53.85 Cambio Checo in Santiago
Where in Santiago is this Cambio located ?
Also, if you have, please post their telephone #.....
Thank you
53.85 Cambio Checo in Santiago
This thread is just to share the exchange rate each day. Please use other threads for conversation.
If you are able, please list:
- the exchange rate you got (we assume you are changing USD into pesos, please state clearly if otherwise)
- the amount you changed (if it was relevant to the rate)
- the city/location
Where in Santiago is this Cambio located ?
Also, if you have, please post their telephone #.....
Thank you
Plaza Texas , Avenida Bartolome Colon Santiago. Corner of.....
Av Padre Ramón Dubert Plaza Texas,
Phone: (809) 587-5171
54.50...Agencia de Viajes Taveras, Calle Del Sol Santiago...
54.80 local cambio Higüey, last ThursdayThe same at Caribe Express in Sosua