25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It celebrates the life of the Mirabal sisters who bravely resisted dictator Trujillo. The day was established by the United Nations in 1981 to raise awareness against gender-based violence.
There is much more that has to happen to put a stop to the social scourge. Local media highlight the recent femicides that bring to light that local policies and actions to combat violence against women are not working.
The media reports on several recent tragic cases of which a cuadruple murder over the weekend stands out. It is the case of 25-years old Leyda Vicente Sánchez was murdered by her spouse Rubén Darío Jiménez Pérez who is on the run. In this case, Jiménez also killed Vicente’s 52-year old mother, her brother-in-law, and her father.
The Abinader administration announces the installation of 12 battered women shelters and subsidies of RD$10,000 to these. The government says that they will be unfolding a national campaign to educate people and try to prevent the femicides.
Read more in Spanish:
N Digital
11 November 2020