What the hell are we here?


Dec 13, 2007
My uncle has 2 kids in Jarbacoa at the very top of the mountsin very nice people very poor we went to vists and took mangoes fruits and toys for the kids when we cam back to the jeep we found the back stuffed with ajis. yuca platano gineo live chickens heck even a piglet for us we refused the chickens and piglet but took the vegtablers poor people but gave us something to take back ! How man middle class or Rich Domincans would do that ! We actually had to insist on not taking the chickens and piglet we told them we do not know how to kill them LOL ! Thats the real DR to me not malls and the false preception others on this forum try to sell people while they do not even live here !!!!


Feb 22, 2012
My uncle has 2 kids in Jarbacoa at the very top of the mountsin very nice people very poor we went to vists and took mangoes fruits and toys for the kids when we cam back to the jeep we found the back stuffed with ajis. yuca platano gineo live chickens heck even a piglet for us we refused the chickens and piglet but took the vegtablers poor people but gave us something to take back ! How man middle class or Rich Domincans would do that ! We actually had to insist on not taking the chickens and piglet we told them we do not know how to kill them LOL ! Thats the real DR to me not malls and the false preception others on this forum try to sell people while they do not even live here !!!!

If you ever get a chance, where you go to jarabacoa try to find aguacate criollo from there. There have a very thin skin that breaks when you peel it, they are better than ANY hass avocado or other variety I have ever tried, so creamy and buttery.


Jun 7, 2008
I loved the variety of people whom I met there. I am now in Maine and will be going to Panama next month not to return to the DR. But that doesn't mean I won't miss it. I lived at an enclosed resort and loved all the people from Europe, Australia and other placesI would never have met here in the USA. I also loved the Dominican people, young and old male and female. i also found many friends amongst the haitians there. I miss it all the time, but it is time to go back to my teen age daughters in Panam?.

Just a direct question for you so as not to hijack the thread- Have you lived in Panama lately and if so how to compare it with Santo Domingo overall? better lifetsyle? safer? cost of living? rent? real estate? etc?


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
What I like about the DR is that I don't have to pay property taxes.I don't live in a gated community.
I can do what I want on my property and don't have to worry about getting a permit.If I want to
build a zoo in my backyard I can.(Not that I am.) :rolleyes:

In the USA the motto is ...pay your taxes and die.


Jun 7, 2008
What I like about the DR is that I don't have to pay property taxes.I don't live in a gated community.
I can do what I want on my property and don't have to worry about getting a permit.If I want to
build a zoo in my backyard I can.(Not that I am.) :rolleyes:

In the USA the motto is ...pay your taxes and die.

Is it true no property taxes- i thought there was on purchase as well the yearly 1% tax on assets which would include "real estate". Im not certain of this just asking!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Is it true no property taxes- i thought there was on purchase as well the yearly 1% tax on assets which would include "real estate". Im not certain of this just asking!

I believe the threshold is 5 million peso houses - anything below that is not taxable. Also homes in the campo are tax exempt.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Is it true no property taxes- i thought there was on purchase as well the yearly 1% tax on assets which would include "real estate". Im not certain of this just asking!

On purchase, yes.There are lots of places in the DR where you don't pay property taxes.Many of my family
members own homes in the DR and pay no taxes.I don't know if this is because it's not gated.


Jun 17, 2012
One of the things I love about the DR is how generally people are very stoic. They dont sweat the small stuff. When I was first there I would go ballistic over power outages, water etc. Then I learned from my neighbors. Keep extra water for the toilet and come out and drink some beer when the power goes out.
There is no place on earth that is perfect. But if you think about it there are alot of things you can like about everywhere.
The DR has more things than most places Ive been.


Mar 12, 2007
For such a newbie you have strong views - Feb 2012 - is quite recent to have learnt all that or perhaps you are someone else in disguise? You use "We" and say you are Dominican ! Who is the "WE" and no problem with being Dominican - great, it is your country!
As some have said there are pluses + and minuses -! So long as the pluses + outweigh the minuses - then people stay. When they dont they go to where they think the grass is greener!

