Topless sunbathing


El Rubio


Once again i apologize if i have offended you. I am easily upset by world-wide misconceptions that Americans are gun-toting, interfering, selfabsorbed people. I will admit that some Americans are, but not all. I may have overreacted to your comments.
I will agree with you that Hollywood does not give the fine British military enough credit for their part in the war. Without British intellegence the allies may not have won at all. Being an Irish-American i also do not believe all accounts of history are fair and correct. As far as the woman in your original posting, she is an idiot. Not cuz she's American, but because she is an idiot. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Her, me, and you. I myself, would not want my children to see naked people walking around on a beach, but that is simply my opinion. It also depends on the ages of the kids as well though. With teenagers, i would not have a problem with it at all, but younger children should be shielded from some adult behaviors. But my opinion is only the right way to do things for me. Your opinion is right for you.
Once again, i am sorry to have insulted you. I overreacted to the comments about Americans.

Happy Holidays,


This thread really took a strange turn. Most of these postings have nothing to do with the original posting. Including mine. But further down it really took a strange twist, don't you think?

Sue B.

Speaking as a Canadian (merely for frame of reference) and the mother of 2 teenage boys, I can relate to the mother that made the original comment. As Canadians (and I'm generalizing) we have more in common with the somewhat modest Dominicans, than with the Europeans to whom nudity is both natural and comfortable. To say that I would be shocked and horrified would be overstating the issue, I suspect this was just a poor word choice. I would be out of my personal comfort zone on a topless beach with my kids around. The boys would think they had died and gone to teenage boy heaven, I suppose that speaks more to their age than how they have been raised. I guess if you're raised in an atmosphere where people are comfortable with nudity, then you are too and thats normal for you. If I'm raised in an atmosphere where people are not comfortable with nudity then it stands to reason that I might not be either. It doesn't make either of us bad people it just makes us different and thats what makes the world spin.

Bob McKenzie


And I aplogise too, for insulting you. As you say, it's so easy to over-react but Life's too short and we all have our differences which should be respected.
Sue B has made a similar point to your own to which I fully understand and respect.
My late Mother wouldn't know what to do if she saw topless women on the beach (not sure about my Dad though!) but over here, as I say, folks have got so used to it by now that it is the norm. Not in the UK, I hasten to add, it's more common in Mediterranean countries where most of us go for our vacations.
Mind you, if I was a woman, I'd think twice about it!

Take care


Bob McKenzie


P.S. Yes, the thread did take a twist! Amazing how one subject can end up touching so many nerves.

Oh well, we're only human :)




Re: Rape To Diane

>>> ". . . safety helmet, safety this, safety that, child proof this, child proof that. How are they ever going to learn . . . "

I"m just guessing but would the list also enclude "trigger safity locks" ? ? ?

. . . CES


Re: Rape To Diane

I agree that nudity is a healthy experience. I walk around naked in the house in the morning, rushing to take my bath - and I don't really care if the kids look. They don't really seem to notice, and I find that a nude body is a totally natural thing - more natural than clothes, if you think about it! But I don't walk around flaunting it (maybe because I have absolutely nothing to be proud of bodywise).

I think that most Danish women sunbathe topless, and there is not much sexuality about that either. Just a fairly relaxed attitude towards body matters. Adult situations in movies are not cut out when they are shown on TV - after all it is the responsibility of the parents to turn the TV off or get the children to bed, if they don't want them to see it. The children are taught about the consequenses of sex at school, and the attitude that some Americans (and British) show ?s a surprise to most Scandinavians. So yes - I like the though of sex being considered natural.

That said, I think your argument is total and utter nonsense, Diane. As others have stated: Rape is not sex, it is violence. Maybe a few very confused people have mistaken the two, but if you ask most rapists - and it has been done - sex had absolutely nothing to do with it. And even in an atmosphere as relaxed as in Scandinavia, rape occurs frequently. Not as often as in the States, but that goes for nearly all kinds of crime.

I must - on a different note - also add that I like my children to wear "safety helmets this", and "safety that". What can they learn from being run down by a car and falling off their bikes headfirst? If they don't wear a helmet, I doubt they will ever be able to learn anything ever again.

But as for topless sunbathing: It is more than alright with me. However, if your hosts - like the country you are in - are offended by it, I wouldn't dream of doing it. There is no need to stuff your own ethics and morals down the throat of others when you are a guest.



Why in the world would there be warning about topless sunbathing - its normal in most of the world. Europeans should get a warning before going to the USA that its forbidden on most beaches.

I personally feel sorry for the woman, and especially her poor "prude-raised" children.

