Threads in common.


Jun 3, 2004
There are presently two separate but related threads where the issue of age differences between a couple male/female may cause some unintended consequences. My question for anyone willing to chime in is this: what is the age difference that would cause you to raise an eyebrow, or two, and why?


Jan 7, 2016
There are presently two separate but related threads where the issue of age differences between a couple male/female may cause some unintended consequences. My question for anyone willing to chime in is this: what is the age difference that would cause you to raise an eyebrow, or two, and why?

Well myself I have had ads on Craigslist looking for a mature lady stating that I am 70+. I get lots of emails from girls that say they are 22 and believe that age is just a number. I reply to them that they could hardly be more insulting. Discounting all the experiences i have had over the decades before they were born is very insulting to me. What could a girl like that really want? They gotta believe that I have millions to share that they can swoop in and collect it as soon as they put a banana peel on the floor for me to slip on. To answer your direct question I'd say 20 years difference is about the outside difference that couk
ld still make it a valid relationship.
Der Fish


Jun 5, 2011
I think I agree with you herr Fish. I am in my fifties and have a 18 year old daughter. I cant stand the idea of having a novia younger than 20. I would say, when single again, you never know, 35-40 years old would be great. You know men age while women get older...:D. Spit it out ladies:D
That said, there are women in their fifties and sixties, very attractive, tumbando muchachitas... So age is sometimes relative.


Jun 16, 2014
A friend of mine married a Dominicana here who is 35 years younger than he is. They've been together for 10 years, married for 5, have two children together, and have been in the US for 4 years. No problem getting the CR-1 visa. They've very happy together. Sometimes it does work out.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I think anything more than 20 raises eyebrows.

When I took my ex to the states, all the guys young and old were asking me where I found such a beautiful girl, and all the older women were looking at me like I was raping a baby.

I can't remember how many times a woman asked me "Oh, is this your daughter?"


Sep 27, 2006
the age difference as such rarely raises my eyebrows even if i do judge such relationships immediately as a form of play for pay. and these days there are many older women and men who look really good and can blow younger doughy bodies out of the water. what is more likely to give me an internal chuckle is an obvious difference in the looks. a young attractive woman with a man who looks and smells like a crypt keeper or a juicy hunk with some dried up prune with bad teeth? yeah, i know you be paying for that body ody ody.


Sep 3, 2013
I've heard that the maximum age gap which is socially acceptable is double the younger age minus 7. So if someone is 18, the oldest partner they should have is 29. If someone is 30 the oldest partner is 53. Strange formula but if feels kind of right.


Jan 2, 2002
I've heard that the maximum age gap which is socially acceptable is double the younger age minus 7. So if someone is 18, the oldest partner they should have is 29. If someone is 30 the oldest partner is 53. Strange formula but if feels kind of right.

So a 40 year old can date a 73 year old? Fantastic. ;)


Jan 21, 2006
Well myself I have had ads on Craigslist looking for a mature lady stating that I am 70+. I get lots of emails from girls that say they are 22 and believe that age is just a number. I reply to them that they could hardly be more insulting. Discounting all the experiences i have had over the decades before they were born is very insulting to me. What could a girl like that really want? They gotta believe that I have millions to share that they can swoop in and collect it as soon as they put a banana peel on the floor for me to slip on. To answer your direct question I'd say 20 years difference is about the outside difference that couk
ld still make it a valid relationship.
Der Fish

70 plus is the new 50, Fish.
If your girlfriend or wife is substantially younger and hot the men are envious and the women are not.

I do not think there is a formula. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it does not. The divorce numbers are staggeringly high no matter what the age diff. There is no general agreement but it is something on the order of fifty or sixty percent.
How many people would enter a long term business deal with a 50% likelihood of success?

To make a marriage last takes keeping your mouth shut and being considerate.

You certainly cannot lie back, just be yourself and have it last for long.


Jun 5, 2011
To make a marriage last takes keeping your mouth shut and being considerate.
Then they complain you never talk to them.....

I would say, hear, and say yes at the right moment...


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
The Key is Communication... If you are young at heart, and your communication is FLAWLESS ( in her language or yours, or both together) , you got a GOOD chance..
but If you cant finish each others sentences .. do not even think about going ALL IN, or you will pay dearly..
it takes some of us years to get to that point though.
Marrying someone you just met a couple months ago is a recipe for disaster, imo.
The Cultures have to MESH, that takes Time, sometimes years ..
my .02


Jun 5, 2011
I don't kno other opinion but to me it is not just culture....the zodiac sign. My wife and I are both aquarius and we understand each other without talking. I had a scorpion girl friend once, Dutch, MMA day and night. 


Jul 9, 2009
I am 52. My wife is 26, soon 27. We met when I was 49 and she was 23.

We both look 10 years younger than we are (My mom was many times being asked if she is my sister, lol). Well, for me it is great to appear like 40. Not so much for my wifey when some people think she is 17 or 18. :D

I met her when my relationship with my ex-wife (now 43 yo) of 18 years was already not working anymore. I was still together with my ex only because of our son.

I fought it with claws and jaws. I told myself this is never going to work out (well, now it is 3 1/2 years, 14 month of these we are married now and our first baby (another boy) is on its way. She is 7 month pregnant now. So it wil be boy number three (She brought a now 8 y/o with her and I have a 14 y/o boy who is often with us but lives with his mum in Bavaro).

That she came into my life was the best what ever happened to me. I was bitter, angry and just kept going on because of my son. She literally gave me my life back.

We are over 3 years together now and I mean together. There was not a single day in this time I was not with her. Heck, not even more than a 3 hour period or something like that. We even work together (from home). We shop together, we do everything together (OK. I still go to pee alone... :D). We share the same interests (Yeah, I know, not only The Walking Dead series :D). We like the same TV series, the same movies. We workout together in our home gym. We love to check out the restaurants in SD, to explore the island on weekends and being with our kids. She does not like to drink or going out alone.

She is a great cook, a chef (She cooks Mexican, Mediterranean, German, you name it - she tries a lot from the Gourmet channel or other recipes and never fails). She always wanted to become a chef in her "youth".

Well, I could go on and on. I know not everybody has that much luck as I have with my wife.

But, I would not say anymore that age matters that much as I was prone doing in the past. It just doesn't matter when real love is involved, when you have many interests in common, when you speak the same language (!!!!) and when there is not a big difference in where you come from (we both come from (upper) middle class upbringings).

And no, you won't find a woman like that in a tourist bar or such. I was not looking, I just stumbled over here and it happened...

Happy Sunday!


Jul 9, 2009
I don't kno other opinion but to me it is not just culture....the zodiac sign. My wife and I are both aquarius and we understand each other without talking. I had a scorpion girl friend once, Dutch, MMA day and night. 

We are both goats err capricorn... :D


Jun 3, 2004
Thank you all, great insights and food for thought. Reason for my OP: I've been here five months and most women that I've been able to relate to are between 29 and 40 years of age. I am physically fit(walk 4-6/miles/day, roller blade every day and swim every chance I get)and my weight has never fluctuated more than five pounds. Many of the women in my age bracket become victims of gravity after bearing a few kids and eating the Dominican diet. Additionally many abhor being in the sun and getting their hair wet, regardless of who's paying the salon visit. They also want a degree of exclusivity that I find stifling and I'm not getting married again. 


Jan 21, 2006
Then they complain you never talk to them.....

I would say, hear, and say yes at the right moment...

What I did not type clearly enough is think about HOW what you were going to say will feel to them before you say anything.

This simple idea has contributed to a great long term marriage.