What Is The Average Monthly Income In DR in RD$?

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
The only important # is "Household Income"!
If 5 people in the house work, and each earns about 10,000 a month, they can make it!
My Mother-in-law rents out a house she owns in a SD "Barrio Caliente" for 3,000 a month.
Nobody pays for electricity, or water there.
The rest of the household money can go for food, "Bling", celulares,beer, and Discos!
"Sorry Kids" you can go to school Next Year!!!!!!!


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
With 9000 pesos ( which is near to nothing to us back home while working )sent to my MIL she feeds and lodges 7 adults and 4 kids........
Used to because then their wages ( whatever they be ) goes to booze, woman and lottery........so f'#$" that.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
That would come out to $200 a month average if the figure of 10,000,000 is close enuff to use as the population of the country.

But lots of dominicans send themselves money from abroad. ie buy a car, build a house......


Feb 22, 2012
900.00/43.00 = 21.00 USD per day

I don't want to be "that" lucky.

It sounds bad when you look at it from your own shoes.. But making 22k a month is a very reasonable wage if you have 3-4 people in the home working. Also consider the fact that these dominicans do NOT spend the same amount of money on things as gringos/better off dominicans do. Their family works on farms and bring them more viveres weekly than they know what to do with. Doctors help them out, they use the farmacia del pueblo and get medication for a fraction of the cost, they rarely pay for electricity, water, cloaca as better off dominicans do. They have extremely low transport costs since a honda cub 90 can run for over 200 miles with 2 gallons of gasoline. I mean, obviously they aren't raking in the money or anything, but it's livable and I think a lot of people miss that fact when they just listen to the typical complaining and exaggeration us dominicans are so well known for.

If you think about it really, how many homeless and starving dominicans do you really know? In miami off biscayne blvd I would see dozens every single day..


Apr 18, 2013
Interesting spin on the economic misery here. Those homeless on Biscayne bay are mainly mentally ill or drug addicts. .Economically I still would rather be poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, rich, filthy rich, or disabled in the USA than in the RD.


Nov 4, 2011
It sounds bad when you look at it from your own shoes.. But making 22k a month is a very reasonable wage if you have 3-4 people in the home working. Also consider the fact that these dominicans do NOT spend the same amount of money on things as gringos/better off dominicans do. Their family works on farms and bring them more viveres weekly than they know what to do with. Doctors help them out, they use the farmacia del pueblo and get medication for a fraction of the cost, they rarely pay for electricity, water, cloaca as better off dominicans do. They have extremely low transport costs since a honda cub 90 can run for over 200 miles with 2 gallons of gasoline. I mean, obviously they aren't raking in the money or anything, but it's livable and I think a lot of people miss that fact when they just listen to the typical complaining and exaggeration us dominicans are so well known for.

If you think about it really, how many homeless and starving dominicans do you really know? In miami off biscayne blvd I would see dozens every single day..

What if ALL Americans never left home and stayed in mom and dad's home and split the bills down the middle????

That is NOT a good thing Dominicans needing more then one family under a roof to pay the bills. It teaches the children in DR to ALWAYS be dependent on some one else.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
What if ALL Americans never left home and stayed in mom and dad's home and split the bills down the middle????

That is NOT a good thing Dominicans needing more then one family under a roof to pay the bills. It teaches the children in DR to ALWAYS be dependent on some one else.

You're totally missing the point of this thread. He's trying to find out if he can live in DR with a certain budget, and doesn't understand HOW Dominicans live on much less. They live on less because they pool their funds - not an option for the OP.

No one says it's good. It just IS.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
MOST of the people in the WORLD live in extended family groups.
I LOVE It!!!!!!
Love for everyone!
No driving, or flying, for Christmas dinners!


Nov 4, 2011
What Is The Average Monthly Income In DR in RD$?

as far as I'm concerned most jobs in DR do not pay RD$430 an hour, yet for some reason I keep hearing people
complaining about the cost of living and how money is not enough.

Please someone tell me, is RD$22000 monthly income enough for a single man to support him self on a extended vacation?

You are good I kind of had an idea but I was not sure now I am LOL!!! If it wasn't for AE I never would have looked back to read the OP and see it was you.

I wish I can tell DR1 what you are doing but it is not my place.