But to not wanting to hear the minuses in deluding your self and to ask to have them deleted is OTT - for those who dont know that TLA - its "OVER the Top"

Enjoy !

Olly and the Team
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Jul 9, 2009
To the OP:

We tried Germany, my Dominican wife didn't like to live there, that's why we came back here... that was 1998. So I am here b/c she is here and our son was born here. That's it. Being here b/c of the Dominican and its people? Dunno, other places are nice w/ friendly people too... Not sure yet if we go to another Spanish speaking country, trying to figure out where Education is better and where the future is more promising, if anywhere. Yet, somehow I feel at home here...

Second that. I am VERY interested to learn more about Panama!

I loved the variety of people whom I met there. I am now in Maine and will be going to Panama next month not to return to the DR. But that doesn't mean I won't miss it. I lived at an enclosed resort and loved all the people from Europe, Australia and other placesI would never have met here in the USA. I also loved the Dominican people, young and old male and female. i also found many friends amongst the haitians there. I miss it all the time, but it is time to go back to my teen age daughters in Panam?.
Just a direct question for you so as not to hijack the thread- Have you lived in Panama lately and if so how to compare it with Santo Domingo overall? better lifetsyle? safer? cost of living? rent? real estate? etc?
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Mar 29, 2010
Ok.. you guys really took my asking a mod to delete negative posts too seriously lol. It was just an attempt to get people to post POSITIVE things about the DR, which obviously did not work. The only other person that has posted a positive was Chip, I think a lot of people need to get ready for a move . Regarding your produce spoiling by the time you get home, do you really thing that is a sign of lower quality produce? Time to do some research pal.

I think you were VERY serious with your deletion requests. You obviously don't know how this, (and most), online forums work. The reason you now back down and say you weren't serious, is to save face in the realization that your demands of the mods will not be met.

As for the D.R. -- I love it, (or else I would not have invested in my condo there), but it certainly is not without flaws. Same thing goes for my homeland (U.S.), which certainly is not perfect, but I have no interest in abandoning. All life is a compromise. Being happy is learning to embrace the parts you like, and accept the parts you don't. Trying to bury your head in the sand and ignore, or worse yet, deny, the negative aspects is silly. It reminds me of a small child, that when being told something he/she does not want to hear, covers their ears, closes their eyes and continually shouts NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA.
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Dec 13, 2007
Yea brownalspice I lived in a gated community for like 2 years and hated it ! The expats there gave me a hard time because they must have though I was some Dominican drug lord or something like that living in a gated community ! Wow they where shocked wehen they wpuld talk crap in English and I would ask them to repeat it in perfect English ! In the end they just gave me a hard tome with associations watchymans that didnt do thier job etc etc Moved out into a cheaper house in a Domincan neighbourhood and havent had a problem in 2 yeaRS!!!!! No hassles no stuck up expats no one talking crap trash picked up for free every week dogs get loose no one cares !!! People always willing to help!!!!! Yea Ill never live in a gated community ever again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do like the fact that here you can do what ever you pretty much want on your property as well. In Bermuda if you want to build anything even a metal storage shed the ones you put together you have to get a permit !


Dec 13, 2007
Also I must admit I have met and made friends from all over the world here as well in Bermuda we really jusat get Canadian and American visitors !!
Dec 26, 2011
the stars (not sure if it has to do with elevation or something here because they are so clear)

Is this for real? Elevation? And here I thought it had to do with light pollution. :)

Things to be grateful for in DR? Gratitude comes from within, meaning a grateful person will find beauty and virtue wherever they cast their glance, at any moment, in any place. But I'll play:

No need for alarm clocks, the cocks' incessant crowing from 4am on works much better. Yuca still covered in rich black soil. Berengena that's almost too pretty to eat. Intense greenery after a brief downpour in the Cibao. The waves at El Macao. Chicharrones in Villa Mella. The magical restorative power of an ice cold Presidente to the parched. Cheap and abundant limes. Mesmerizingly enchanting women- hard-working and tenacious. Friendly household visits from frogs and tarantulas. Responding to requests from police and soldiers on foot to stop driving and chat with them for a while with a smile and a wave. Enjoying the inebriated neighbor's favorite bachata on repeat- free of charge. Sweet, nearly foot-long aguacates in Villa Altagracia. Morcia/kidneys/hearts in Cienfuegos. Inflamed framboyanes and their beautiful litter gracing the roads and patios. Fresh delicious lobster meat for about 6$/lb. Watching kids giddy with laughter at the sight of a shameless couple having sex in broad daylight in a river being enjoyed by numerous families. Good conversation with a retired tobacco farmer over some coffee on the balcony.

