Trial of Jennifer Joaquin


Jun 28, 2003
What feeds are you reading on Twitter?
JD. I don't read Twitter but came across it while poking around this morning.
Jennifer Joaquin De van Tinteren and one hit went to the twitter account of Indira Vasquez Mar 3, 2019


Feb 10, 2005
Roy didn't look old i think he was 58, I was talking to him a couple nights before he was killed and he mentioned that he cut all her credit cards. He wasn't doing very well and said he was heading back to Holland, he he told me more than once what a lucky guy he was to have such a beautiful wife.


Mar 13, 2017
Sad, I've mentioned old Roy as an example in many of my posts. There is no way a hot young Dominican poa is going to magically fall in love with some old cat gringo. He played the game. Maybe he knew the risks. Who knows, he's long gone now, thanks to another puta sting operation. Knight is cliche but correct. The odds of true love for Ole Roy were like getting in a plane crash. Setups in the cabaña is another favorite of mine. These girls call the chulo on the way to the San Isidro ghetto cabaña strip and poor gringo guy is doomed. Also happens frequently to the cheating Dominican! You grow up with no father watching your mother parade different guys in and out of her bed weekly, this is what you create. Old Roy could have mitigated risk with someone his age, but even then...
the truth is the truth .. education is the key and if they are education they definitely wont being with a 68yr old man.. I learned from experiences my first so call GF here told me I had to buy her a car if not she is leaving she left. but she thought she had my hooked .. I'm very happy living single for the past 20 years
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Mar 13, 2017
Roy didn't look old i think he was 58, I was talking to him a couple nights before he was killed and he mentioned that he cut all her credit cards. He wasn't doing very well and said he was heading back to Holland, he he told me more than once what a lucky guy he was to have such a beautiful wife.
he was not that lucky ... I trust no one , its good to tell them you cant speak spanish than you can catch them early in the game
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Feb 9, 2012
Here is a little reading in Spanish. A letter from Jennifer to the public pressing her innocence.

Puerto Plata Activa

April 9, 2019 ·
Carta: Soy Jennifer Joaquín Desde la cárcel estoy viendo los comentarios negativos y de insultos sobre mi persona !!!
La gente me insulta y me juzga sin conocerme!!!
Me pregunto por qué las mujeres de mi país de mi género no se apoyan una con otra !! Los comentarios que más me ofenden son de mujeres Dominicana acabando conmigo sin saber qué pasó?
Yo soy inocente!!! No
Mande a matar a mi esposo!! Todo lo que han dicho sobre mí son mentiras y especulaciones!! Usted no puede juzgar condenar sin antes investigar a fondo!! Nadie tiene pruebas de que yo mande a matar a mi esposo!!!
Los hombres que mataron a mi esposo confesaron que no tengo nada que ver con eso!! Ese holandés era mi tesoro con el ganaba la lotería lo tenía todo con ese hombre era un amor y un hombre bueno porqué lo
Mandaría a matar si él me tenía tan cómoda?
Las mujeres son las que están acabando conmigo sin saber qué pasó
No puedo negar que tenía un novio pero en ese transcurso yo y mi esposo estábamos peleado y medio separado fue en ese momento que tenía ese novio y sólo tenía 2 meses con ese novio porque durante de esos dos meses no hablaba ni hacía contacto con el holandés yo estaba prácticamente sola
Y ustedes principalmente las mujeres viven especulando sin tener idea de lo que en realidad pasó y sin conocerme!! El holandés y yo estábamos casado bajo bienes separados pero él me compraba bienes al nombre mío el me compraba lo mío aparte y todo lo que necesitaba!! No tenía por qué mandarlo a matar si él tenía bienes al nombre mío y que eran mío!! Los que secuestraron y mataron a mi esposo dicen que fue por un negocio que salió mal entre ellos y terminó en esa tragedia!! Nadie sabe cómo estoy sufriendo ni por lo que estoy pasando desde que asesinaron a mi esposo nadie sufre más que yo por la muerte de mi esposo!! Usted no puede juzgarme sin conocerme!! Ustedes han visto las fotos de cómo mi esposo y yo llevábamos muy bien que él era un amor y una excelente persona esposo amigo y todo para mi !! Entonces qué motivo tenía yo para mandarlo a matar?
Yo trabajaba en un cabaret de noche y el holandés me sacó de ahí se casó conmigo me compró jeepeta apartamento me pone dinero en el banco negocios atendió a mi hijo como si fuera de él porqué Mandaría a matar a un hombre así por Dios nadie puede creer eso!!
Ya los investigadores saben que soy inocente porque los asesinos confesaron que no fui quien lo contrató entonces la justicia divina va hacer que yo salga de todo esto pronto!!
Nosotras las mujeres dominicanas debemos apoyarnos una con otra no podemos juzgar ni Condenar a nadie sin conocer a esa persona!!
Usted no me conoce!! Sólo has visto mis fotos! Sólo has oído rumores!
Nadie tiene prueba de nada!!
Tenemos que esperar que terminen las investigaciones y si en verdad la justicia divina existe entonces voy a salir de todo esto pronto porque soy inocente!!
¿Y tú que crees?

