The DR is Starting to Scare the Hell out of me !!!

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Identy check, the ability to live in any country requires a certain amount of funds to do same. If the funds are not available to live then other options are needed and this should be understandable. The advent of drug usage here has placed some individuals in a position that requires much more then the average person to survive and therefore my opinion as to why you are reading more occurrences of that which you posted. I would like to explain the situation as I see it with a few additional comments to whom ever it seems to apply.

We seem to be in a phase of thinking in terms of supposed inequality amongst individuals and therefore a disability associated with their adeptness to communicate due to this supposed inequality. When mentioning inequality towards something, be it man or machine, it is imposed that the person referencing such is stating one being superior to the other when the common denominator is no longer ?same?. The thought that communication and understanding can?t be accomplished due to this supposed inequality is absurd. If there is a problem within the communication and understanding phase then more explaining must be presented so that those persons that feel themselves in the superior sphere can better understand those that have been placed in the inferior sphere. Speaking from the imposed lower sphere that I have been placed allow me to rephrase my explanation as it pertains to the ?drug war? here in the DR with reference to that which has and is transpiring in the US.

When discussing a war, regardless of which type, different phases of same come about in a chronological order. Aside from the required planning and logistics of a war the ?invasion? is usually considered to be the first phase. This is followed up by establishing ?beachheads? and all the ?battles? that ensue throughout that ?war?.

I wish it to be understood that my following references to drugs, unless otherwise stated, pertains to their usage and not to their transportation. The fact that usage was in fact ongoing in both countries prior to the stated time frames is irrelevant due to the fact that drug usage prior to the times stated were not at a level to be considered a hazard to either country and therefore no ?war? against them was declared.

In the US the ?war OF drugs? is considered to have started with an ?invasion? in the 60?s. Due to this ?invasion? a ?war ON drugs? soon began to take place. This all happened after the ?warlords? had already established their ?beachheads? and logistics were well in place. Everything since that ?invasion? is just considered ?battles? in that ?war? and IS NOT an invasion.

Here in the DR the ?invasion? of drugs appears to have started about 6 years ago. It appears that this usage escalated due to the product being used as payment in place of money in the transportation phase. The ?middleman? not having the resources to continue the product on to its final desired point of delivery therefore money for his services then turned to introducing the product to the local population in order to recoup his desired revenue for his services rendered in their transportation.

With the advent of usage drugs become deleterious to a society and said society, if equipped, can in fact declare a ?war? against them. This ?war? not only requires trying to shut down the established ?beachheads? for their importation and their points of sale but also by establishing rehabilitation facilities for those that are addicted.

Because of the apparent facilitation that the Dominican government, to include the police and military, seem to play in the transportation phase of drugs I think it would be safe to say that a ?war? against them has not really been declared. Though we read a lot of articles about ?mules? being caught I think this plays a very small role in the amount of drugs that pass through this country on a daily basis. Simultaneously the usage of drugs here hasn?t reached the level whereas it has required the authorities to take any long lasting actions against it. Rest assured that usage will surely reach the limit here that some sort of drastic action will have to be taken. What that action might be is anyone?s guess due to the fact that the DR doesn?t have the ability or the desire to build and maintain the amount of rehabilitation centers that will surely be required to accommodate the number of addicts that drugs will produce. At the same time their ability to house users, dealers and transporters in correctional facilities is too an impossibility without the influx of a lot of capital of which they will not supply.

Money is the reason that drugs go through this country, money is the reason that drugs are beginning to become used in this country and corruption is what will make everything stay as it is.

Over the years there have been many posts commenting about the rise in prices and other things which seem to have a tendency to place the DR on a level with that confronted with living in Europe and the US. Along with these similarities will be with the number of drug users over time. When looking at the comparison of the police, military and governmental operations of these different areas it should be apparent that the DR will have a difficult if now impossible task of dealing with drug usage that is sure to come.

This disaster that I have seen happening as it relates to drugs in this country produce, in my opinion, only one victim. This victim is the same one that has always been the victim since at least 1844 and that is the average Dominican.



Mar 4, 2004


May 23, 2005
Im from the uk also and have lived here for three years, and crime is becomming rife, the roads are awful, so yes it is as bad as it seems and getting worse! Just yesterday i saw three bad accidents on the roads and everyone i know has been attacked or robbed!

pm me if you want to know more, everywhere is different but not different enough!


Oct 21, 2002
This thread seems to be becoming the 'whine bucket'? :laugh:

Is anyone going to tell us anything good, or are there lots of people that really need to move to a better place? And let all of us know where that better place is? I certainly have not found it yet.


Mar 4, 2004
This thread seems to be becoming the 'whine bucket'? :laugh:

Or.................the other one could be. I know you'll receive my cryptic message. Vamos a ver............;)

For the record, NOT everyone I know has been attacked or robbed and I know a lot of people. :) And you would expect a higher number of traffic accidents this weekend - it's a holiday weekend.


Jan 1, 2002
Im from the uk also and have lived here for three years, and crime is becomming rife, the roads are awful, so yes it is as bad as it seems and getting worse! Just yesterday i saw three bad accidents on the roads and everyone i know has been attacked or robbed!

pm me if you want to know more, everywhere is different but not different enough!
Why that is terrible Laurajane. Have you booked your ticket out of here & back to the UK yet? Have fun traveling round the M25, Spaghetti Junction, North or south orbitals of most towns in the UK when you get back!! Road Rage appears to be the 'IN' thing I gather from reading BBC news.

