency instead of visas to go to the US. That was without one single paper other than your Birth Certificate and passport!
The picture that formed on the upper class of the DR about the USA was of the segregation that was common in cities like Florida and NY to the naked eye, and many being mixed families didn't like the idea of letting their kids see that.
Many of the young of these families went to schools in Europe with kids of high prominence and social stature there. Those today are still very good friends and many can count royalty among their friends, real friends...
The next time you see a resort or complex a la Cap-Cana, think not of foreigners getting rich in the DR, but wealthy Dominicans letting their money go for a jog...
Heck! Rich Dominicans are so poor, that they only have money...