You ever thing that your way of thinking may be what's flawed?? JD has it right. Only Haitians can fix Haiti.. You unfortunately seem to be of the mind that the world owes Haiti.. Especially the French.. Poor Poor Haiti.. The world should all band together and pay reparations to every Haitian for the centuries of raping Haiti of their natural resources and taking advantage of the god fearing wonderful Haitians.. Haitians are not responsible for anything that's wrong with their country.. There is no corruption. No gangs that go unchecked in areas of the nation spreading chaos, misery and death to those who oppose them.. The world needs to pay, and all of Haiti would then be able to recover and be one of the greatest and productive nations in the world !!! You're dreaming dude..
I've worked on so many water plant projects on Haiti for so many years.. Haiti is one of two countries in the Caribbean where I've seen dead people bloating on the side of the road while in a government vehicle being escorted to a water plant for my own safety.. What struck me as really odd was that to the government guys.. This was no big deal and normal.. Haiti is and has been for decades seriously messed up.. Have organizations like the Clinton Foundation or Richard Branson made millions off of aid while screwing Haiti?? You bet, but until Haitians take responsibility for what's going on in their own country and stop trying to blame everyone else for everything wrong in Haiti, the "Blah-Blah" will continue. It's not our fault.. We're the victims.. you need to pay.. How about get off your duff, take responsibility for your own people, get real about what's wrong, and do something to make Haiti better..