What continet is DR part of


May 5, 2004
this whole conversation has gone in the direction of "i am going to the domincian" threads that have gone on and on and on for years.

funny...when people ask me where i am from when in the DR..i dont say "america" i say nueva york....which pretty much means all of USA to most people.

but this debate is rediculous. People dont say i am from the Peoples Republic of China....they say they are from China. So its the same with USA...it just is easier on the tongue!

anyhoo..the answer to the OP is the Continent of North America

North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
funny...when people ask me where i am from when in the DR..i dont say "america" i say nueva york....which pretty much means all of USA to most people.

but this debate is rediculous. People dont say i am from the Peoples Republic of China....they say they are from China. So its the same with USA...it just is easier on the tongue!
Dominicans in the exterior (and many non-Dominicans, especially Latin Americans and some Europeans like Italians and Spaniards) often refer to the DR as Santo Domingo, which is understood to mean the entire country.

And you could have used a much closer to home and better comparison:

People say they are from M?xico, not The United States of M?xico (research the official name for M?xico, interesting). Ugh, who has the time to go official on anyone, right? :cheeky:



Dec 24, 2002
Come on guys we all KNOW that AMERICA was discovered TWICE one by AMERICO VESPUCI or something like that and LORD CRISTOPHER COLUMBUS

AMERICA was name after AMERICO I guess? geee this guy had really bad luck since Columbus took all the credit and the Taino girls.

Now for God sake AMERICA is the whole new world! Starting from Canada all the way down to La Patagonia includding the islands.

Sorry Gringos AMERICA is not all yours...............................



New member
Feb 27, 2007
EVERY person I have EVER met,in the WHOLE WORLD!, (Especially Dominicans!!)ALWAYS asks, "Are you an AMERICAN?" !!!!!!!!
Not, "Are you a "North American?", Or ,"Are You an "United States of AMERICAN?"!!!!

"AMERICANS", come from,and were born in,"The United States of America"!
If you don't like it,we will Bomb you into the "Stone Age"!!!!!!!!!;)

"Proud To Be An "AMERICAN"!!!!


PS, ALL Dominicans think we are from "Nueba Yol" anyway!

So ridiculous!

Victor Laszlo

Aug 24, 2004
Come on guys we all KNOW that AMERICA was discovered TWICE one by AMERICO VESPUCI or something like that and LORD CRISTOPHER COLUMBUS

AMERICA was name after AMERICO I guess? geee this guy had really bad luck since Columbus took all the credit and the Taino girls.

Columbus "discovered" the New World, but died convinced it was part of Asia.

Amerigo Vespucci made a couple of voyages to the New World in the decade after "The Discovery". He himself discovered nothing of much significance.

What he did do was to write a book, an account of his voyages. In it, he advanced the notion that what he had visited was not a part of Asia but a previously unknown continent.

A German mapmaker named Waldseem?ller was convinced by Vespucci's argument and produced a map of the world showing a new continent between Europe and Asia. On the map, he labelled the new continent "Americus", the Latinized version of Vespucci's first name.

When the existence of the new continent was confirmed by Balboa and especially Magellan, Waldseem?ller's map became the most popular in Europe, for reflecting the true state of the world. People got used to seeing the continent labelled Americus and began referring to it as such (modified over time to "America").

Had the German mapmaker decided to go with his inspiration's family name, we'd all be living in Vespuccia now and debating who is and isn't a real Vespuccian. Worse, had Waldseem?ller been a real egotist...

It is not recorded whether Vespucci ever hooked up with any Taino chicks. :bunny:
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May 22, 2004
Columbus "discovered" the New World, but died convinced it was part of Asia.

Had the German mapmaker decided to go with his inspiration's family name, we'd all be living in Vespuccia now and debating who is and isn't a real Vespuccian. Worse, had Waldseem?ller been a real egotist...

It is not recorded whether Vespucci ever hooked up with any Taino chicks. :bunny:

"Oye, Anacaona! Estamos descubrido!"

"Co?o, por fin!"

Doesn't it bug you that they call themselves Waldseem?llerians and not North Waldseem?llerians? The arrogance.....

Dominicans with noses like Julius Caesar's could be anthropological evidence of Vespucci and company making the rounds here.


J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
When I studied Geography there was only one America and then some sub-divisions to make studies easier.

The continents:

America (Sub-divisions: N. America, Central America and the Caribbean, and South America)

I had to learn it the hard way, wrongly betting USD 100.oo that South America was a continent by itself, to be shown in books that the Americas are considered ONE continent (with subs). Just don't tell George Bush, please, he could misunderstand and sell us to the Canadians to lower the deficit!

It would thus seem that the Caribbean Islands are part of it (the American continent) as the Caribbean region includes parts of the Columbian and Venezuelan continental coast.

... J-D.


Oct 5, 2005
Thank you Victor for clarifying. Very interesting.

"It is not recorded whether Vespucci ever hooked up with any Taino chicks."

I do recall reading that, whether Vespi hooked up with them or not, he did go into detail about all the exposed breastesses that he witnessed as well as other accounts that were quite popular reads in Europe, to the extent that he was sort of a Best Seller for the better part of a year, or two.

This official academic sort of info I gleaned from some gentleman's magazine....the name escapes me. :)
-- Sam

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
Dominicans in the exterior (and many non-Dominicans, especially Latin Americans and some Europeans like Italians and Spaniards) often refer to the DR as Santo Domingo, which is understood to mean the entire country.


