Trial for Murder of Lindsay de Feliz

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
I’m very sorry to report that the verdict was not guilty for all 4. They will be released early January
I do not know the law here but how can you be not guilty and not immediately release? Is there more to this verdict?


Dec 11, 2009
They are very careful about making sure all the documents are correct releasing people. It is rare but the DR Government can appeal not guilty sentences because this is permitted in civil law. El diablo es sucio.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
This is devastating, but I am sad to say that I am not surprised. I believe one reason for the high level of criminality in the DR is the fact that criminals know they have a very good chance of getting away with their crimes. Or at least a good chance of not getting locked up forever. The consequences do not seem to be very serious for many criminals, and who knows, maybe Danilo has promised money (Lindsay's money) to secure a Not Guilty verdict. He is so clearly guilty, I am so sorry for her family and friends. I only knew her via e-mail, she was so nice to me when I was having a hard time in the DR. Maybe there will be some street justice and certainly he will meet up with karma but this is a devastating blow. Will he get her money too?


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
I always knew they would walk.

It sickens me.

What sickens me most is that the verdict completely betrays Lindsay's love for her adopted country. She gave herself to it: hook-line-&sinker. She was more Dominicana than any Dominicana. It betrays her love for a man, who in the end, was just not worthy of her.

She loved him. She gave up everything for him. She took his family, his bills, his ridiculous fantasies. He said "jump" and she said, "how high?" on the way up. He didn't graduate from law school: she did. I knew him: I always thought he was so stupid he needed to be caged. She worked herself to the bone for him, and despite (my opinion: we never explicitly discussed it) his (many blatant) lies, she was loyal, and loving, and faithful.

Justice may be blind. I am not. And I will never, ever believe that Danilo & Co. are not guilty of the murder of Lindsay Firth de Feliz.

I want to see how the grieving widower conducts himself from now on. And if he should cut himself shaving, or fall off a ladder, or the brakes on his car should give out....

I won't cry for the dead. But try as I might, I cannot find any mercy in my heart for the living.

Rest in peace, Linds. The world is a smaller place without your 98-lbs in it.


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Now, since he and his dweebes, were found not guilty (which we all know he is guilty), will the authorities open the case and search for the murderes? If the husband is innocent will he search for the person that murdered her, which any normal innocent husband would do.

I am so saddened by this verdict. I'm shocked but not suprised.


Jan 12, 2010
Very disappointing. Yet, us gringos will sit back and do nothing and let it happen to another one of us. Our voices will be silent, and we will continue to give money to help this country.....or marry a sankey or chapiadora. We tolerate it, that is the problem.
Speak for yourself Seamonkey . Jumping the fence always brings potential dangers to a marriage whether it is the fence of race,colour ,education or religion and those about to jump should be aware of the potential difficulties. This case is a tragic reminder. However I think your main point is whether foreigners who have moved here should continue to support the RD when we are confronted by relentless corruption in many aspects of life. As non Dominicans we are restricted by law from direct action and it is very difficult to assist in a positive way. I think the best way is through education by financially supporting children to go to good schools or universities or to put up a case for reform whenever possible.
In the many years that I have lived here I have seen murderers and other criminals escape justice ,even in the last year there have been two high profile cases in the East where the murders of Americans have not resulted in a conviction. The case of Lindsay de Feliz is now one more. Reform is needed in so many aspects of life here so do not just sit back but ,within the boundaries of the law, try to make changes for the better.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Speak for yourself Seamonkey . Jumping the fence always brings potential dangers to a marriage whether it is the fence of race,colour ,education or religion and those about to jump should be aware of the potential difficulties. This case is a tragic reminder. However I think your main point is whether foreigners who have moved here should continue to support the RD when we are confronted by relentless corruption in many aspects of life. As non Dominicans we are restricted by law from direct action and it is very difficult to assist in a positive way. I think the best way is through education by financially supporting children to go to good schools or universities or to put up a case for reform whenever possible.
In the many years that I have lived here I have seen murderers and other criminals escape justice ,even in the last year there have been two high profile cases in the East where the murders of Americans have not resulted in a conviction. The case of Lindsay de Feliz is now one more. Reform is needed in so many aspects of life here so do not just sit back but ,within the boundaries of the law, try to make changes for the better.
One of our teachers had her husband murdered. Despite all her efforts the guy, who was found guilty due to the 50 or so witnesses, was released after 6.5 years.

chico bill

May 6, 2016
It is very infuriating, and for those who were intimately involved with Lindsay it must be nauseating to the core.
Just make this travesty public in your home countries.
Let them know the DR does not deliver justice for foreigners when Dominicans commit crime against them. It is a prejudiced society.
Publish it on Facebook and other social accounts.
If tourism were affected it would be the only thing that could cause the government to take any action.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I suspected as much. The physical evidence just wasn't there, and a conviction with circumstantial evidence is a tough sell here.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
One of our teachers had her husband murdered. Despite all her efforts the guy, who was found guilty due to the 50 or so witnesses, was released after 6.5 years.
Why did she have her husband murdered? :rolleyes:
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May 13, 2006
I have feared this result right along. Rest in peace Lindsay, karma can be a bitch and we hope she is!
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Jun 10, 2008
Very disappointing. Yet, us gringos will sit back and do nothing and let it happen to another one of us. Our voices will be silent, and we will continue to give money to help this country.....or marry a sankey or chapiadora. We tolerate it, that is the problem.
Yes. Things seem to work when it comes to real estate and tourism etc as if there is a rule of law. But that’s just because it’s such an important industry to the DR. Only money matters in the DR.
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Jul 15, 2008
I suspected as much. The physical evidence just wasn't there, and a conviction with circumstantial evidence is a tough sell here.
I don't understand! There seemed to be so much evidence! They didn't tie up their loose ends at all. They were too stupid!
This is a vile verdict! I hope something absolutely awful happens to all of them!
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