YES, crime is on the increase but it is not RIFE! I would suggest you increase your circle of friends &/or change your locality as most friends/neighbours I know have NOT been attacked or robbed - Dominicans AND Ex-Pats. I would feel a lot more concerned about my security in Toxteth, Bermondsey, Sparkbrook, Brighton, ................ the list is endless!! Check the British press on line & read about the DAILY murders, the daily DEATHS from vehicle accidents, the racism & anger there!

I am NOT blind to what is happening here & I deplore the increase in crime that has taken place over the last 5 years. I am concerned that the PND is inefficient & corrupt, that the DNCD is even more corrupt & incapable of putting it's own house in order, & I fret daily that the Government seems to turn a blind eye to much that appears wrong with the country (to my ex-pat eyes/expectations) but if I got to the stage that you seem to be at, I would be out of here in a shot!

Fortunately I am not & therefore will not be leaving (cheers from some golfing buddies & boos from others no doubt!!). The box I am to be incinerated in has not been ordered yet so I hope to have another 20 years here at least! Be warned potential robbers & idiotic drivers, BUSH will maintain his relatively low profile but is here to stay & will overcome all that you throw at him!! ~ Grahame.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
I too am of the same feeling as Grahame. Though I may at times seem to paint a less then rosy picture of the situation here as I see it I don't do it as a mean of complaining but rather as the way it is and I wish others to know that if they ask.

With the pitfalls that appear to be in this little corner of my world I call paradise it is a fact that I consider the situation better here then I do in the US and is the reason that I decided to live and die here. I too am prepared.


PS - Chris were you including me in that bucket brigade???????

This is the 'better' place so I stopped looking years ago.
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New member
Jan 21, 2007
This thread seems to be becoming the 'whine bucket'? :laugh:

Is anyone going to tell us anything good, or are there lots of people that really need to move to a better place? And let all of us know where that better place is? I certainly have not found it yet.

OK lets try and get this thread back on a positive note,

How about you all listing your top five SAFE and SUNNY places to live in the world, keep it short and sweet and remember that everyone is entitled to there own opinion so if you dont agree with someone else's top five can you please refrain from starting a slanging match.

The DR can of course be in your top five, this is a DR forum after all ;)



Mar 4, 2004
How about you all listing your top five SAFE and SUNNY places to live in the world, keep it short and sweet and remember that everyone is entitled to there own opinion so if you dont agree with someone else's top five can you please refrain from starting a slanging match.

We have a new Moderator? :laugh: :laugh:

We certainly appear to have a change of topic.............


Jan 1, 2002
If all the expats who wring their hands and worry themselves sick about crime, corruption, etc., etc were to leave, they wouldn't be missed and the quality of the expat pool would very likely be better.

I'm not blind to changes that have occurred in recent years, but I am certainly not thinking of leaving. For one thing, I don't know where I would go that would be better than here. I've been on all the islands in the eastern Caribbean, for example, and this is the only one where I really fell welcomed by the local people.

I could go back to US, but too much crime there. And couldn't afford the prices and taxes.

This thread and others like it recently have been eye openers. It seems the expats who used to cry in their beer at the local bar are now doing their crying and complaining on dr1. As far as I know, nobody forced them to come and nobody is forcing them to stay. Chris, you should start a thread to get answers to the question: Why do you stay in the DR if you have so many complaints and fears?
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This thread and others like it recently have been eye openers. It seems the expats who used to cry in their beer at the local bar are now doing their crying and complaining on dr1. As far as I know, nobody forced them to come and nobody is forcing them to stay. Chris, you should start a thread to get answers to the question: Why do you stay in the DR if you have so many complaints and fears?
I think some people enjoy this type of topic/discussions.

Obviously, many are simply trying to inform, but some.... well.... :pirate:



Mar 4, 2004
If all the expats who wring their hands and worry themselves sick about crime, corruption, etc., etc were to leave, they wouldn't be missed and the quality of the expat pool would very likely be better.

I'll second that :) Maybe Chris should start a thread Would the gene pool of expats be improved if wimps and wallies left?

Time for a cull? :laugh: :laugh:


Oct 21, 2002
What's wrong with y'all? Forgotten how to start threads? :cheeky: I have my hands full at the moment with a few wimps, wallies and whiners somewhere else...


New member
Jan 21, 2007

10/10 to KeithF,
0/10 to everyone else for failing to grasp this simple paragraph -

about you all listing yoHow ur top five SAFE and SUNNY places to live in the world, keep it short and sweet and remember that everyone is entitled to there own opinion so if you dont agree with someone else's top five can you please refrain from starting a slanging match.

ps, Im guessing you go back to the Isle of Man for the TT races KeithF ;)

And as a little side note, if you go back and look at my origonal post in this thread, it was started with a few simple questions and was not started with the intention of this thread becoming very negative about the DR, I simply wanted a few answers to a few questions and some honest opinions, thats all.

If you dont like positive AND negative comments, its probably not advisable to start, post on or even view a public forum, just a thought, hey ho

