What would you ask Leonel Fernandez?

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
If you are elected President, will you:

1) Establish a Civil Service Commission to administer examinations for the various Government jobs, based on education, knowledge and ethics. Provide that the job, once filled will be permanent and not subject to clientismic manipulation, thereby assuring continuity of tenure, except for just cause. Establish what just causes would be for removal and assure that such was not/could not be used politically?

2) Establish a legal system capable of acting without regard to political pressures; with a capability of having recall for cause?

3) Establish a system of impeachment for corrupt officials at all levels for malfeasence in office and law(s) capable of, and enforced by appropriate authority.

4) Establish Law(s) limitating the Presidency so that the occupier of that office cannot, without consent of the Legislative Bodies and Courts, arbitrarily act to the detriment of the country?

5) Cause to be written and taught, a true History of the Country, Establish such as a requirement for all students. Cause to be taught, as an additional requirement, the rules and practice of good citizenship, Civics, Ethics, and other philosophies as may be determined appropriate by a committee on Education?

6) Emphasize the need for a broad education from kindergarten through High School, provide properly educated instructors, schoolrooms and other plant equipment necessary.

I could go on and on, but that's the meat of the questions I have. You are an educated man, make proper use of that education and lift you people out of the "Peon" conditions in which they live.

Texas Bill

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
Business Question

Sr Leonel

Are you going to build a free zone close to the border in Jimani providing transportation and training to this people.? Its can help the border to develop.

There are many ways to invest in proyects that can make the island to make money and solve so many problem. Have you ever think that if you make a very good job trying to make the Dominican Rep. the best independent island over the world?

* Investing and having good manager commited to his responsabilities. Thats why there are many corrupt because the gov. never make them pay for mistake.

Homer Simpson
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New member
Dec 29, 2003

One simple question: Mr. President, how does it feel to have to provide solutions for people whom refuse to take any steps toward solving the problems themselves? ( Apply this question to any of the following problems: Taxes, income, education, corruption... etc.)

By the way, leadership of those who are prepared to cause change is Democracy. Leadership of lemmings is plain lemming-leading.


Mar 5, 2003
How much are you willing to compromise with the PRD in order to govern against their congress?

Have you learned anything from the past?

How are you going to convince foreign investors to return after what has happened with Union Fenosa and other foreign capital?


Jan 10, 2002
Dr. Fernandez,

Will you be a true leader? A President who actually has a vision and who, in a hundred years, history will recall as a builder of his country? Or under you will the DR remain a country shrugging its shoulders at difficult solutions and continually open its palm to a handout instead of making the bed it sleeps in thereby becoming a nation?


New member
Dec 7, 2003

How will you define your leadership? Using power to serve yourself and your compadres? Or spurning the usual task of your predesessors, building on their temporary personal financial wealth, in order to build the true and lasting wealth of a healthy and prosperous people? People who can look forward to a future of making this a better country for their children? Do you realize a true leader serves the people, not uses them? If, as the history of this country shows, that men who try to build a legacy to their ego are remembered with scorn, will you show that building the country for the betterment of it's people will leave a legacy greater than any president before you?

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002
Are you in favour of the destruction of the pristine beaches and land around Bahia de los Aguilas by development of hotels or would you limit construction of tourist businesses to north of Cabo Rojo?


Jun 19, 2003
....knowing that when you were president, the prd and its supporters organised many successful general strikes, why, when hipolito was president, and you knew things were going so badly, couldn't you get your wussy band of a party together to do the same thing against the prd?

...knowing that nobody in this country seems to have a very long term memory, and knowing that the current administration has probably already taken everything there is left to take, why do you want to bother to be president again if you know there is no money left to fill your own pockets?

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
Question about Prices Leonel

Eggs 1 unitt $5 Pesos
Bread 1 unit $5 pesos
rice 1 pound $20 pesos
Chicken 1 pound $25 pesos

Are you going to complain or are you going to low the price to the regular price?

Leon, Don't tell me that is imported I'm sick to heard that answer

One more question.

If buying the oil to US or Venezuela is that spensive for the country as concecuency pushing you to raise the price of food items and some others thing.

Why you don't deal with Cuba, Brazil, Europe or Russia who ever sell oil cheaper to you "Oh please don't tell me that Euro its so far and it will take 5 year to get to the DR"

Sr. Leonel the country is crying tears of blood is not your fault but please take care selecting your people as ministers. Please look at the moral and education capacity before put some one to represent the Country out side and inside.

Every of your guys need to do declaration of propierties and declaration of bank acount, also non politician is allow to have international bank acount.

I hope you are reading our question and please just say some thing if you got to read it.