It's a country that's easy to love.


Mar 29, 2010
What I like about the DR is that I don't have to pay property taxes.I don't live in a gated community.
I can do what I want on my property and don't have to worry about getting a permit.If I want to
build a zoo in my backyard I can.(Not that I am.) :rolleyes:

In the USA the motto is ...pay your taxes and die.

In the USA the motto is ... pay your taxes and die.... and your neighbor is NOT allowed to building A STINKY ZOO NEXT DOOR TO YOU. (the sword cuts both ways.)


Sep 27, 2006
the beauty about DR, as someone already said some time ago, is that you have all the freedom to do stuff. unfortunately, so does everyone else. so at the end of the day the exactly the same thing that attracts you is repulsive when others do it. i can park wherever i want (i suck at parking) but so can - and does - everybody else.

i am lucky to have found miesposo. and to be with him, here. i have a family that supports me and that cares. a home from home. i have met, even if only electronically, here on dr1, so many great people i would not have had a pleasure to deal with otherwise. i have been given more than i ever thought i get, i live in a nice house with a nice garden (with a resident sapo as big as my hand). i even exercise daily! :) and life is good :)

there, i tried to be positive :)


Nov 4, 2011
For such a newbie you have strong views - Feb 2012 - is quite recent to have learnt all that or perhaps you are someone else in disguise? You use "We" and say you are Dominican ! Who is the "WE" and no problem with being Dominican - great, it is your country!
As some have said there are pluses + and minuses -! So long as the pluses + outweigh the minuses - then people stay. When they dont they go to where they think the grass is greener!

But to not wanting to hear the minuses in deluding your self and to ask to have them deleted is OTT - for those who dont know that TLA - its "OVER the Top"

Enjoy !

Olly and the Team

You saw that too? No my favorite is he lived in Southern California where beautiful women are EVERYWHERE!!! UCLA, USC, San Deigo ST. Also he is a very very wealthy Dominican I think he said he has between 100,000USD and 1,000,000USD to invest in the DR at the age of 26 yrs old. So my question is why would a RICH male regardless of his race make a statement" Dominican women take pride in looking good for their man", when I have witnessed women in Southern Cal look great jogging, playing volleyball, roller blading, sun bathing etc in Southern Cal.

Also if you are a "leg man" like myself some of those women in SC with that golden tan on their legs talk about sexy. Miami women are Ok but SC has them beat by a long shot.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
the beauty about DR, as someone already said some time ago, is that you have all the freedom to do stuff. unfortunately, so does everyone else. so at the end of the day the exactly the same thing that attracts you is repulsive when others do it. i can park wherever i want (i suck at parking) but so can - and does - everybody else.

i am lucky to have found miesposo. and to be with him, here. i have a family that supports me and that cares. a home from home. i have met, even if only electronically, here on dr1, so many great people i would not have had a pleasure to deal with otherwise. i have been given more than i ever thought i get, i live in a nice house with a nice garden (with a resident sapo as big as my hand). i even exercise daily! :) and life is good :)

there, i tried to be positive :)

Are you feeling all right?!!



Jul 25, 2007
I guess some don't like my reference to "white engineer" - well if it makes you guys feel any better there are even fewer jobs for a white gringo engineer pushing 50 here in the DR. :)

That's why I had to start my own business here and go back to school so my half black daughters can have a future. :)

Except for the part that I'm broke most of the time we are happy here and have almost made more friends and acquaintances here in 6 years than I have ever made before in my life.