What's next for the PLD and will Abinader abuse his power now?


Jul 10, 2004
Two things you need to know as a newcomer. One Don't bet on this being the Last Term for Luis.

I do not expect Luis to change the constitution so he can run again. But I cannot predict the future.
Two .. The low turnout was because Dominicans knew the same thing we knew. The election was a walkover................When it is not the turnout is as high as any Country.............
That I agree with. Nobody else stood a chance.


Jul 10, 2004
This will be a interesting journey, however if I ran office, these fools would be in jell cell before you know it. Corruption needs to end, period.
With respect to drugs, it will never end as it is being dealt with. Period.


Jul 10, 2004
One comment I'll make: Miriam has been more successful in the fight against drug trafficking than anyone I have ever seen before.
That just means someone new is stepping up.
There is hardly a day that goes by without news about another bust, and not just minimal quantities.
So there is a lot of motivation for others with such large shipments. Nobody is lacking for product in the markets that are served.
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Jul 10, 2004
Not if I run the office. These losers will have their life ended if they are caught. That would send a strong bold message, drugs are not welcome on DR soil.
That would not stop it. Although it would be interesting to watch. There is WAY too much money to be made.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
All of what you referenced has to do mainly with external matters... But the truly smart politician knows that an election is won between the ears of the voter... And that this is what has to be won, in one way or another, long before election day. And if a politician can convince the vote that their best interests are being looked after... Even if they are not... Then you will have a group of voters who are for you simply because it's what they've been led to believe will be good for them.

The psychology of how to win an election makes a very interesting read.
Unfortunately in the Times we currently live in , Elections are won by The People who COUNT the VOTES.
Everything you say would be correct, in a Perfect World..
Unfortunately this is not what we currently are living through, in almost every other part of the world.
Not to go off Topic. but do you really believe that Politicians who are Polar Opposites on almost All Issues really win by Margins of less than one percent ?
Election after Election , same Charade .

So it is refreshing to see a REAL Election . Where a Candidate runs with such a Large Margin.
This was the only Point to my comment..
But thank you for your Insight.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Not if I run the office. These losers will have their life ended if they are caught. That would send a strong bold message, drugs are not welcome on DR soil.
That idea would never be allowed/accepted. From sending Haitians to Africa (no clue why) and killing "losers" (assume you mean drug dealers) if caught, you do have some extreme ideas.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I could probably be convinced the death penalty is acceptable if found guilty in a court of law.
Jan 9, 2004
That idea would never be allowed/accepted. From sending Haitians to Africa (no clue why) and killing "losers" (assume you mean drug dealers) if caught, you do have some extreme ideas.
To a great extent, that attitude was allowed and it indeed flourished..................................under Trujillo............



Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Election after Election , same Charade . . . . So it is refreshing to see a REAL Election . Where a Candidate runs with such a Large Margin.
This was the only Point to my comment.."
I'm thinking that all elections are "...REAL..."... Even those that are manipulated/rigged/fraudulent... Because, in the end, there's a government that comes to power... And that's as real as human society gets.

But I got what you were saying... That outwardly things seemed on the up and up... Which is good.

My point was simply that there is a matter that usurps even the seemingly above-board election process... And that's the possible psychological manipulation of the minds of the voters.

If you've won the minds of the voters before they go to the polling station, then you've won the election before it's actually taken place physically.

Back in the '70s in Trinidad, the government introduced the DEWD program, one designed and implemented for the purpose of being a source of government patronage to PNM (political party in power) supporters and a mechanism to lubricate and build up party support for elections. DEWD workers would turn up for some ad-hoc sidewalk cleaning work around maybe 9 am, and then leave before noon. And they would be paid a full day's wage out of the government coffers (Trinidad was at the time flush with petrodollars). Out of this came a manipulated mindset as this kind of easy money made the voters happy.

These voters really didn't care what the government was doing, they just showed up to get paid and would vote accordingly when the time came to vote.
And Eric Williams, considered to have a brilliant mind, and who was prime minister of Trinidad for some twenty-five years straight, won each election (every four years) by huge margins... In '71 he had 84% of the vote and his party won all 41 seats in the House of Representatives.

It's good to be aware of these things.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
To a great extent, that attitude was allowed and it indeed flourished..................................under Trujillo............

The drug trade has never gone away, and it may never. However, many liked Trujillo for the reason you mentioned.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
If you've won the minds of the voters before they go to the polling station, then you've won the election before it's actually taken place physically. ""
100% Proven FALSE . Sorry you are not grasping this .

You speak in Theories and Hypotheticals
The World is a completely different place than it was just a few Decades ago, or perhaps we were always Naive to think we the People actually ELECTED people into Power.
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Jul 10, 2004
So for Luis and some empty previous promises:

Please build the Cabarete Bypass that was started and stopped

Please widen Route 5 from Puerto Plata to Gaspar Hernandez to 4 lanes, which was promised and never started.

Please build the Ambar Highway from La Grand Parada to Santiago. Which is a thought and not a project

And in addition: Please kick the people off El Choco National Park Wetlands where they were allowed live illegally by a former now dead mayor.


Jul 10, 2004
Please give me the URL of an example, Windy
Just read the news. Every day, Every week, Every month, Every year. Over and over and over...

I will send you a PM since DR1 does not support this kind of thing. Perhaps you can post it later.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Just read the news. Every day, Every week, Every month, Every year. Over and over and over...

I will send you a PM since DR1 does not support this kind of thing. Perhaps you can post it later.
Posting a link to support your post about this administration/current policies and the drug trade "encouraged to flourish" is most definitely supported by DR1. So, stop your drama Windeguy.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
Windy, if you are blaming Dominican Govt Policies and not an actual Person/ or People , can you at least give an example of such a " Policy" which encourages the Drug Trade ?
( just as an example, not going off topic, in NYC, they made a Law, that for under $1,000 of shoplifting , and there is no Jail time, so the DIRECT result was massive organized Shoplifting/ Looting)
.. can you site such an example with respect to the Drug Trade flowing through the DR and beyond ?
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Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
100% Proven FALSE . Sorry you are not grasping this .

You speak in Theories and Hypotheticals
The World is a completely different place than it was just a few Decades ago, or perhaps we were always Naive to think we the People actually ELECTED people into Power.
Really... Are you that obtuse regarding the reality of "...the completely different place..." that is today's world?

It seems that the function of a lobbyist has gone right over your head, jd426.