There was thread that was started by NALs named "Trujillo, mi padre" in the polls section that was closed a few months ago. The thread dealt with the book by Angelita Trujillo, daughter of the dictator Trujillo.
There was a lot of good info expressed by members in that thread, but it seems an important piece of information was not mentioned. There is a law still in the books that deals with the whitewash that Angelita's book is about.
Its the law 5880-62, which states:
In the new constitution there are articles that clearly grant freedom of speech. If the law 5880-62 were to be tested it might end up being unconstitutional, but that should not diminish the horrors perpetrated by the Trujillo regime.
There was a lot of good info expressed by members in that thread, but it seems an important piece of information was not mentioned. There is a law still in the books that deals with the whitewash that Angelita's book is about.
Its the law 5880-62, which states:
Toda persona que alabe o exalte a los Trujillo o su r?gimen tir?nico en alta voz, o por medio de gritos, discursos, escritos p?blicos o epistolares, dibujos, impresos, grabados, pinturas o emblemas se considerar? y juzgar? como autor de delito contra la paz y la seguridad p?blicas y ser? castigada con prisi?n de diez d?as a un a?o o multa de diez a quinientos pesos oro o con ambas penas a la vez.’
Every person who praises or exalts the trujillo's or his tyrannical regime in a loud voice, or through shouts, speeches, public writings, epistolary, drawings, engravings, paintings or emblems will be considered and judged as author of a crime against peace and public security punishable by a prison term of ten days to one year, or fines of ten to five hundred pesos or both penalties simultaneously.
In the new constitution there are articles that clearly grant freedom of speech. If the law 5880-62 were to be tested it might end up being unconstitutional, but that should not diminish the horrors perpetrated by the Trujillo regime.
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