MoJoInDR, so your information is just copy and paste?
I've made nine comments in this thread... Five have links to articles or videos related to the title of this thread... So no, keepcoming... As should be most obvious from my participation in this thread... My information — which I take to mean my participation — is not just copy and paste.
In fact, giving a link to further speaking on a matter is not considered "...copy and paste...", it is considered presenting more information about a matter for consideration by those interested in finding out more.
But I kind of have a sense that there's more to your somewhat straw man comment... And if there is, perhaps you should simply just clearly state it.
Do you consider the many threads created by Delores in the Daily News Headlines section to be "...just copy and paste...", or are they more like acceptable conversation starters?
This thread is about the value and power of forests... And I was hoping to be able to speak about the views of professionals from around the world regarding forests and how their thoughts relate to the DR's forests... However, I was told to stick to things that were directly related to the DR, which would not include speaking by professionals on general matters related to forests, albeit their speaking is absolutely applicable to DR forests.
And trying to follow this instruction, I have been researching the matter of DR forests and when I have found something directly related, and interesting, I post it for consideration of folks who might see it as such. And I'm certainly not interested in duplicating what anyone else has presented.
I research and write, keepcoming... And I can research and then write at length on the matters I've researched. But after thirty plus years of online participation on forums, I've found that along with my writing, presenting links to other related resources is perfectly acceptable, and appreciated by those reading what I write.
Hope the above answers your question.