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Lol take a survey of any jail ask the inmates if they're guilty 😂😂😂

On another note, I bet there's sure a lot of folks in jails who go to sleep at night thinking "damn, I really wish I hadn't done that" oh well


Jun 26, 2012
In that missive, she confesses to having a boyfriend, too, but... but she loved her husband.

Innocent or not, she channels her inner George Carlin very well: "...but He loves you."
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Facepalm Supreme

Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Santo Domingo
Some guys have done "well" here in terms of finding someone that works for them or is compatible. That said it's a real shame that as much as I HATE to say it it's really a shame that some of the guys that do the best are those who hook up with a...well hooker, pay her her fee and then HIT THE ROAD JACK. Not my style but there is just so much shenanigans going on in the world today and then this country and it's culture doesn't really help.

Trying to elevate some chick that can't read or even speak spanish properly, her and her fatherless child into some sort of comfort or normalcy will almost always not be appreciated, greeted with thanks and love and tenderness and caring. No. She will be having sex with some guy (or guys) on the side (more like YOU'RE the one on the side), and plotting and planning your murder so they can take your things. Her family don't and won't appreciate you and will simply be looking at you as a cash cow and hoping they can get something out of you while you're present. There is very little real desire to form a permanent bond, and if she does she sure as **** ain't going to give you the kind of true respect and submission that she would a Dominican guy. That's why she's with a gringo in the first place - to be with someone that's going to let her do whatever she wants to do, and who has money.

These guys should be in the military, put to work, or in prison somewhere. Young males who aren't engaged in productive work or some kind of order-instilling social program/corps are just a recipe for trouble and disaster.

Single mothers should be AVOIDED at all costs. Women with tattoos should be AVOIDED at all costs. These people make bad decisions, SO bad in fact that the evidence of their bad decision making exists constantly as a living, walking and talking reminder, or engraved on their very skin.

And guess what? The "JetBlue crowd" as everyone here likes to slyly mention know exactly how to get the most out of the situation while avoiding the vast majority of the potential negative consequences. Hate them all you want but they come over for the weekend or two, come in groups so they are actually socializing and forming bonds and spending time with people of like mind generally in middle age (30s, 40s, 50s), do their thing and then LEAVE. The risk for reward, if you're in to meaningless sex is pretty high in their favor.

This is a case of playing it lukewarm. Either get with sincerely positive churchmice and/or normal girls who are sweet and tender, or play the sosua game, play it hard and be ruthless. DO NOT try to play in-between these two extremes.
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Facepalm Supreme

Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Santo Domingo
This brings to mind a couple of thoughts:
1. Does the advise ( sage advise ) of the members of DR1 given to others really mean anything or is the hell bent individual going to go full steam ahead no matter what?
2. Would reading chapter and verse of this event change the mind of a individual from proceeding ahead with the same circumstances?
3. What makes a person think that they are in anyway different?

I read a number of comments regarding the subject on twitter. They all read the same. You know ,the standard lines. But what is of great interest to me is this will happen again, dozens of times more,maybe not end in murder, but something close. Certainly life changing.

Just saying.

