What do you dislike (if anything) in the DR?

Dec 21, 2008
Bad customer service practically everywhere you go in the DR.....

Waiters and waitresses in restaurants who only come to your table when you call them over.......very unlike US restaurants....

Having to ask everytime for my dinner bill......I actually walked out of a few restaurants because I forgot about the bill because they never brought to me..........they chased me down though....funny how fast they can move when they see their money going out the door............

Always having to ask for anything I need in restaurant, like ice refills for my drink, etc. food staff never volunteers any service until you specifically ask for it........

I agree completely with this...customer service in this country is sorely lacking. You go into the Playero and the staff there rarely if ever smiles at you. I think they hire people who lack the ability to smile.

I dislike the length of time it takes to get anything done...unless of course you are on the highway...it then becomes the Indy 500.

Corrupt law enforcement (or lack thereof)

But, even with all the dumb and rediculous stuff that goes on, Mr Silver Fox and I love it here. We constantly tell ourselves that this isn't our country. We are guests and must be respectful of everyone even if we don't agree with "they way it's done". It is what it is and if we tried to change everything, we'd be as nuts as we were in the rat race in Canada.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Garbage, garbage and more garbage.

I really dislike people turning this country into their own personal garbage can. Just coming back from picking up friends from Las Americas and they could not believe all the garbage just thrown everywhere.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
one of the problems in caribbean tourism is that the directorate believes that they will give the visitor something they think he or she will like. so, they fret over entertainment offerings, food, tours, etc. no focus is placed on what the tourist DOES NOT LIKE. when some guy comes from a place like Ottawa, where you can eat off the sidewalk, mountains of garbage are a severe shock to the eyesight and metabolism. people from pristine ecosystems cannot function in a place where rotting piles of garbage exude baneful effluvia, and animal carcasses punctuate the landscape. serious efforts have to be made to create a more sanitary and garbage free environment. the place is entirely too messy.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
The fact tht the place is full of Dominicans. You see, Dominicans pride themselves on being uneducated, dishonest, lazy, promiscuous, and opportunists of vulnerable tourists like me. Oh, they also don't care about their own beautiful country. Sadl, really....


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Doctorgonzo I am not sure I would go that far due to the fact I have seen tourists walking and just throw their garbage into the street, onto the sidewalk etc...Been to a resort? Mostly tourists and they sure can leave alot of garbage. With that said I am in the opinion of...if they (tourists, visitors etc..) see the locals doing it they figure it is the norm. And that is where it begins.....


Dec 19, 2009
I really dislike people turning this country into their own personal garbage can. Just coming back from picking up friends from Las Americas and they could not believe all the garbage just thrown everywhere.

I can't remember where I saw the picture, but it was a country road in the DR lined on both sides with thousands and thousands of disposable diapers............disgusting......


Dec 19, 2009
The fact tht the place is full of Dominicans. You see, Dominicans pride themselves on being uneducated, dishonest, lazy, promiscuous, and opportunists of vulnerable tourists like me. Oh, they also don't care about their own beautiful country. Sadl, really....

Hahaha....reminds of a line from Braveheart.....when King Edward I (Longshanks) said: "The problem with Scotland is that it is full of Scots !!!!!!!!!!"


Dec 19, 2009
Hahaha....reminds of a line from Braveheart.....when King Edward I (Longshanks) said: "The problem with Scotland is that it is full of Scots !!!!!!!!!!"

the trouble with scotland is that it's full of scots! ..is it!!?? lol - YouTube

If we can't get them out, maybe we can breed all the Dominicans out of the country by granting all gringos the right of "prima nocte," first night, where a gringo can have sexual rights with a common girl of his choice on the first night of her wedding !!!!
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New member
May 4, 2009
Pi$$ poor customer service
Garbage, garbage everywhere (the street, the beach, the back yard, surrounding the garbage can if there is one)
Loud, terrible music at ALL hours
Having to check the expiration date on everything I buy at the supermarket
Nasty bathrooms and hygiene conditions and subsequent food borne illnesses
Skeezy Dominican men and often even skeezier expat men
Rampant animal abuse and neglect
?No fui yo??
Old men marrying young girls (<18) with zero impunity
The horrendous state of the public educational system
The horrendous state of the public health system
Incompetent/inept/superfluous public officials
Criminalization of abortion/aforementioned 12 year-olds having babies

Maybe the bottom line is ?dirty and no justice??

(AKA ?chivos sin ley.?)


New member
May 4, 2009
Because people think things like this:

Are a problem that needs to be solved.

There is nothing wrong with this. This is poor Minerva thinking she is too good to be here.

Wow, maybe I touched a nerve with the skeezy expat comment? Please see my comment on the "like" thread...I love the DR.

Yeah, it is a problem when there is a law in place that regulates noise levels, and at 3 a.m. on a weeknight there are children/adults sleeping in their beds because they have to go to school/work the next day, and somebody rolls through the neighborhood in their jipeta blasting a song about how 'women like to open their bread so someone can stick a hotdog in it' (for real, it's a song, lol). I'm not talking about shutting the bars or public gathering areas down, just common decency where such noise is not ok.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Wow, maybe I touched a nerve with the skeezy expat comment? Please see my comment on the "like" thread...I love the DR.

Yeah, it is a problem when there is a law in place that regulates noise levels, and at 3 a.m. on a weeknight there are children/adults sleeping in their beds because they have to go to school/work the next day, and somebody rolls through the neighborhood in their jipeta blasting a song about how 'women like to open their bread so someone can stick a hotdog in it' (for real, it's a song, lol). I'm not talking about shutting the bars or public gathering areas down, just common decency where such noise is not ok.

Thankfully, I am likely the farthest from a skeezy expat on this site. (exhibit 1)

This still has to do with the choice you (and your family) made when choosing where to live. It is a factor you control.


Jul 8, 2005
Did not read the thread but i dislike broke expats, beach venders, noise, noise noise, especially roosters at 4AM, jealous chicas, water twice a week, walking up hill from the colmado, Sunday traffic thru Polo Roto, dumbass pregnant 13 year olds, huelgas for stupid reasons, that frigging burned rice Doms think is the best, my chica over cooking everything including my pancakes, hair extensions, razor sharp fake nails, the manana attitude, Sabaneta motoconchos, Dominican condoms, ect, ect........


Jan 1, 2002
My biggest concern and dislike of the moment is the drug trade and increase of drug use in the DR.