Visa Tourism


Nov 13, 2019
On the website Migracion ...
Pagar el exceso de estadía o permanencia en el país sobrepasados los 60 días permitidos para extranjeros
Fees for extension stay after...60 days allowed for foreigners ?


Jul 10, 2004
On the website Migracion ...
Pagar el exceso de estadía o permanencia en el país sobrepasados los 60 días permitidos para extranjeros
Fees for extension stay after...60 days allowed for foreigners ?

What link is that you are quoting?

I quoted the table for those that enter on a tourist card, where the exit fees apply after 30 days.


Jul 10, 2004
just to make sure...its 2500 RDS per day or for the period mentionned?

Ah, yes. That is a description of a method to (attempt) legally extend your stay ahead of time. It is very hard to do and virtually nobody will go through that effort to get so little extra legal time. As I would say again, they really need a snowbird up to 6 month pay ahead of time visa...

Some have reported they succeeded in extending, some have reported they failed. It simply is more work than most will attempt


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
As far as I'm aware, the tourist card is valid for a 30-day stay. Once you leave the country (apart from going to Haiti) then stamp you out. So it resets. I guess that technically you could do this over and over again without any problems, but if you did have a strange immigration pattern like constantly leaving for one day and returning, then this might be questioned at some point by immigration people.

As has been said by other posters, even if you stay past the 30 days the only thing that currently happens is that you have to pay a fee when you leave.

Also worth saying that it's not hard to get Dominican residency, it costs maybe $1,500 in lawyer fees and it takes a few months but once you have it you're good to stay legally and are pretty much treated exactly the same as a local in terms of rights and ability to work, get health insurance, bank account etc.

I am in process of Permanent residency via Pensioner application.
Fees at DR Embassy in Ottawa Canada $620.oousd.
Took less than a month to get approval from start to finish.
Will do the rest in RD after Xmas.
So far so good; and very polite people at the Embassy ; and quite professional as well.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Yup Russell.... not as difficult as some feel or say

The renewals acn be tedious but I think your route has less of those

Best of luck finishing and congratulations


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
are you moving here or just simplifying the 'visiting period' problem ??

I’ve been a friend of Russell and his DR family for years. We communicate frequently and I’m sure he won’t mind me telling you, after years of preparation and recent retirement, he is moving to the DR full time. Well deserved and well planned. He has helped many a DR family over the years and his DR wife and family accepted me the first time I walked in the door of his casa. I say retired but Russell’s brain and entrepreneurial skills never shut down.


Jul 10, 2004
Well, again this subject rears its' inquisitive head. Same ole same ole responses based on opinions and hear- say stories. I would hate for this to come back at me and bite me in my backside while I stand there at the airport being told "adios amigo." I need to resolve this problem.
1. Is it possible that the subject of "overstaying" be put in the legal forum?. Perhaps a legal opinion can be put forth that would put this to bed.
2. At my earliest opportunity (4-5 weeks), while I am in NY, I plan on making an appointment to visit the consulate and get someone to give me the regulation/law in black and white.

This unanswered question really bothers me. Who is to say that one day the admitting officer at the airport is not having a bad day or on this day he "thinks" I shouldn't be allowed back in??
I'll do my best to come back here in a few weeks with some more information.

johne, the answer from DR1's own lawyer has been posted and this discussed ad nauseum.
I will summarize this. If you enter the DR on a tourist card you are an illegal alien after thirty days.
But, your license from the US is valid for up to 90 days.

You can extend your stay by making two trips to Santo Domingo, the first trip within the 30 day tourist card time and paying in advance, but you need proof of solvency, a rental contract to show where you are staying, a letter asking for an extension, take a medical exam and pay the fees up front. One trip to submit all the requirements and another trip when they tell you to return to pick up the authorization to stay longer than 30 days. Not many people will use this option of travelling to Santo Domingo twice to stay legally.

Most people will just pay the exit fee. The payment of the exit fee is an administrative work around, not based upon any law you will find and that payment in no way means your oversay was legal and that detail is posted on the DR Migracion web site.

People from North America and the EU still continue to pay the exit fees and return again with apparent impunity.


Jul 10, 2004
Here is a link at the Migracion web site on how to pay in advance for those fees, and it even says paying ahead of time does not make you legally in the country:

Apparently I was incorrect on saying this pre-payment actually made you legal.

from that link:


a. A partir de los diez (10) años, cada año o fracción, aumentará RD$ 5,000.00

b. Este pago no supone una prorroga que autorice al nacional extranjero a permanecer en el país.


Jun 28, 2003

johne, the answer from DR1's own lawyer has been posted and this discussed ad nauseum.
I will summarize this. If you enter the DR on a tourist card you are an illegal alien after thirty days.
But, your license from the US is valid for up to 90 days.

You can extend your stay by making two trips to Santo Domingo, the first trip within the 30 day tourist card time and paying in advance, but you need proof of solvency, a rental contract to show where you are staying, a letter asking for an extension, take a medical exam and pay the fees up front. One trip to submit all the requirements and another trip when they tell you to return to pick up the authorization to stay longer than 30 days. Not many people will use this option of travelling to Santo Domingo twice to stay legally.

Most people will just pay the exit fee. The payment of the exit fee is an administrative work around, not based upon any law you will find and that payment in no way means your oversay was legal and that detail is posted on the DR Migracion web site.

People from North America and the EU still continue to pay the exit fees and return again with apparent impunity.

I posted that on Nov 17 see post # 10. It was well covered long before you decided to post the same information. Thanks for thinking of me. Whatever, as you like to say.


Oct 6, 2018

and I have no idea why he responded.



william webster

Jan 16, 2009
To me - there are 2 options

Pay on exit or sign up.........

The unicorn idea of an overstay visa..... has yet to be seen


Nov 22, 2019
I tried doing an FBI fingerprint card at home. Completely botched it up and made a total mess.

What do I have to do, go into a police station in the US and have it correctly done?


Have you tried using these instructions?

If you will use it in any legal capacity in another country, please keep in mind that it must be apostilled by the U.S Department of State in Washington D.C. There are many companies that offer this service.