The Structure Of A Barrio

Steve Costa Azul

I love Rocky's Ribs!
Jul 15, 2006

there seem to be chickens everyplace there is some land....I havent walked among the slums of the i cant speak for them....I doubt theyb have animals

we did get some ducks...teal....

here is a nicer wooden house...on the way out to this area...many of the houses are concrete blocks... the nicer one even have large tiled areas, if not the whole house.. they are all single floor dwellings....and the nicer of the concrete ones have nice walls and metal work.. and are painted nice....then once in a while you get one unpainted... out further you get more wooden houses .....and the people that have a decent life or job will keep them looking as best they can

my Gfs grandmother and aunt live out in Mao... and that area is poor, and the dwelling show it...but the people still dress decent.. the kids dont look like they go with the housing....the yard aare all dirt...with even numbers of concrete and wooden structures...the goverment actually went in and built nice sidewalks.....but the road is ****ss poor.....go least they have good drainage now.

I bet it was because the people revolted 6 months before elections... ha ha ha


If you're gonna' give us pics, at LEAST have your hot GF in them for Pete's sake! C'mon, it's Christmas! A time for giving!:p :lick: :cheeky: :devious:
He he
Sep 19, 2005
speaking of my GF...I just got off the phone with her.. I aksed her opinon of what a barrio is and what a campo is...

she said...a barrio is a place were a lot of bad people hang out ...not a good place.....she calls the places in the cities with the tin roofs and ranshakle huts...a Barrio.....she calls the outer city limits like where she lives a Campo......wether it is a street lined with houses of concrete or out where they are spread out and wooden..still a campo to her.....

what you dont want any pictures of ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

evceryone wants a picture of my you get a picture of the pig...if you keep dissing me...:( ha ha ha

Sep 19, 2005
ok Ill trow in a picture that is relavant to the thread.. AND includes someone I like a lot.....feel better Steve?

this place is a few blocks from my Gfs house...while her house has a grass front yard and all painted stucco'ed outside..and nice tiled inside...with a car port.......this place has a half cement foundation but a wooden walls build on it.... the outside is all dirt....and inside is just one big room....most of the land around here was tobacco at one it rotates as to what crop is being grown.....see they even have electricity and a hair sheer even though they dont have grass!!!!! ha ha ha ha




Mar 4, 2004
I would think the number 5A was to distinguish it from 5B.............;) Sometimes the numbers signify there has been a dispute in the past over who owns what; sometimes they're left over from the Census so one census taker knows that patch has already been done, sometimes it signifies the address.


May 3, 2002
Good pictures. Cute GF. I see nothing wrong with the life depicted in these pictures. What am I missing or what are they missing that is so important. They have fruit trees, vegetable gardens, chickens, hogs, and maybe even a cow. They have land and fresh air and water. They are surrounded with family and friends.

Where I came from, as children we would play in the rainstorms. It was a great free feeling. Flash forward many years. When we moved into our current the end of the move this huge rainstorm came in. The moving guys went out in front and sat in the storm. I mean it was coming down hard. I went out there with them. It was a great feeling. Freedom.

Can you imagine living in a New York apartment and not being able to strip down to shorts and go sit in the rain. They would haul you off to the looney bin. We are so concerned about what people think of us. Another form of the isolation.


May 3, 2002
0 could teach guys a thing or two about picking their girlfriends. True campo girl. You can't go wrong.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
trying to show you pictures of the barrio opposite my house. if this works it is oneof the kitchens. if not can someone tell me how to attach pictures!!

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Sep 19, 2005
matilda...size your photos first to about 700 pixels one way.. the other way is defaulted so dont worry about them as the same name then add -sized, in the same folder they are when you got to look for it later from another sites browser can see the name of the photo and the -sized afterwards, and know that is the one to select.

then download this site:

TinyPic Video and Photo Sharing

there you will select find and select you photo, then you give it a "title" in the field shown...then hit Upload
then you will see three fields added that are different formats to use that downloaded photo.....I highlight the middle one usually then select "copy" by right mouse clicking...then back out of that site

open up the site you want(DR1) and start a reply...once you get where you want to add the psted with your mouse right button....

thats how I do it....the web site tiny pictures needs the photo to be in one of three or four formats...JPEG is the best.

good luck



RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006

Thanks so much bob. here we go to see if this works. Should be the kitchen and the local gym with concrete weights!!!



RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006


On a roll now!!!! This is part of the barrio and a typcal happy dominican lady in her house!!

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New member
Apr 11, 2004

She does look happy, indeed! I'm sure that she's absolutely thrilled about living in that rickety, old shack!


Sep 27, 2006
i am sure she has little or no education, she does not speak english/german and she has no chance to get a better life than this...


May 3, 2002
Yes she should have a better home. She should have adequate food and health care and clothing. Oh the stint of corruption that steals much needed monies. But I will bet she is happy in spite of it.

I can't know better than the experts now can I. They will tell you that if you spread the modern world structure as fast as possible, you make a better world. She will have more stuff and she will be happier. Believe me, it is all about money. Making the rich richer. Sell your soul for a peso.

I believe that if you bring change to fast, such people will lose what is more important to them...even if they don't know what it is. She probably walks out that old rickety shack and is surrounded by friends and family that care about her. Can you say the same thing when you walk outside your dwelling? What is more important, that or having an A/C?

The business people will take a solare of land and say let us build a 5 story apartment building. Let's stack them high and they can all look out on the back of the building next door. Shhhh...we make more profit per square meter. And the building is built in such a way that they make more money and the people have to live somewhere and they will buy or rent these dwellings and the world turns.

But it is inevitable. I know this also. I know you can't stop 'PROGRESS'. Such magical terms they use to sway us. To keep us believing. Sell the land, sell the minerals, sell the crops.

Related: Haiti has a big problem right now with the kidnapping of children. Can you imagine losing your child to kidnappers. They have killed several of the children. Kidnappings by gangs is a growing problem around the world. Want my take on it? Ok, I will give it to you anyway. Two elements here...Gangs and Kidnappings. This is all a result of the balance of wealth tipping to far in one direction. When this happens, extreme activities emerge. The proliferation of organized gangs occurs as people on one end of the spectrum seek out means of survival in a fast changing world that leaves theirs without. And kidnapping activity is a weapon to use against the hoarding of wealth. And drug activity....that is a weapon also. It isn't just bad guys versus good guys. It is a war between those who have and those who don't. Under certain conditions, I to might become a kidnapper. If that is what I saw as the only means to put food in the belly of my children. All these gang people are not evil monsters.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
The business people will take a solare of land and say let us build a 5 story apartment building. Let's stack them high and they can all look out on the back of the building next door. Shhhh...we make more profit per square meter. And the building is built in such a way that they make more money and the people have to live somewhere and they will buy or rent these dwellings and the world turns.
Is the alternative to give it away? .... it didn't work behind the iron curtain. Somewhere between hand-up (from NGO & government agencies) and individual initiative (and motivation) is the solution. Sorry to burst your idealistic balloon but, everyone will never be equal :disappoin


New member
Apr 11, 2004

Sorry, but while I do believe that the woman in the photo may have happy moments, I do not believe that she is necessarily happy with her life under the circumstances in which she lives. Imagine the rats and bugs that must come into her shack at night, the suffocating heat of the sun during the day, the water dripping down on her and her family when it rains ruining bedding and what little else she may have... Of course, being loved by friends and family are important, but love alone can only do so much.


Sep 27, 2006

both my parents grew up in a polish countryside, in wooden houses not much better than that, with whole family (in my mum's case parents plus 11 kids) in no more than two tiny rooms.

they run to the city as soon as they could live home and they never looked back. yes, with their families they were never hungry, never lonely (or alone, for that matter), never REALLY unhappy. but it's better to be happy with one's family in a nice, warm (or in DR - cool) apartment with running water and electricity, with wc, with a fridge and a washing machine.

if one can be happy on a heap of rubbish, you think, snuffy, moving them to the proper house would not be much of a tragedy, would it?

and no worries, barrios will always be there, progress or not. there will be always be those who are stupid and lazy, who'd go on doing a lousy jobs so the rest of us, more fortunate, can fill our stomachs....


May 3, 2002
I don't necessarily believe what I post. I post to push get people thinking. I don't have all the answers and may have none. I'm searching for knowledge. I'm listening. If you read me close you will see that I want her to have a better life. I know she needs better. But I do believe she is a happy person.