
Power barge off a white sand beach in Azua?

Muckraking journalist Altagracia Salazar warns of the installation of a power barge in a beach area in Azua. Salazar warns that the 200-megawatt power barge would be installed near Playa de los Negros, a pristine beach area. She questions the installation of the barge in a province that is working to position itself as a tourism destination taking advantage of its beaches.

Salazar says that barge installation had been rejected for the Boca Chica beach area in December 2021. She mentions the Karpowership company leading the initiative had been accused of corruption and even convicted in other countries.

Barges installed in the Ozama River have become a nightmare situation due to the complicities with past authorities and lack of action of the present authorities.

Salazar says the Powership Azua has received a land use permit from the municipality and a Ministry of Environment permit for the installation of power towers. She says the most recent permit was issued by the present authorities of the Ministry of Environment for the installation of power transmission and power lines.

Altagracia Salazar said that a Google search for the Powership Azua chief officer Carlos Roberto Matamoros Bregni indicates he is president of a Panamanian company. She is concerned the search did not show Matamoros related as staff of a recognized power company.

El Dinero newspaper had reported on 19 May 2022 that the government had urgently contracted a barge from the company Karadeniz PowerShip, to contribute 200 megawatts to the system. El Dinero reports that the entry of this barge could be irregular, since its participation through public bidding was rejected by the Superintendence of Electricity (SIE), because it did not comply with the established specifications.

A search on Google reveals that Kardeniz Holding is a Turkey-based company.

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Altagracia Salazar Sin Maquillaje
ATV Azua
El Dinero
Kardeniz Holding

25 August 2022