Dear all,
I am sure that most of us have already read these couple of articles on today's Listin Diario, but just in case someone needs to, please read Yaqui Nu?ez, Pablo McKinney, and the Editorial.
It is a very gloomy road ahead of us. I fully agree with HB, this government is taking us down the pipe big times.
We have talked about the level of tolerance that the dominican population is showing these days but please let's not forget what happened in 1984 with Salvador's government. The results of that Poblada are still right there.
We can also take examples of the situation in Argentina, Venezuela, Haiti, and others in L.A.
It is my personal opinion that this is exactly what a government in these circumstances is expecting, and that action will give the excuse they need to kill the population one more time, and blame it on them.
It will also bring more desgracias to our already overloaded dominicans fellas, it will close the door more to tourism.
Violence brings violence, it is not rocket science. We cannot afford anymore to lose our sons in the hands of the ungraceful.
We all know the reality about the PRD's government. It is right there. and has been since the first day they stepped into power with Guzman. It is a government made of capos, mafiosos, and invidual interest.