Honorable Homer Simpson


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Dead Serious!


I would ask him not what his being president of his country can do for him, but rather while being the president WHAT HE CAN DO FOR HIS COUNTRY!

That should cover all the issues. Let him explain them one by one. I guaran damn tee it he will never cover all the serious issues.

Regards, PL


Mar 5, 2003
At this point I would ask...

If he thinks his candidacy has reached a top in the polls and if he thinks his popularity is still growing.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
What did you agree to with other members of the "Harvard 'Good Ole Boy' Club" when you confered with the IMF recently???

I hope it was to agree to get the country back on a reliable financial, economic and political track!!!

I think your people have had enough of being lied to on all matters of importance!

Good Luck!!

Texas Bill


Nov 19, 2002
i would ask him if he thinks a large investment on energy producing wind mills would be a feasible alternative for the dominican republic?


Mar 5, 2003
principe said:
i would ask him if he thinks a large investment on energy producing wind mills would be a feasible alternative for the dominican republic?

Actually I heard one of his close colaborators and ex-CDE frontman say he was interested in the subject of alternative energies as a way to save money on the Fuel Bill we get every month and that they were going to incentivate that sector thru tax cuts.
Then again, its campaign time when all sorts of promises get made.


Oct 6, 2003
se?ol, dostol president?simo LeoneRRR: no habr? un carguito por ah? pa' mi? ut? sabe que yo s? hacel bien muchas cosas,... quiere que le brille las botas? o tal v? me puede pon? a mand? en algo chiquititico, como la secretar?a de obra p?blica o adminitradol de la aduana? s? ombe, manito, d?me algo que yo sufr? mucho con el PPH y ahora nos toca a nosotro.
that's the typical lamb?n question for the presidente

A bit more seriously though, I would like to know, Mr. President, How can you help make this country's judiciary stronger and truly independent from executive maipulation? Will you be able to make transparency in public management a reality? Will you consider the dollarization of the economy?



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Tordok said:
se?ol, dostol president?simo LeoneRRR: no habr? un carguito por ah? pa' mi? ut? sabe que yo s? hacel bien muchas cosas,... quiere que le brille las botas? o tal v? me puede pon? a mand? en algo chiquititico, como la secretar?a de obra p?blica o adminitradol de la aduana? s? ombe, manito, d?me algo que yo sufr? mucho con el PPH y ahora nos toca a nosotro.
that's the typical lamb?n question for the presidente

So true! I was just imagining that anyone remotely connected with him is being bombarded with these calls and visits right now. "Como tu 'ta pegao..."



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Tordok said:
A bit more seriously though, I would like to know, Mr. President, How can you help make this country's judiciary stronger and truly independent from executive maipulation? Will you be able to make transparency in public management a reality? Will you consider the dollarization of the economy?


Well, for the judiciary part, they should start by moving the entire judiciary sector of the government to Santiago or Puerto Plata. Make them be as far away as possible from Santo Domingo. Counting on the fact that communication between the two will be hard to make (due to power cuts and lengthy trips) between the Judiciary and the Executive, the Judiciary might be able to work with less pressure. Besides, with the Judiciary living in Puerto Plata or Santiago they don't have to worry too much about running into their executive counterparts at a store or on a red light somewhere! Just a thought.

The transparency in public management could very easily be proven if the government could have a legitimate backlash to every insult and blame the opposition throws in. In fact, Dominicans tend to listen more to the opposition when a party is in government, thus they listen to the "Come solo" statements in 2000 elections and voted for Hippo, despite the DR having an economic growth rate of 8% per year, inflation at 6%, and a stable exchange rate and inflow of foreign investment, not to mention confidence levels very high. The key is having a plan to backlash every insult from the opposition. I think most governments (except PRD right now) do a great job in office, considering the temptations to steal millions when you have a six figure income with the potential of being a millionare by stealing and also other factors, I think the DR government officials do well. If only there was more money so that more things could be done!

About the Dollarization, though that would be good for the current economic sphere of things with the DR being tight with the U.S. economy as a litch. The government should find a way to promote Dominican owned companies to further expand into other fields such as manufacturing and such. The DR still has a potential to produce a lot more than it is actually producing. If Dominican companies become bigger and much more influential at least in the Caribbean basin, the DR will rely less on the Dollar and increase demand for the Peso. Of course, after such thing if the Dollar still proves to be a major obstacle, then we can talk about Dollarization. But for now, lets try our best on standing on our own two feet, if we find that we need a cane then will consider it, but after we try.

In my opinion, these are things that should be done or elaborated upon by any government party that takes power.