The island as well as the country has changed it's label name a couple of times over... Dominican Republic is only the last one. You may find that older maps will refer either to the island and later to the Hispanic part of it as Santo Domingo, not just Hispaniola or Quisqueya. So when Dominicans refer to their home country as Santo Domingo it's not the same as those who think Gueva Yol is the United States. New Amsterdam never historically was linked to be of equal meaning then the North American country.
The whole Gueva Yol issue is funny, as it changes from region to region (of immigrants)... in Guayaquil (EC) people referred to the US as Miami... because that's where most had family... whereas Ecuadorians of Indian origin would refer to the US as Nueva York for the very same reason.
Italians would dream about America and most wound up living where they set foot on the continent: Nueva York, so, when they came back, they were from Nueva York and created a new dream and immage... just like our DomYolks.

... J-D.


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
This is a great thread...When I studied, also ages ago...they taught us that AMERICA was ALL one continent...North, Central and South...but just ONE continent...

Europe (these two were referred also as EurAsia)
Oceania (This includes Australia)

Every Uruguayan, Argentinian and Chilean I know, refers to the US as "Los Estados Unidos" ...It's considered very chic to say that you are either coming or going to/from "Estados Unidos"... ONLY "gringos" refer to the US as America...because they truly think this is all there is!!! ;)

I find it very amusing to hear Dominicans say, referring to people that travel...they are either coming or going to: los pa?ses...or de/pa'll? fuera...


Feb 21, 2007
This is a great thread...When I studied, also ages ago...they taught us that AMERICA was ALL one continent...North, Central and South...but just ONE continent...

Europe (these two were referred also as EurAsia)
Oceania (This includes Australia)

Every Uruguayan, Argentinian and Chilean I know, refers to the US as "Los Estados Unidos" ...It's considered very chic to say that you are either coming or going to/from "Estados Unidos"... ONLY "gringos" refer to the US as America...because they truly think this is all there is!!! ;)

I find it very amusing to hear Dominicans say, referring to people that travel...they are either coming or going to: los pa?ses...or de/pa'll? fuera...

Very well put - But what about when they make announcements that say something like this: "All those holding an American passport, should proceed to window # XXXXX......."

Are they talking about Everyone from North Amercia, South America, the Carribean, Central America, etc.. ?????



Jul 27, 2005
I had to learn it the hard way, wrongly betting USD 100.oo that South America was a continent by itself, to be shown in books that the Americas are considered ONE continent (with subs).

And you paid up? I bet you were shown a Spanish or Latin-American Atlas. If I were you I would get myself a North-American or North-European Atlas and get my money back.

The division of the world into continents is not based on geology, but historically evolved conventions. And those have evolved differently in different places. In Spain (and Latin America, it appears) the Americas are regarded as one single continent, in the US and Northern Europe North and South America are regarded as two separate continents. So it depends on where you learned your geography. The one is not more right than the other, just different conventions.
To answer the OP's question, in Spain and Latin America the DR would be part of the continent of the Americas, in pretty much the rest of the world the DR is part of North America.
I have never heard of a division of the world in continents where the Caribbean is a continent by itself. I'd be interested to hear the OP's argument. Sub-continents are much more loosely defined, or not at all really. South Asia (India) is the best know, the Arabian peninsula perhaps, and, why not, the Caribbean together with Central America, or on its own.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
And you paid up? I bet you were shown a Spanish or Latin-American Atlas. If I were you I would get myself a North-American or North-European Atlas and get my money back.

The division of the world into continents is not based on geology, but historically evolved conventions. And those have evolved differently in different places. In Spain (and Latin America, it appears) the Americas are regarded as one single continent, in the US and Northern Europe North and South America are regarded as two separate continents. So it depends on where you learned your geography. The one is not more right than the other, just different conventions.

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I honor my bets and thus did pay up. Later I married the lady I had the bet with and got my money's worth... then we divorced and she made a multiple of what I paid her that day ;)

Anyway, as you got me intrigued, I did some on line research today.
It would seem you are indeed right, just like some planet can loose it's status as such, the number of continents is based on conventions and there are, how would we have expected the contrary, several different ones. Thus the world finds itself apparently divided into 5 to 7 continents!

Check this out form wikipedia's Continent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :


Animated, color-coded map showing the various continents. Depending on the convention and model, some continents may be consolidated or subdivided: for example, Eurasia is often subdivided into Europe and Asia (red shades), while North and South America are sometimes recognized as one American continent (green shades).

Also note that in all cases the Caribbean island remains part of the Americas as a whole or the Northern American Part (which includes all of Central America too). Again this raises questions about the Caribbean regions of Columbia and Venezuela... if we consider South America as a separate continent the Caribbean region would thus span over TWO continents. That's how BIG WE ARE :D!

In encarta's Continent - MSN Encarta they seem to imply two different "continental sciences":
  1. Continental Geography
  2. Continental Geology
Anyway, who cares! We are here and that's what counts! :)
... J-D.
Sep 15, 2006
Perhaps I am crazy(No, I'm not), but in fifth grade(maybe 13 years ago), we were told that there were 7 continents.
North America
South America.
There was even a song that went with it......

BTW, It is so true that so many people consider the US as America solely, when it is only the United States of...
I can't say I was annoyed, because I did it too for some reason...
I know better now.


Feb 18, 2006
You know what's annoying, to see movies where they have a character who's from a latin american country saying "I'm going to America", from being around Latin people, I never hear any Colombian, Ecuadorian, Costa Rican, etc etc. refer to the USA as "America" I think the people who use that word is the rest of the world, who doesn't live in America. To a non-Latin person it might sound ok, but I'm sure to me and many other Latinos they notice the wrong use of that word.