US Consulate Sued over DNA test

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
No son adivinos. My ex solicited her aunt years ago. She was approved and stayed with us for the three months. Went home on time, followed all the rules. When she went for another one a few years later it was denied. No reason given. There appear to be monthly allowances or quotas in place. As mentioned, they get lied to all day long. At some point, it must get hard to sort it all out.

i read a posting from a member of a forum who stated that one of the reasons why Dominicans have such a hard time with immigration issues is because between 60-80% of all applications have falsified information, and Homeland Security is not amused. i think i read it in this site, come to think of it.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
$180 Million Dollars?

Seems kind of high. It's not like they were given hot coffee that spilled on their lap at McDonalds. now THAT would be worth it!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
That sounds about right. I have seen other country's people's applications in progress and have been asked for my input and said I wouldn't be involved, Thanks much
Der Fish

you are welcome, Derfish, but i cannot take credit for the statement. i just read it, and passed it on.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Not sure of the post but do I believe the percent of those who had false info on their application, yes I do believe that. Some years ago there was an investigation on this and many were caught including some of your rather known athletes and entertainers were involved. The consequences we feel today are the result of yesterday so to speak...Right or wrong this is how it is.


Jul 27, 2011
As for this lawsuit. This guy didnt even trust his wife enough to get a second opinion? Some guys take other peoples kids as thier own. This guy threw his wife out in the street without the benefit of another test?
Now he wants Uncle Sugar to pay a hundred and eighty million dollars?

For a Dominican man, finding out that that your wife has cheated on you, and even worse, that you've been raising someone else's daughter and have been deceived for years, is the ultimate betrayal; it's the worst thing that could happen to a guy.

It's a family and a community scandal! People in your town will talk about for years. The guy will even be made fun of for being a "venao".

For a Dominican guy it's okay to help raise someone else's kids but that's very rare when the kid is a result of an infidelity. Women are more forgiving on these matters.

As for why he didn't question the test results, keep in mind that for many Dominicans, the US embassy, or a similar institution, is a relaiable and irrefutable source of information, they don't question it. Then, there's a DNA test, from another institution that was also considered reliable and irrefutable.


Nov 3, 2010
The consulate is not at fault here. Blame the testing lab and the man for not trusting his wife. He had more faith in a DNA testing lab than he had in his wife. If he had trusted her, he would have done a second test immediatley. I hope he fails on this fools errand which he is on. I am really tired of these machista idiots. They expect to screw around with any woman they want but blows a gasket when someone else screws their wife?


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
All I will say is you can bet the test will be performed again by an reputable independant lab.

One of my sisters who's been living in the DR for many years now went to see a doctor because she was
having severe abdominal pains.The doctor sent her to have an endoscopy and the results came back with
stage one cancer,by the interpretation of the specialist.MY sister was a basket case,she called me crying
hysterically.At the time,I was living in the states.She tells me she needs chemo.I told her to come and have
it done in the states.When she gets here,the doctor orders another endoscopy because he told her he does
not go by what another doctor from another country goes by.The test was performed and came back negative
for cancer but positive for a bacterial infection. He had to go step by step and explain the test to my sister
because at first she did not believe it.He gave her medicine for the infection and it cleared up and now
she is fine.My sister acquired the infection from contaminated food.My sister was so furious ,when she went
back to the DR she called the doctor every name in the book.
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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
All I will say is you can bet the test will be performed again by an reputable independant lab.

One of my sisters who's been living in the DR for many years now went to see a doctor because she was
having severe abdominal pains.The doctor sent her to have an endoscopy and the results came back with
stage one cancer,by the interpretation of the specialist.MY sister was a basket case,she called me crying
hysterically.At the time,I was living in the states.She tells me she needs chemo.I told her to come and have
it done in the states.When she gets here,the doctor orders another endoscopy because he told her he does
not go by what another doctor from another country goes by.The test was performed and came back negative
for cancer but positive for a bacterial infection. He had to go step by step and explain the test to my sister
because at first she did not believe it.He gave her medicine for the infection and it cleared up and now
she is fine.My sister acquired the infection from contaminated food.My sister was so furious ,when she went
back to the DR she called the doctor every name in the book.

the doctor is lucky that there is no semblance of a legal system in the DR, or he or she would have been sued for everything he had.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
the doctor is lucky that there is no semblance of a legal system in the DR, or he or she would have been sued for everything he had.

Yes,and this was not the only test that came back negative,there were other tests she had done in the DR
that were misinterpreted.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Something comparable happened to me with a DR doctor some years ago. His diagnosis was corroborated by the results of a CT scan and a biopsy, no less. My dad urged me to seek a second opinion with a specialist so I went to the UK and was setting out for my appointment on a sunny July morning. Just as I was leaving my cousin's house for the Central London hospital she received a call from her daughter reassuring her that she was OK, but that the transport system had been completely shut down. It was what is now known as 7.7, a tragic day for many.

Oh and my "tumour" was proclaimed nonexistent by the doctor when I went for the re-scheduled appointment the following day.


Mar 29, 2010
I any court action to gain more financially you name everyone involved as a co-respondant.....KA-CHING. The embassy to get out of going to court will write a check. The government will always loose when pain and suffering are involved. When punative damages are involved the payout on the side of the government can be huge they will cut their losses right away.

you're partially right. go after anyone and everyone. the list of plaintiffs is usually as long as your arm. BUT... it's not necessarily a slam dunk. The government doesn't always cave and settle if they have a good case.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
The US Government is not just going to give out $180 million which is mind boggling.I can see if
the law suit was for something more sensible like $25 million.This one will be fought tooth and nail.


Feb 10, 2005
This ccase does not have a leg to stand on, It's laughable. this guy should be deported for even considering this BS.


Nov 4, 2011
Does he really think the USA people will cough up 180 million of its tax dollars all because his marriage went south over an error.

BTW He will not even receive an apology from the US government about this. If it was this easy to sue the USA government I would have done years ago because for pain and suffering the USA owes me like 29 milllion dollars, but I will take 2 million and this guy think he is going to get 180 million PLEASE!!!
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New member
Nov 5, 2012

This is such bullsh**. Family trauma my a**!! This man has kids all over the place and left his first family in the US to flee paying child support. Now he wants 180 million for pain it caused him?! Well if he had to leave his wife how the hell did they end up having THREE more kids with her since his scammed DNA test? I hope the US digs in his past and exposes him for who an what he truly is. I wouldn't be surprised if he already planned this whole thing before hand.