3. -I can say that I for one deal with girls WITHOUT tattoos exclusively
a. - I deal with sincerely religious girls EXCLUSIVELY.
b. If I see devil horns or vulgarity in a girl's online presence I disengage immediately. Same for pointy nails or that "I'm dead inside" face
c. Not a 100% deal breaker but dyed hair, piercings, are also not good
d. - In dealing with girls in a serious way (dating as opposed to ONS) I'd say being a business owner helps a lot. Hire slow, fire fast. DO NOT give people the benefit of the doubt. Go with your gut feeling. Be highly discerning/picky/selective. If you see or hear something that is off, get RID of them immediately. Everyone has little things, or moments every once in a while, no one is perfect but you should NOT find yourself making constant excuses or trying to convince yourself of the legitimacy of someone's behavior. IN FACT, they should be on their BEST behavior at all times. You are truly the prize. She is almost certainly broke, and either already dried up and or rotten or will be in 10-15 years. This board isn't really receptive to that statement but Dominican culture sure is. Ain't nobody trying to marry some 26-28-32 year old mango/platano with brown spots all over it, and life is difficult for a woman without a husband, even a "well-to-do" or "career" woman, in fact for them it can be it's most difficult - ask any 45-50+ year old woman who is husbandless and childless and if she's honest she'll let you know.

Here are some questions - does she read books? Does she dye her hair or have piercings or tattoos? Does she use profanity? Does she have faith? Were her mother and father married/do they live together currently? What are her sisters, brothers and friends up to? What sort of people are they? What do they do? Does she go to clubs? Does she play a musical instrument or sing? Does she have an interest in animal husbandry or gardening?

Do you speak Spanish? Do you understand Spanish well? Do you know the culture? Is your native culture similar to Dominican culture or vastly different? Do you look out of place walking around? Could people mistake you for being Dominican by how you look? Can you dance? Are you in shape? Do you go to the gym? Are you significantly older than the women you are dating (20-25+ years)?

For most foreigners in this country these questions are RIDICULOUS because so few people are interested in legitimately "getting to know" and having something serious with a Dominicana here. Using some of these as guidelines to select the type of girls you will date could save your life. Oh and guess what? The girls without piercings? The ones without tattoos? The ones that wear clothes? Who woulda guessed it?
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
What feeds are you reading on Twitter?
He's full of horse hockey. Only funcionarios in DR use Twitter. And look at the ratios they are pathetic! - no one views or comments. Dom's use dinosaur febu and wassaa. There are no ghetto conversations going on on Twitter for DR. The press (LD, DL etc) publish the same banal stuff on Twitter as they do on febu.
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Facepalm Supreme

Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Santo Domingo
"Mande a matar a mi esposo!! Todo lo que han dicho sobre mí son mentiras y especulaciones!! Usted no puede juzgar condenar sin antes investigar a fondo!! Nadie tiene pruebas de que yo mande a matar a mi esposo!!!"

Despicable. I've always found that when accused of something and someone (usually a woman, or a feminized man) says the foul "YOU CAN"T PROVE THAT I DID THAT!" It's almost 99% guaranteed that they did it. Innocent people don't talk about proof when they bring up their innocence. They simply state/claim that they are innocent. Sometimes they try to explain where they were or what they were doing. They don't make a legalistic/jurisprudence based statement like "You can't prove I did it".
As I read the letter more and more I (not literally) become sick.

"Ese holandés era mi tesoro con el ganaba la lotería lo tenía todo con ese hombre era un amor y un hombre bueno porqué lo
Mandaría a matar si él me tenía tan cómoda?"

Innocent people don't ask questions like that in relation to their innocence. "If I did this, why would I have done this? How would I have done this?". That is classically something that guilty people do to try to redirect people's thought.

"Usted no me conoce!! Sólo has visto mis fotos! Sólo has oído rumores!
Nadie tiene prueba de nada!!"

How ridiculously obvious and despicable.