As most Americans, this person needs to get out more .....

The USA is not (thank god) the world standard .....


Re: Topless. . . Guns

>>> "Also, in Santo Domingo and other towns of any size you will see a large number of men carrying poorly-concealed handguns. Whether they carry for a reason . . . . " <<<

In most all cases the persons carrying the hand gun or sidearm are off duty NP (police) or military. . .

. . . CES

Jim Hinsch

Re: Rape To Diane

Just to add another perspective, the law considers rape to cover a wide spectrum of crimes, from an 18 year women old having sex with her 16 year old husband (there was an actual prosecution in the USA), date rape, sex with an intoxicated partner, other forms of sex without consent, and violent attacks in dark alleys. It can be an act of sex, lust (albeit, sometimes twisted lust), violence, and even a combination. It really depends on what form of rape, because some forms are actually thought to be sex (at least for one of the partners).

Most people associate the word "rape" with the violent act.



You should re- think your post. Most of the negative responses to Diane came from "Most Americans" as people of other countries state, please do not associate the attitudes of "Americans" with the idea of one misinformed individual


Jim Hinsch

Re: ANY RAPE IS A VIOLENT ACT ! I don't think so

Wrong. Some rape is strictly a matter of local law: what one culture calls consensual sex, another may call rape, based on the different ages of consent. For other examples, see previous post.

Look it up violence in the dictionary.



It may not always be a violent act, but it usually involves control or dominance.

I can see your point where someone is charged with rape in a statutory consentual act, but that is the rarity.

One of the more disgusting (Not that they ALL are not) incidents of rape is when a person has custody and or control over another (Police, Prison gurads, Doctors, Therapists etc) and they usually are not prosecuted or even reported.

With the exception of the statutory rape, the victim is always the victim of "violence," be it physical, mental, control by physical or medicinal means, belief that it is "correct" is often the case in statutory rape so a case could be made that is a "violent" act also. It is hard to understand if a 15 year old is resisting or has the ability to consent to the act.

In any way shape or manner, it rots.

About 20 years ago, we had a rather "radical" State Represenative that introduced a bill to make castration the penalty for rape. A friend of mine was Governor at the time and he stated "I'll veto that bill before it can even touch my desk." When asked why, Joe replied "I sure as hell don't want to be the one to apologize to the guy if we later find a reversible error

Jim, midnight tomorrow?


Jim Hinsch

Re: Semantics

Yes. The sea has been unusually "violent" all week in the south of the DR.



Re: ANY RAPE IS A VIOLENT ACT ! I don't think so

I don't need to look up violence in the dictionary and either would anybody else on this board.Rape is rape,it would be moronic to view it as any other way.


Re: "Americans?

as you said Tom...
...negative responses to Diane came from "Most Americans"

Doesn't this proves that Americans are NEGATIVE?

Why don't you find an American board that talks about Americans.
This board is for DR not USA, and no Americans are going to
change DR into another USA.

Respect everyone on this board and perhaps we'll respect you.

This is my last reply to you TOM.


Re: "Americans?, yep big country to the South,

I thought you said your last reply was your last reply, boy am I blessed with your attention.

You are so numb that you can't understand that it is AMERICANS trying to educate your poor Victorian "tail" that rape is a crime of violence, not one learned from topless sunbathing.

Either you are 12 years old, a distinct probability or you have a learning disabilty in which case I apologize.

Go find a Walrus, you have much in common


Diane's award for stupidity

From Duck's post above

Why in the world would there be warning about topless sunbathing - its normal in most of the world. Europeans should get a warning before going to the USA that its forbidden on most beaches.

I personally feel sorry for the woman, and especially her poor "prude-raised" children. <<<Diane, that you hes speaking of sweetheart>>>>>>

As most Americans, this person needs to get out more .....>>>Again DiDi, thats your prudish ass he is referring to from your first numb post

You really should be more like Canada, pick fights with someone your own size (And all of you regulars should know this is not a jab at the fine people North of the border, just one misguided wacko..My God, is ARCOIRIS BACK?????????)

The USA is not (thank god) the world standard .....

Bob McKenzie

Re: Diane's award for stupidity

As the original poster of 'Topless sunbathing' I've found this thread most entertaining but please, let's all try to get on together.

The DR is a beautiful place and so are the people and whilst I have no rights to moderate at the very least I think we should all try to moderate our opinions.

It's so easy to get 'wound' up about the comments of others, I did it myself, but throwing insults at each other is not a civil way of resolving differences in culture or belief.

I think the phrase, 'to beg to differ', is more appropriate.

Happy Holidays everyone!