Good Luck Chen. Once again you are GOOD!!!! I can't see I no one else can see what you are doing.


Aug 15, 2007

As your real question seems to be "can I make it in DR on X pesos a month," I'm attaching a thread that might help.


My advice would be to focus less on how native-born folks manage to survive, and instead determine how much you will need for the sort of trip you have in mind.

In life, it is not unusual to have either an abundance of money and a shortage of time, or vice versa. You sound like what is commonly referred to as a "long-term traveler." Unlike the one-week-and-out tourist, you're looking for a more meaningful experience, but don't necessarily want to apply for formal residency. That's fine, lots of folks do that. It's good you have plenty of time available, but you do seem to be on what is for DR a very tight budget.

That said, you've got to keep in mind you're not a local, and as such aren't subject to the lesser costs that come with being in a place for a long time.

My point is I wouldn't craft a budget around "mimimal subsistence" numbers for DR natives. You can get away with that in theUS (because you have a natural frame of reference), but it's much harder elsewhere when you have little experience.

Given your plans, my advice would be to take a sober look at what you want to do. Once you do that, you can make some realistic decisions. The options given a very limited budget would be to:

1) Save more money;
2) Reduce your trip time;
3) Change your plans (i.e., getting a room or roommate instead of your own place); and/or
3) Postpone your trip until you can do it your way.

Either way, good luck.


Feb 22, 2012
You're totally missing the point of this thread. He's trying to find out if he can live in DR with a certain budget, and doesn't understand HOW Dominicans live on much less. They live on less because they pool their funds - not an option for the OP.

No one says it's good. It just IS.

Even I missed the point of the thread.. a foreigner is not going to be able to make it on 22k a month.. not only because of the lack of pooling funds.. but anyone well off pays a different price for everything. That's the reason rich dominicans hire people to negotiate trabajos brutos for them, so the employee can be the one haggling and getting them the best price. Pull up in a 2014 range rover and suddenly prices all jump 20% .
May 29, 2006
There used to be statistics in MIami about how much money people were sending home to El Salvador and Nicaragua and others, but the Dominican Republic never caught my eye. Would the Miami Herald have those stats that someone is bright enuff to harvest for us? And we cannot forget Sanky money. Those girls whose Gringo love sends her money monthly or so.

They also often live four people in a two room apt, don't drink or go out, live on beans and rice and work two jobs. The young Dominicans that make it to the US don't live like 20 year old Americans, who consider having an XBox, an iPhone and cable TV as necessities...

One of the guys I work with is from Ecuador and works 40 hours a week doing construction then works three nights a week from 6PM-2AM for another 24 hours a week. Thursdays it's work until 2AM, go to construction at 7:30 AM on Fri and then 6 to 2 again on Friday night. Hard to spend any money when you work that many hours.


New member
May 27, 2011
Dominicans I know live in multi generational homes. I have never talked to anyone who does not have at least four adult in the hoe. If each of them is making 10000-20000 per month (pesos), they can get by, but not with one earner.


Jan 12, 2010
I don' t think that is correct. The median is 6000 US$ per year 50% of the population below that. That makes 21,500 RD$/mo.

that is most certainly not correct ,,There are no accurate figures as to median or average wage but there is a minimum wage that must be paid every month that is about 5000 pesos . many shop assistants are paid about 3000 pesos every 15 days and for domestic help or gardeners most people I know pay no more than 5000 peos every 15 days . The overwhelming percentage of workers in the DR are uneducated manual workers and their pay is only just above the minimum wage so there is absolutely no way that the MEDIAN wage could be above 11000 pesos a month ..but I would strongle suggest it is less


Sep 27, 2006
minimum salary after last year's raise:
El CNS estableci? para los empleados de empresas grandes, con un capital sobre los RD$4.0 millones, un salario m?nimo de RD$11,292. Para los de compa??as medianas, que tengan en capital de existencia RD$2.0 millones, fij? el sueldo m?nimo en RD$7,763 y para los trabajadores de empresas peque?as, que tengan en capital de m?s de un mill?n de pesos, la remuneraci?n m?nima fue fijada en RD$6,880.
El Caribe ? El salario m?nimo fluctuar? entre $6,880 y $11,292