I am 100% certain she killed poor old Roy. That is my final answer.
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Jun 28, 2003
3. -I can say that I for one deal with girls WITHOUT tattoos exclusively
a. - I deal with sincerely religious girls EXCLUSIVELY.
b. If I see devil horns or vulgarity in a girl's online presence I disengage immediately. Same for pointy nails or that "I'm dead inside" face
c. Not a 100% deal breaker but dyed hair, piercings, are also not good
d. - In dealing with girls in a serious way (dating as opposed to ONS) I'd say being a business owner helps a lot. Hire slow, fire fast. DO NOT give people the benefit of the doubt. Go with your gut feeling. Be highly discerning/picky/selective. If you see or hear something that is off, get RID of them immediately. Everyone has little things, or moments every once in a while, no one is perfect but you should NOT find yourself making constant excuses or trying to convince yourself of the legitimacy of someone's behavior. IN FACT, they should be on their BEST behavior at all times. You are truly the prize. She is almost certainly broke, and either already dried up and or rotten or will be in 10-15 years. This board isn't really receptive to that statement but Dominican culture sure is. Ain't nobody trying to marry some 26-28-32 year old mango/platano with brown spots all over it, and life is difficult for a woman without a husband, even a "well-to-do" or "career" woman, in fact for them it can be it's most difficult - ask any 45-50+ year old woman who is husbandless and childless and if she's honest she'll let you know.

Here are some questions - does she read books? Does she dye her hair or have piercings or tattoos? Does she use profanity? Does she have faith? Were her mother and father married/do they live together currently? What are her sisters, brothers and friends up to? What sort of people are they? What do they do? Does she go to clubs? Does she play a musical instrument or sing? Does she have an interest in animal husbandry or gardening?

Do you speak Spanish? Do you understand Spanish well? Do you know the culture? Is your native culture similar to Dominican culture or vastly different? Do you look out of place walking around? Could people mistake you for being Dominican by how you look? Can you dance? Are you in shape? Do you go to the gym? Are you significantly older than the women you are dating (20-25+ years)?

For most foreigners in this country these questions are RIDICULOUS because so few people are interested in legitimately "getting to know" and having something serious with a Dominicana here. Using some of these as guidelines to select the type of girls you will date could save your life. Oh and guess what? The girls without piercings? The ones without tattoos? The ones that wear clothes? Who woulda guessed it?
Now we're talking! Thoughtful, to the point, honest and a roadmap that should be easy to follow...then again human nature puts many crossroads on the roadmap to life.
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
3. -I can say that I for one deal with girls WITHOUT tattoos exclusively
a. - I deal with sincerely religious girls EXCLUSIVELY.
b. If I see devil horns or vulgarity in a girl's online presence I disengage immediately. Same for pointy nails or that "I'm dead inside" face
c. Not a 100% deal breaker but dyed hair, piercings, are also not good
d. - In dealing with girls in a serious way (dating as opposed to ONS) I'd say being a business owner helps a lot. Hire slow, fire fast. DO NOT give people the benefit of the doubt. Go with your gut feeling. Be highly discerning/picky/selective. If you see or hear something that is off, get RID of them immediately. Everyone has little things, or moments every once in a while, no one is perfect but you should NOT find yourself making constant excuses or trying to convince yourself of the legitimacy of someone's behavior. IN FACT, they should be on their BEST behavior at all times. You are truly the prize. She is almost certainly broke, and either already dried up and or rotten or will be in 10-15 years. This board isn't really receptive to that statement but Dominican culture sure is. Ain't nobody trying to marry some 26-28-32 year old mango/platano with brown spots all over it, and life is difficult for a woman without a husband, even a "well-to-do" or "career" woman, in fact for them it can be it's most difficult - ask any 45-50+ year old woman who is husbandless and childless and if she's honest she'll let you know.

Here are some questions - does she read books? Does she dye her hair or have piercings or tattoos? Does she use profanity? Does she have faith? Were her mother and father married/do they live together currently? What are her sisters, brothers and friends up to? What sort of people are they? What do they do? Does she go to clubs? Does she play a musical instrument or sing? Does she have an interest in animal husbandry or gardening?

Do you speak Spanish? Do you understand Spanish well? Do you know the culture? Is your native culture similar to Dominican culture or vastly different? Do you look out of place walking around? Could people mistake you for being Dominican by how you look? Can you dance? Are you in shape? Do you go to the gym? Are you significantly older than the women you are dating (20-25+ years)?

For most foreigners in this country these questions are RIDICULOUS because so few people are interested in legitimately "getting to know" and having something serious with a Dominicana here. Using some of these as guidelines to select the type of girls you will date could save your life. Oh and guess what? The girls without piercings? The ones without tattoos? The ones that wear clothes? Who woulda guessed it?

I see you read my guidebook and took notes. (y):giggle:

Not once does she mention how much she loved and cared for him - only about why would she kill the goose that gave her the golden egg. 100% gold digger.
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