Just to clarify, I was only referring to groceries and items you purchase. Housing, water, electricity and many other things I do consider still cheapish, so for years it has all balanced out... Groceries are also relatively cheap if you go to the market and not supermarket...
I did a comparison a few months ago with a friend back home who was complaining about the prices, and what he spent $110 dollars on in the grocery store. I was only charged around $1,800 pesos for the same exact things in my UberEats app for home delivery. It was from Ole on 27 de February. Everything is imported in the Bahamas, so everything is super cheap to me here.
One of the reasons I love it here and can go out to eat 2-3 times daily in restaurants such as La Cassina, Peperoni, SBG, Santino, etc. without a care in the world. I’m so used to paying exorbitant prices back home, I feel as if im in cheapo heaven. 😂