what to do


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Here is a scenario that may come my way;

i fall in love, i tell the love of my life that i want a prenuptual agreement to protect my house/money etc etc

girlfriend says; no i dont want a prenuptual agreement

what legal things can i do now to protect my house (set up a trust, have a trust in another country). Any creative ideas. basically i want to distance my estate as far from 'her' as legally possible.
Not smart comments believe me im the king of smart comments and i know them all lol. Seriously, what have people done here to protect their assets from DR chicas. For the record my friend is not a hooker, pimpette or trash lady... she's well educated


New member
Oct 8, 2011
wow...just a question from a gringa..why would you marry someone and ask for a prenup unless you have millions (maybe you do, not judging) and the person you are marrying has same financial circumstances...


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Hi ExtremeR, hmm...I think this thread is going to be an attraction for some interesting comments :)

In my opinion, you really should re-think marrying this woman...I know that sounds harsh, but if you done want to make that move without the prenup or really heavily protecting your assets, don't you feel a bit like maybe you know it won't work out?

In any event, I hope it works out! :)


Aug 26, 2009
Not to take the thread on a tangent, but:

If there is a pre-nuptial agreement and the marriage doesn't work out, how much weight will the pre-nup truly have in a Dominican court? Has anyone on the board had any experience in the matter?

And to the OP:
What exactly is your reason for wanting a pre-nup? And why is she opposed? What is your nationality? Have you consulted with an attorney regarding your options?

My personal opinion: unless you can convince me otherwise with your answers to the above questions, you should not get married.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Personally, I think that whenever one person has substantially more assets than another, or if they have children from a prior relationship that they want to insure inherit something, a pre-nup should be the first thing done - before marrying. Regardless of the country.

And don't get me started on the women who get new wills signed while their husbands are on their death beds. I personally know two wealthy men on their 2nd marriages that that happened to - their children and grandchildren got zippo. Trophy wives walked away with millions.

Does anyone know if a pre-nup would outweigh a deathbed will???



Apr 20, 2011
Good Morning, A prenup is a contract between two parties so any change has to be mutually agreed on not unilateral. A prenup cannot change the rights under Dominican law of inheritance. In order to be valid and withstand litigation both parties to a prenup should have independent lawyers and of course be in the language that both parties can understand.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The House

wow...just a question from a gringa..why would you marry someone and ask for a prenup unless you have millions (maybe you do, not judging) and the person you are marrying has same financial circumstances...

Because the house, contents, novia and her family will be in the DR.
Once she lives in the house for an extended period it may not be so easy to reclaim his property, if things don't work out.


Jun 10, 2008

wow...just a question from a gringa..why would you marry someone and ask for a prenup unless you have millions (maybe you do, not judging) and the person you are marrying has same financial circumstances...

I think often people who want a prenup are the ones who do not have millions. They dont want to loose what they have after a few years of marriage. And maybe they are not even certain themselves if it will work out but want to give it a try.


*** I love DR1 ***
Dec 23, 2009
If you're assets are in another country, maybe it is not such a worry. bUt don't sponser her for any type of visa. If the assets are in the DR--I have no idea. My wife had no problem with signing. She knew the attorney and at the time she was studying to become one. The attorney prepared it off a computer program as a normal pre-nup. He didn't understand some specifics I wanted---called another one that spoke english and provision for possible children was inserted. My wife had no problem at all. Keep in mind, many people in the DR are not formally married--no papers or anything. If the love of your life has a problem, you should heed what the other posters are saying.It would be interesting if Mr. Guzman will add info as to any Common Law marriage laws existing in the DR as in the US. If you have no children with this girl; Don't!!! Untill the issue is squared away. While child support there may seem cheap, you will pay dearly to see your children, not to mention possible problems entering and exiting the DR. My wife and I have been happily married for 8 yrs. I would never bother with the formality again. If she is demanding this and no prenup--- for sure "RUN FOREST RUN".


Apr 11, 2010
The determining factor is going to be where you establish your residence in the last year or so of your marriage,and the laws for that particular jurisdiction, I know love is a wonderful thing NoW,but...ask the hulk married over 30 years, his x not only cleaned his clock..she is writting a book claiming the hulk's homosexsual tendencies with other fighters.We live in a world with a culture for this kinds of things.


Jun 13, 2009
let me get this straight.

She is the love of your life, but you want a prenup. Smart thing to do in any country. But she refuses to want one, or apparently even discuss it.

This should be sign nr 1 for you.

Now you want info on how you can protect your property and your belongings, without her knowing it.

Sign nr 2

To the OP. Have a very close look at, and think deeply about your attraction to this girl/woman. I think something is not right here...


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
wow...just a question from a gringa..why would you marry someone and ask for a prenup unless you have millions (maybe you do, not judging) and the person you are marrying has same financial circumstances...

Why would anyone with any assets want to get married without a pre-nup? Unless it’s two newly adult individuals with nothing or two people who have spent many years accumulating assets together before marriage, the idea that everything that they own should go into a collective pot and become community property at the instant of marriage, is ridiculous.

Personally, I think that whenever one person has substantially more assets than another, or if they have children from a prior relationship that they want to insure inherit something, a pre-nup should be the first thing done - before marrying. Regardless of the country.

And don't get me started on the women who get new wills signed while their husbands are on their death beds. I personally know two wealthy men on their 2nd marriages that that happened to - their children and grandchildren got zippo. Trophy wives walked away with millions.

Does anyone know if a pre-nup would outweigh a deathbed will???


I think the pre-nup would only be pertinent in the event of a pre-death parting, and the will would the controlling document in the event of death.

Good Morning, A prenup is a contract between two parties so any change has to be mutually agreed on not unilateral. A prenup cannot change the rights under Dominican law of inheritance. In order to be valid and withstand litigation both parties to a prenup should have independent lawyers and of course be in the language that both parties can understand.

Is it necessary for all parties in a contract to be represented by their own lawyer for a contract to be valid in the Dominican Republic, or is that just for marriages?
For the record my friend is not a hooker, pimpette or trash lady... she's well educated

If she is all that then why this statement???? ( i want to distance my estate as far from 'her' as legally possible.)

But on a serious note if you have a gut feeling and feel a need to do this then get away from her as fast as possible. Always trust your insticts.


Apr 11, 2004
If the girl is marrying for love she would sign anything to be with you. If not? Well you figure it out.............


Apr 11, 2004
There are only two reasons that she would not sign a pre- nup.

Either she has more money than you and she wants to keep it.
Or you have more money than her and she wants to get it.

Anything else is BS.