When I went through the citizenship process, I had to go to Migracion for them to produce a record of entries and exits to and from the DR.
I also had to get a local police record and quite a number of other things all linked to my cedula number. Driver's licenses, passports and Bank accounts are linked. Cell telephones are linked, Water and electricity bills are linked.
Now we have the vaccination QR Code, or well, at least some do, since I am still waiting on that.
DR fan1990 - you are not paranoid, they really are watching you.

Linking your personal information together on a single platform to better identify you is one thing, but restricting your social life, movements and even purchases based on that information is another. And that's the real threat coming with digital ID.
Have you ever been restricted in your social life and movements solely based your personal information?
Because I was specifically referring to the potential
new social restrictions that will be imposed after everyone gets used to show their vax pass everywhere they go.
We know the narrative on the "dangers of climate change" is increasing in mainstream media, you hear about it every day now, notice they even changed the term "climate change" to "climate urgency" to stress on the emergency of it...
so I'm pretty sure the next social restrictions and lockdowns after this pandemic is over will be based on "climate urgency", I can bet all my pesos on that.
And you know those new social restrictions will be
extremely easy to impose on the population now that everyone has gotten used to being restricted anyway (since covid started).